Add this commands to your cron tab and don't forget to set the same PHP timezone "UTC" in the php.ini file of php and php-cli.
Currencies update:
17 0 * * * php <path-to-your-app>bin/console cocorico:currency:update --env=dev
Bookings expiration:
0 */1 * * * php <path-to-your-app>bin/console cocorico:bookings:expire --env=dev
Bookings validation:
0 */1 * * * php <path-to-your-app>bin/console cocorico:bookings:validate --env=dev
Bookings bank wires checking:
0 */1 * * * php <path-to-your-app>bin/console cocorico:bookings:checkBankWires --env=dev
Bookings expiring alert:
*/15 * * * * php <path-to-your-app>bin/console cocorico:bookings:alertExpiring --env=dev
Bookings imminent alert:
*/15 * * * * php <path-to-your-app>bin/console cocorico:bookings:alertImminent --env=dev
Listings calendar update alert:
0 0 27 * * php <path-to-your-app>bin/console cocorico:listings:alertUpdateCalendars --env=dev
Listings platform notation computing (Optional. ListingSearchBundle must be enabled):
30 2 * * * php <path-to-your-app>bin/console cocorico_listing_search:computeNotation --env=dev
Accept or refuse bookings from SMS (Optional. SMSBundle must be enabled)
* * * * * php <path-to-your-app>bin/console cocorico_sms:bookings:acceptOrRefuseFromSMS --env=dev
Check phone user from SMS (Optional. SMSBundle must be enabled)
* * * * * php <path-to-your-app>bin/console cocorico_sms:users:checkPhoneFromSMS --env=dev
Alert user if new listings are found (Optional. ListingAlertBundle must be enabled)
0 3 * * * php <path-to-your-app>bin/console cocorico_listing_alert:alertNewListingsFound --env=dev
Generate Sitemap (Optional. ListingSeoBundle must be enabled)
0 4 * * * php <path-to-your-app>bin/console cocorico_seo:sitemap:generate --env=dev
Generate Bookings deposit refund (Optional. ListingDepositBundle must be enabled)
*/15 * * * * php <path-to-your-app>bin/console cocorico_listing_deposit:bookings:generateDepositRefund --env=dev
Check Booking Deposit refund payments (Optional. ListingDepositBundle must be enabled)
*/15 * * * * php <path-to-your-app> bin/console cocorico_listing_deposit:bookings:checkDepositsRefund --env=dev