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ethrex L2 Prover



The shipping/deploying process and the Prover itself are under development.


The prover consists of two main components: handling incoming proving data from the L2 proposer, specifically the prover_server component, and the zkVM. The prover_client is responsible for this first part, while the zkVM serves as a RISC-V emulator executing code specified in crates/l2/prover/zkvm/interface/guest/src. Before the zkVM code (or guest), there is a directory called interface, which indicates that we access the zkVM through the "interface" crate.

In summary, the prover_client manages the inputs from the prover_server and then "calls" the zkVM to perform the proving process and generate the groth16 ZK proof.


The Prover Server monitors requests for new jobs from the Prover Client, which are sent when the prover is available. Upon receiving a new job, the Prover generates the proof, after which the Prover Client sends the proof back to the Prover Server.

    participant zkVM
    participant ProverClient
    participant ProverServer
    ProverClient->>+ProverServer: ProofData::Request
    ProverServer-->>-ProverClient: ProofData::Response(block_number, ProverInputs)
    ProverClient->>+zkVM: Prove(ProverInputs)
    zkVM-->>-ProverClient: Creates zkProof
    ProverClient->>+ProverServer: ProofData::Submit(block_number, zkProof)
    ProverServer-->>-ProverClient: ProofData::SubmitAck(block_number)



  • RISC0
    1. curl -L | bash
    2. rzup install cargo-risczero 1.2.0
  • SP1
    1. curl -L | bash
    2. sp1up --version 4.1.0
  • Pico
    1. cargo +nightly install --git pico-cli
    2. rustup install nightly-2024-11-27
    3. rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly-2024-11-27
  • SOLC

After installing the toolchains, a quick test can be performed to check if we have everything installed correctly.

Quick Test

To test the zkvm execution quickly, the following test can be run:

cd crates/l2/prover

Then run any of the targets:

  • make perf-pico
  • make perf-risc0
  • make perf-sp1

Dev Mode

To run the blockchain (proposer) and prover in conjunction, start the prover_client, use the following command:

make init-prover T="prover_type (pico,risc0,sp1,exec) G=true"

select the "exec" backend whenever it's not desired to generate proofs, like in a CI environment.

Run the whole system with the prover

  1. cd crates/l2
  2. make rm-db-l2 && make down
    • It will remove any old database, if present, stored in your computer. The absolute path of libmdbx is defined by data_dir.
  3. cp config_example.toml config.toml → check if you want to change any config.
  4. make init
    • Make sure you have the solc compiler installed in your system.
    • Init the L1 in a docker container on port 8545.
    • Deploy the needed contracts for the L2 on the L1.
    • Start the L2 locally on port 1729.
  5. In a new terminal → make init-prover T=(risc0 or sp1).

After this initialization we should have the prover running in dev_mode → No real proofs.

GPU mode

Steps for Ubuntu 22.04 with Nvidia A4000:

  1. Install docker → using the Ubuntu apt repository
    • Add the user you are using to the docker group → command: sudo usermod -aG docker $USER. (needs reboot, doing it after CUDA installation)
    • id -nG after reboot to check if the user is in the group.
  2. Install Rust
  3. Install RISC0
  4. Install CUDA for Ubuntu
    • Install CUDA Toolkit Installer first. Then the nvidia-open drivers.
  5. Reboot
  6. Run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev pkg-config libclang-dev clang
echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >> ~/.bashrc

Proving Process Test

To test the zkvm proving process using a gpu quickly, the following test can be run:

cd crates/l2/prover

Then run any of the targets:

  • make perf-pico-gpu
  • make perf-risc0-gpu
  • make perf-sp1-gpu

Run the whole system with a GPU Prover

Two servers are required: one for the prover and another for the proposer. If you run both components on the same machine, the prover may consume all available resources, leading to potential stuttering or performance issues for the proposer/node.

  1. prover_client/zkvm → prover with gpu, make sure to have all the required dependencies described at the beginning of Gpu Mode section.
    1. cd ethrex/crates/l2
    2. cp config_example.toml config.toml and change the prover_server_endpoint entry under the [prover.client] section with the ip of the other server.

The important variables are:

  • Finally, to start the prover_client/zkvm, run:
    • make init-prover T=(risc0 or sp1) G=true
  1. prover_server/proposer → this server just needs rust installed.
    1. cd ethrex/crates/l2
    2. cp config_example.toml config.toml and change the addresses and the following fields:
      • [prover.server] listen_ip= → used to handle the tcp communication with the other server.
      • The COMMITTER and PROVER_SERVER_VERIFIER must be different accounts, the DEPLOYER_ADDRESS as well as the L1_WATCHER may be the same account used by the COMMITTER.
      • [deployer]
        • salt_is_zero=false → set to false to randomize the salt.
      • sp1_deploy_verifier = true overwrites sp1_contract_verifier. Check if the contract is deployed in your preferred network or set to true to deploy it.
      • risc0_contract_verifier = 0xd9b0d07CeCd808a8172F21fA7C97992168f045CA → risc0’s verifier contract deployed on Sepolia. (Check the if the contract is deployed in your preferred network). An analog variable called sp1_contract_verifier exists for SP1.
      • Set the [eth] rpc_url to any L1 endpoint.


Make sure to have funds, if you want to perform a quick test 0.2[ether] on each account should be enough.

  • Finally, to start the proposer/l2 node, run:
    • make rm-db-l2 && make down
    • make deploy-l1 && make init-l2


The following environment variables are available to configure the prover:

  • PROVER_SERVER_LISTEN_IP: IP used to start the Server.
  • PROVER_SERVER_LISTEN_PORT: Port used to start the Server.
  • PROVER_CLIENT_PROVER_SERVER_ENDPOINT: Prover Server's Endpoint used to connect the Client to the Server.
  • PROVER_SERVER_VERIFIER_ADDRESS: The address of the account that sends the zkProofs on-chain and interacts with the OnChainProposer verify() function.
  • PROVER_SERVER_VERIFIER_PRIVATE_KEY: The private key of the account that sends the zkProofs on-chain and interacts with the OnChainProposer verify() function.


The PROVER_SERVER_VERIFIER account must differ from the COMMITTER_L1 account.