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Releases: lajohnston/smslib

0.5.0 - Improved input and error handling

07 Apr 12:16
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New features

  • Improved input handling (input.ifPressed, input.ifHeld, input.ifReleased, ifXDirPressed etc)
  • Assert macro arguments at assemble-time to fail fast and provide user-friendly messages
  • Various optimisations
  • Adds smslib-zest.asm helper for integration with Zest projects

Breaking changes

  • The user overridable setting .defines are now capitalised for consistency with others consts (values that are only set once)
  • interrupts.handleVBlank and interrupts.handleHBlank renamed to interrupts.ENABLE_VBLANK and interrupts.ENABLE_HBLANK

0.4.0 - Scrolling tilemap support and naming convention changes

09 Mar 18:51
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New features

  • Lots of tilemap improvements, including scrolling support (metatiles and raw tiles)
  • input.loadADirX and input.loadADirY
  • palette.loadRGB
  • tilemap.FLIP_XY attribute
  • Various bug fixes and optimisations

Breaking changes

  • setSlot macros (such as palette.setSlot) replaced with setIndex to save confusion with paging slots
    • Other slot references not related to mapper slots have been renamed
  • Renamed load macros (such as palette.load) to writeBytes
    • Renamed various 'load' and 'send' macro names; procedures that send data to the VDP now start with write, such as writeByte instead of loadByte
  • Requires WLA-DX 10.3+

0.3.0 - Initial release

21 Apr 19:51
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Basics all implemented