Demo configurator for Kingdom Marine yacht company to test basic functionality. This repository includes landing page and configurator logic itself. Click here to check it live, best perfomance and view for now are only achieved in Chrome on MacOS.
Note that only Flybridge model is currently avalaible for customization!
Here is the basic overview of the configurator:
And here you can one section from Main Page and one section from About Us page:
I've also implemented adaptive layout for mobile devices (configurator perfomance is good on mid-tier and high-tier phones):
- Ability to customize yacht exterior and interior details, choose different engines and various optional accessories
- User can click on Summary section and check final price with all selected options in nice overview:
- Dynamic water and surroundings
- Fullscreen mode
- Adaptive layout for most popular devices, perfomance optimization
- Interactive landing with main information
- Vite, React, Typescript
- MobX
- Three, react-three-fiber
- Sass
- Save/restore configuration from localStorage
- Cross-browser optimization
- Refactor landing styles