A Java implementation of http://jsonlogic.com/
A maven release has not yet been made as the library is still under development
String rule = "{\"cat\": [\"I love \", {\"var\":\"filling\"}, \" pie"\]}";
String data = "{"filling":"apple", "temp":110}";
Result result = jsonLogic.apply(rule, data);
String rule = "{\"cat\": [\"I love \", {\"var\":\"filling\"}, \" pie"\]}";
JsonLogicTree tree = jsonLogic.parse(rule);
Result result1 = tree.evaluate("{"filling":"apple", "temp":110}");
Result result2 = tree.evaluate("{"filling":"blueberry", "temp":120}");
Result result3 = tree.evaluate("{"filling":"key lime", "temp":115}");
There are 108 test cases that are contained within the file "BulkTests.txt". Some of the test cases are from http://jsonlogic.com/operations.html while other I wrote. Each line in the file represents a test or a comment. Each line has 2 or 3 components sperated by a tab. The first component is the JsonLogic expression, the second (optional) component is the JSON data object, and the last component is the expected result.
All 108 test cases Pass