- SKFP-1415 Issue: [Sentry] Fixed error for UnhandledRejection: Non-Error promise rejection captured with value: true
- SKFP-1485 Issue:[Sentry] Fixed regex error when searching in the QuickFilter using special characters
- SKFP-1487 Issue:[Sentry] Fixed error on the Global search when data is returned as undefined
- SKFP-1488 Issue:[QuickFilter] Fixed regex error when searching in the QuickFilter using special characters *, +, ?
- SKFP-1429 Feature: [Variant] Implement Somatic Variant Exploration page
- SKFP-1432 Feature: [Entity] Implement Somatic Variant Entity page
- SKFP-1441 Feature: [Entity] Add Search in Somatic DB to Germline entity page
- SKFP-1443 Feature: [Dashboard] Add Saved Filter and Saved Set for both somatic and germline distinguished by tags
- SKFP-1448 Feature: [Variant] Add dropdown select beside title of page to change from somatic to gremlin database
- SKFP-257 Feature [Variant] Add study name on hover to study code in entity page
- SKFP-1379 Issue:[Sentry] Data exploration undefined error
- SKFP-1392 Issue:[Summary] Demographics legend is truncated
- SKFP-1407 Refactor:[Facet] Set Default Operators for numerical range facets
- SKFP-1417 Issue:[Quick Filter] Search does not return all facet names
- SKFP-1404 Issue:[Variant Exploration] Disable Export TSV
- SKFP-1223 Feature:[Variant Exploration] Export TSV Variant
- SKFP-1224 Feature:[Summary View] Add a Sample Type horizontal bar chart
- SKFP-1231 Feature:[Saved Set] Update the feedback message to respect given special characters
- SKFP-1273 Feature:[Reports] Add new biospecimen fields to download biospecimen report
- SKFP-1358 Feature:[Data Exploration] Add Category icon above each facet and in Quick Filter
- SKFP-1365 Feature:[Data Exploration] Add Maximum 10,000 limit modal prior to Analyze in Cavatica modal
- SKFP-1376 Feature:[Data Exploration] Across all horizontal bar charts set the max bars to 10
- SKFP-1387 Feature:[Public Studies] Add Public Studies page
- SKFP-1147 Issue:[Community] Typo in "No Public Members"
- SKFP-1257 Issue:[Quick Filter] Adjusted query pill for diagnosis (MONDO) values
- SKFP-1266 Issue:[Quick Filter] Adjusted Apply button for numerical facets
- SKFP-1274 Issue:[Data Exploration] Search box isn't responsive to delete keystrokes
- SKFP-1285 Issue: [Variant Exploration] Remove double scrollbar
- SKFP-1294 Refactor:[ETL] Update ETL to extract the correct magnetic field strength
- SKFP-1332 Refactor:[ETL] Improve normalize Dataservice step
- SKFP-1333 Issue:[Clinvar] Add missing labels
- SKFP-1334 Issue:[ETL] Missing hash on some files
- SKFP-1354 Refactor:[ETL] Add more imaging fields into the ETL
- SKFP-1357 Refactor: [UI] Update package and dependencies
- SKFP-1360 Issue:[Data Exploration] Error 500 reported by UserSnap and Sentry
- SKFP-1361 Task: [ETL] Update ETL to latest MONDO obo file
- SKFP-1377 Task: [Data Exploration] Remove both Sunburst MONDO & HPO as charts in the summary view
- SKFP-1246 Feature:[Data Exploration] Implement Imaging data column view preset
- SKFP-1249 Feature:[Data Exploration] Add new imaging fields to Data Exploration facets and columns
- SKFP-1262 Feature:[Data Exploration] Add new bio specimen fields to Data Exploration facets and columns
- SKFP-1273 Feature:[Report] Add new biospecimen fields to download sample data report
- SKFP-1286 Feature:[Entity] Add new Imaging Study section for imaging fields in the File Entity page
- SKFP-1295 Feature:[Entity] Add new biospecimen fields to Biospecimen table in the File Entity page
- SKFP-1296 Feature:[Studies] Add an Imaging Column in Studies page
- SKFP-1300 Feature:[Entity] Add Open Flywheel button at the top of the page for imaging files in the File Entity page
- SKFP-1269 Refactor: [Data Exploration] Updated the link to data access support using the new KFDRC website
- SKFP-1299 Refactor: [Entity] Adjusted the Experimental procedure section to be hidden for imaging files
- SKFP-1313 Refactor: [Data exploration & Entity] Adjusted authorization icon and flow for controlled Imaging files governed by the Cavatica DRS
- SKFP-1315 Refactor: [Data Exploration] Adjusted the access url field to display a dash if there are no values 00
- SKFP-1208 Feature: [Landing] Implement revamped Landing page
- SKFP-1281 Issue: [Statistics] Updated the logic to count the number of families in the portal displayed in the statistics banner
- SKFP-1136 Feature: [Data Exploration] Add Phenotype (HPO) & Diagnosis (MONDO) facet view to the Quick Filter search
- SKFP-1207 Feature: [Entity Page] Add Histological diagnoses column to Biospecimen table
- SKFP-809 Issue:[Data Exploration] added missing field for Not Observed Phenotype (HPO) and Observed Phenotype (Source text) in export as TSV
- SKFP-1094 Refactor:[UI] Modified the border property across the platform
- SKFP-1179 Refactor: [Dashboard] Fixed typo in Authorized Studies widget
- SKFP-1222 Issue: [Data Exploration] Remove repeated Phenotype (HPO) in the table for a given participant
- SKFP-1235 Refactor:[Data Exploration] Adjusted the alignment of the Quick Filter buttons
- SKFP-1219 Issue: [UI] Adjust color for empty data
- SKFP-1227 Task: [Tools] Add Sentry to catch error logs
- SKFP-1094 Refactor: [UI] New border property for the "descriptions" component
- SKFP-1243 Issue: [Community] Error 500
- SKFP-740 Feature: [Data Exploration] Adjust the format of the Diagnosis (NCIT) field
- SKFP-1010 Feature: [Cavatica] Add disconnect button on CAVATICA connection error
- SKFP-1172 Feature: [Phenotypes] Update HPO browser to use the new ferlab-ui components
- SKFP-1184 Feature: [Registration] Implement email input box for newsletter
- SKFP-374 Refactor: [User Profile & Registration] Remove Persona - only use Users-API
- SKFP-839 Issue: [Community] Search only takes the first institution word
- SKFP-1134 Issue: [Summary View] Adjust the parameter to not auto-adjust the width of the Bar charts
- SKFP-1140 Refactor: [UI] Remove Sass and add custom properties
- SKFP-1152 Issue: [UI] Adjust widgets in dashboard colors
- SKFP-1153 Issue: [Biospecimen Request] Share should not update the request
- SKFP-1190 Issue: [Facets] Wrong buttons alignment
- SKFP-1197 Update: [Authentication] Upgrade Keycloak Server to 23
- SKFP-1101 Feature: [Data Exploration] Addition of boolean and range facets to the Quick Filter search
- SKFP-1096 Refactor:[Dashboard] Adjusted color for redirect links
- SKFP-1099 Issue:[Data Exploration] Fixed upload list matched/unmatched entries causing a continuous loading state
- SKFP-1100 Refactor:[Saved Set] Modified notification message for saving a saved set in Variant Exploration
- SKFP-1102 Refactor:[Dashboard] Modify the description of the Variant Workbench widget
- SKFP-1108 Refactor: [UI] Adjusted the style on the default and hover state of the Cancel button in the Quick Filter Search
- SKFP-1109 Refactor: [UI] Adjusted the height of the Quick Filter search box
- SKFP-1112 Refactor: [UI] Adjusted the style on the default and hover state of the Cancel button in the Quick Filter Search
- SKFP-1149 Refactor:[UI] Adjusted the style apply button on the Quick Filter search
- SKFP-1154 Refactor:[Data Exploration] Updated the rules set to display the PedcBioPortal link in the table of results
- SKFP-1155 Issue:[Newsletter] Fixed call to Mailchimp used to opt in users to the KFDRC newsletter
- SKFP-1111 Issue: [Data Exploration] Fix issue when checking a value that exists in multiple facets
- SKFP-1114 Refactor: [Data Exploration] Set both Sunburst MONDO & HPO as non-default charts
- SKFP-1115 Issue: [Cavatica] Removed other metadata fields sent to Cavatica
- SKFP-1031 Feature: [Data Exploration] Implemented a text-based quick filter search tool on multi-select checkbox facets
- SKFP-1082 Refactor:[Variant Workbench] Add feedback messaging regarding user permissions
- SKFP-1086 Issue:[Cavatica] Removed certain metadata fields sent to Cavatica
- SKFP-1087 Refactor: [Data Exploration] Updated the redirects for different studies to the PedcBioportal platform
- SKFP-1088 Refactor:[Variant Workbench] Remove the restriction to access the variant workbench to only Kids First investigators
- SKFP-1090 Refactor:[Dashboard] Moved the Variant Workbench widget to the 3rd dashboard widget
- SKFP-1104 Refactor: [Variant] Modified the display of amino acid change and coding DNA change field
- SKFP-1084 Fix: [Variant Workbench] Fix an issue with launch in cavatica spinning state
- SKFP-1084 Feature: [Variant Workbench] New redirection system
- SKFP-1078 Feature: [Data Exploration] Click on facet name should display the face
- SKFP-1083 Fix: [Variant Workbench] Fixed fences connections status
- SKFP-928 Feature: [Variant Workbench] Implemented Variant Workbench widget to copy variant data into a Cavatica project
- SKFP-1059 Fix: [Entity] Fixed the display of the authorization lock files in the file entity page authorized in the Data Exploration page
- SKFP-1065 Refactor: [Data Exploration] Added ontology term, hyperlink and space on the Histological Diagnosis field formatting
- SKFP-1070 Refactor: [Dashboard] Updated the FHIR URL in the widget to use the new FHIR servers as redirects
- SKFP-1072 Refactor: [Data Exploration] Added the Down syndrome related MONDO diagnoses to the Most Frequent Diagnoses chart
- SKFP-1077 Refactor: [Community] Added the total number of private and public members
- SKFP-1019 Feature: [Study page] Implemented new search by bar above the table of results
- SKFP-1026 Feature: [Summary View] Added Most Frequent Diagnoses/Phenotype graphs
- SKFP-665 Fix: [UI] Updated query bar background color
- SKFP-843 Refactor: [ETL] Adjusted the format of the Histological Diagnosis (MONDO) field
- SKFP-938 Fix:[Facet] Harmonized display of the facet values to the query pills
- SKFP-942 Fix:[Data Exploration] Fixed the sort on select table columns
- SKFP-971 Fix: [Saved Filters/Sets] Fixed the redirect from the browser's back button after using the widget's links
- SKFP-1004 Fix: [Variant] Fixed color adjustments
- SKFP-1009 Fix:[Variant] Aligned functional scores
- SKFP-1011 Refactor: [Participant & File Entity] Updated design of View in exploration button
- SKFP-1013 Refactor: [Variant] Updated the display for variants with no gene consequence
- SKFP-1015 Fix:[Variant] Adjusted the mouse over tooltips in the table
- SKFP-1016 Fix: [Data Exploration] Fixed No data message when the charts is increased in size
- SKFP-1018 Refactor: [Cavatica] Added a loader when copying files to Cavatica
- SKFP-1020 Fix:[QB] Updated the state of the save button of a filter
- SKFP-1021 Fix:[Dashboard] Fixed error on widgets following specific manipulations
- SKFP-1047 Refactor: [Data Exploration & Entity] Updated pedcbioportal studyID link
- SKFP-964 Fix: (Authorized Studies) Various bugs
- SKFP-968 Update: (UI) Update resources dropdown design
- SKFP-985 Fix: (Variant Entity) Do not display NO_GENE
- SKFP-998 Fix: (Studies) Add CBTN id to pedcbioportal map
- SKFP-1001 Fix: (Cavatica) Unauthorized file despite being connected to Fence and Cavatica
- SKFP-1002 Fix: (Dashboard) Mask the Variant Workbench widget
- SKFP-924 Fix: (Dashboard) Fixed various bugs related to the Authorized Studies widget
- SKFP-943 Fix: (Data Exploration) Fixed missing values for Not Observed Phenotype and Observed Phenotype (Source text) in table
- SKFP-944 Fix: (Report) Fixed the missing histological diagnoses values in the download sample data
- SKFP-980 Fix: (Dashboard) Fixed the requirement to refresh to see authorized studies in widget
- SKFP-982 Refactor: (UI) Update palette for hex values
- SKFP-983 Refactor: (UI) Update palette for tag values
- SKFP-988 Refactor: (UI) Update palette for text values
- SKFP-993 Fix: (Data Exploration) Fixed the authorization lock in the table allowing users to copy authorized files to Cavatica
- SKFP-995 Add a see more functionality to RefSeq field
- SKFP-734 Add Tags to Google Analytics 4 to capture user metrics
- SKFP-742 Feature: (Cavatica) Add associated metadata when files are being copied to a Cavatica project
- SKFP-927 Feature: (Studies) Add sort to columns
- SKFP-894 Feature: (Data Exploration) Add search by external ID in facets
- SKFP-815 Fix: (Export TSV) Added the field Platform in
- SKFP-817 Fix: (UI) Fixed various text throughout the platform
- SKFP-845 Refactor: (UI) Upgrade to React 18
- SKFP-890 Fix: (Data Exploration) Fixed loss of positions and buttons for charts upon a window resize
- SKFP-913 Refactor: (Report) Remove Tissue type and source text in biospecimen report
- SKFP-915 Fix: (Data Exploration) Fixed the loss of column position personalization
- SKFP-917 Fix: (Variant Exploration) Adjusted the value for the frequency to show the affected participant frequency and not the allele frequency
- SKFP-918 Fix: (Dashboard) Fixed various defects in Authorized Studies widget
- SKFP-920 Refactor: (Dashboard) Add a spinner to the Authorized Studies widget transition state
- SKFP-926 Fix: (Variant Exploration) Fixed the alternating table row colors
- SKFP-933 Fix: (Data Exploration) Remove the custom pill creation from QB
- SKFP-936 Fix: (Variant Exploration) Updated the CADD field to use the CADD (Phred Score) values and not the CADD (raw)
- SKFP-941 Fix (Data Exploration) Fixed the summary chart position reset button
- SKFP-949 Refactor: (Data Exploration) Add tooltip to disabled state buttons
- SKFP-951 Refactor: (Data Exploration) Display PedcBioportal link only for participants proband=true
- SKFP-953 Refactor: (Data Exploration & Entity page) Remove the option to include family member files if the family count in the file manifest is 0
- SKFP-880 Update: (Variant Table) Update the UI of the variant table
- SKFP-875 Feature: (Data Exploration) Add tooltip on hover for study code
- SKFP-898[Data Exploration & Entity page] Remove Tissue Type (NCIT) and Tissue Type (source text)
- SKFP-663[UI Theme] Les couleurs de src/style/themes/kids-first/colors.less
- SKFP-910 Login with email/pwd crash application
- SKFP-911[Theme / Tags] Do not change text color for links within tags
- SKFP-874 [Authorized Studies] Refactor widget
- SKFP-889 Feature: (Google Analytics) Connect beta portal prd to Google Analytics 4
- SKFP-827 Feature: (Data Exploration) Added accessibility patterns to the graphs and pie charts
- SKFP-767 Refactor: (Study page) Remove the apply and clear button from the facets
- SKFP-815 Fix: (Export TSV) Added the field Platform in the File table export as TSV
- SKFP-831 Refactor: (Facets) Removed the No Data checkbox for numerical range type facets in Variant Exploration
- SKFP-832 Fix: (Saved Filter Dashboard) Fixed the incorrect redirection of the variants saved filters
- SKFP-836 Fix: (Saved Filter QB) Fixed a shared filter url returning an empty query builder
- SKFP-842 Refactor: (Data Exploration & Entity page) Added missing fields and facets to the Data Exploration and entity page
- SKFP-847 Fix: (Data Exploration) Fixed sunburst that would not load when there were no search queries active
- SKFP-850 Fix: (Variant Exploration) Fixed the display of NO_GENES for intergenic consequences which led to an error 500
- SKFP-852 Fix: (Data Exploration) Fixed the recovery of user configs which would cause the portal to crash for certain users
- SKFP-853 Fix: (Data Exploration) Fixed the reset button on the summary view
- SKFP-855 Fix: (Variant Entity) Fixed an error 500 upon clicking on the query pill generated from a Variant entity page study redirect
- SKFP-858 Fix: (Data Exploration) Fixed the cut off on the graph and chart mouseovers
- SKFP-861 Refactor: (Dashboard) Updated the empty state text for the Saved set and Saved filter widgets
- SKFP-863 Refactor: (Data Exploration) Modified naming of column to External Participant ID and removed Age at Outcome in the Participant table
- SKFP-869 Fix: (Data Exploration) Fixed the button to remove charts and graphs in the summary view
- SKFP-870 Fix: (Participant Entity) Fixed participant entity pages that would display no data