This is the final repository for Immersive Spatial Tech
Video Showcase
- Designed the front UI and look of buttons and icons.
- Prepared presentation.
- Providing the Vuforia database and targets
- Made the enemy wave system script
- Made a map texture and tower icons for spawning
- Set up arrangement for global health and money ui
- Setup the asset loading from Azure, including the logic for switching between the different models.
- Implemented the loading for the properties as individual JSON files (one for each object) from Azure into a C# object.
- Added a new scene and implemented a scene transition button.
- Implemented a buy button for the shop to prototype the purchasing process.
- Condensed the shop into a fully-operational dock.
- Added the dock buttons into the UI
- Uploaded the dock buttons to Azure, and added the functionality to load them in.
- Added the functionality to generate a copy of the model (the tower) when the button is clicked.
- Added the functionality to move the model the first time it is clicked, then it is locked in place.
- The damage is determined by the model's attributes.
- Added the global state (for health and money), bound the dock-shop to the global state, and added the textbox that shows the health and money in the UI.
- Added the button to switch between the game and the tower viewer (the scene that we called the shop when originally submitting the assignment)
- Created the UI Layout for shop scene
- Wrote the logic to rotate active object
- Wrote the UIController.cs to programatically control the UI
- Brought the active object to ImageTarget on ARCam
- Helped with the ShopManager.cs
- Added tower controller
- Added bullet controller
- Make tower shoots at enemy object if in range
- Implemented a game manager to store player health and when enemy touches the trigger, player health will be deducted.
- Presented video of our working shop.
- Added rotate/scale for loaded objects
- Created the enemy controller
- Implemented the enemy 3D model
- Help in anchoring UI elements.
- Implement sound system.
- Adding health bar on top of enemies.
- Assisting other teammates.