Average Request Processing Time: ~5ms
Server is an HTTP service written in Go. It retrieves population growth metadata for a given zip and responds to the following endpoint:
GET /zip/{zip}
It is containerized and deployed to Google Cloud Run. The population database (created via the Importer service) is baked into the image when the container is built.
The public URL can be found here: https://server.verrd.com/zip/90065
- BoltDB used as a high performance embedded key-value store
- Database keys are zip codes and values are JSON encoded objects
- Database is added to container image during build step
- Scaleable
- Portable
- Maintainable
- Secure
- Low Utilization and Operational Cost
to this directorygo run main.go
- Verify server responds to
- Build container image:
gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/population-271520/server
- Deploy image to Cloud Run:
gcloud run deploy --image gcr.io/population-271520/server --platform managed
- Add tests
- Optimize Docker image by using
instead ofalpine
- Add CI/CD