pip install git+https://github.com/kenyoni-software/[email protected]
With their default values.
- kny_badge
- kny_common:
# Enable admonition idea
admonition_idea: false
# Enable MathJax
mathjax: false
# Enable tablesort
tablesort: false
- kny_external_link_icon:
# Icon path of material mkdocs icons.
icon: "material/open-in-new"
# Exclude all these links starting with...
# Empty by default.
- "https://docs.godotengine.org"
- kny_godot_ref:
# Godot documentation URL
godot_url: "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable"
- kny_source_ref:
source_url: ""
# Source code URL (e.g. https://github.com/kenyoni-software/project-catta/tree/main)
Create badges, with a left and right text or use shorts for special badges with icons.
{{ kny:badge "left text" }}
{{ kny:badge "left text" "right text" }}
{{ kny:badge "left text" --left-bg --right-bg }}
{{ kny:badge-version "version" }}
{{ kny:badge-version "version" --right-bg }}
{{ kny:badge-experimental "text" }}
{{ kny:badge-experimental "text" --right-bg }}
{{ kny:badge-download "text" }}
{{ kny:badge-download "text" --right-bg }}
Admonition with an idea lamp.
!!! idea "title"
Enable pymdownx.arithmatex
settings with generic: true
and adds MathJax javascripts.
Add the tablesort javascripts.
Adds a small icon to make external links more visible.
Adds an option to link to a class of the Godot Documentation.
{{ kny:godot class_name }}
Create a link relative to your source base path.
{{ kny:source "path/foo bar" }}