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543c16d · Mar 8, 2017


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60 lines (38 loc) · 2.54 KB

Contributing to CircleCI Docs

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the CircleCI documentation.

Note (March 2017): We are currently focusing on creating new documentation for CircleCI 2.0. Documentation for 1.0 will continue to be improved, but will go into maintenance mode in the coming months. If you're considering contributing a completely new article, we encourage you to contribute to the 2.0 documentation found online at or in this repo in /jekyll/_cci2/.

Pull Requests for clarifications, technical accuracy, spelling fixes, and grammar improvements, are always welcome.

Fix or improve an article

For minor changes you can edit the source Markdown file directly on GitHub. The GitHub UI makes it simple to create a Pull Request from the edit screen.

The bottom of every article on has a link direct to the source file on GitHub.

For more extensive editing, fork this repository, clone your fork to your local machine, work on your contribution in a branch, and when ready, open a Pull Request.

Make a suggestion or leave feedback

We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please open a GitHub Issue on this repository. There you can let us know what needs fixing or suggest content for new documantation.

How To Write 2.0 Docs

New articles for CircleCI can be added to the jekyll/_cci2 directory in this repo.


The frontmatter should look like:

layout: classic-docs2
title: "Your Doc Title"
short-title: "Short Title"
categories: [category-slug]
order: 10

Make sure to use classic-docs2 layout for 2.0 docs. The list of categories can be found in categories.yml

order specifies the menu order. You may need to adjust other doc menu orders to get your doc to show in the correct place within its section. (Best practice is to use multiples of 10 - then it's easy to put a new doc between two others).


The docs site includes Bootstrap 3 JS and CSS so you can take advantage of Bootstrap alert boxes and the like.


'Jobs' not 'Builds'

In 2.0, we refer to 1.0 “builds” as “jobs” because each job in 2.0 runs in a separate container.