This is a Spring Boot template to be used as a basic project for teaching purposes but also as a starter kit for spring newcomers and students.
The project is a simple web application:
- authenticate user (default user: admin/admin)
- list users
- add user (only admin user can create new user)
It is based on Spring boot 1.5.3.RELEASE and includes the following components:
- spring-boot-starter-data-jpa for spring-data-jpa support
- spring-boot-starter-web for spring MVC support
- spring-boot-starter-security for Spring security support
- spring-boot-starter-test for Spring test support
Additionally, it includes the following helpful components:
- spring-boot-starter-tomcat and tomcat-embed-jasper to embed a tomcat instance in the application and starts it from maven goals (no tomcat setup required !)
- spring-boot-devtools for hot swapping
- H2 in-memory database for fast development (no local database required !)
For the web part, views are render via Servlets/JSP/JSTL and a webjar containing jquery is available.
You can launch the project via the following maven goal:
mvn spring-boot:run
After few seconds, the web application is available on http://localhost:8080/