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Easily create forms with client side validations.



Want to try it yourself? See the live demo.

This ember-cli addon is based on the following excellent addons

and provides a handy out-of-the-box setup for user-friendly client-side validations, featuring

  • Hiding of validation errors until field has been interacted with (or submit button was pressed)
  • Preventing submit action until form is valid
  • Live-updating validation errors
  • Bootstrap integration
  • Disabled submit button while async task is executed


*Yet another ember form addon

There are many existing ember addons with this style of API, the most prominent probably being ember-form-for. With this addon, we want to:

  • focus on forms that require client-side validations
  • provide good user experience out of the box

For more information, see this blog post.


First, install the addon:

ember install ember-validated-form

Basic example:

  model        = (changeset model UserValidations)
  on-submit    = (action "submit")
  submit-label = 'Save' as |f|}}

  {{f.input label="First name" name="firstName"}}
  {{f.input label="Last name" name="lastName"}}

  {{f.input type="textarea" label="About me" name="aboutMe"}}

    type     = "select"
    label    = "Country"
    name     = "country"
    options  = countries
    value    =

  {{f.input type="radioGroup" label="Gender" name="gender" options=genders}}

  {{#f.input label="Favorite Color" name="color" as |fi|}}
    {{favorite-colors-component colors=colors onupdate=fi.update onhover=fi.setDirty}}

  {{f.input type="checkbox" label="I agree with the terms and conditions" name="terms"}}

  {{f.submit label="Save"}}

where UserValidations is a changeset:

// controller
import Ember from 'ember';
import UserValidations from 'dummy/validations/user';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
// validations/user.js
import {
} from 'ember-changeset-validations/validators';

export default {
  firstName: [validatePresence(true), validateLength({ min: 3, max: 40 })],
  lastName: [validatePresence(true), validateLength({ min: 3, max: 40 })],
  aboutMe: [validateLength({ allowBlank: true, max: 200 })],
  country: [validatePresence(true)],
  gender: [validatePresence(true)],
  terms: [
      list: [true],
      message: 'Please accept the terms and conditions!'
  color: [validatePresence(true)]


{{validated-form}} takes the following options:

Name Type Description
model Object ember-changeset containing the model that backs the form
on-submit `Action Task`

When the submission of your form can take a little longer and your users are of the impatient kind, it is often necessary to disable the submit button to prevent the form from being submitted multiple times. All you have to do to achieve this is install ember-concurrency

ember install ember-concurrency

and pass an ember-concurrency task instead of an action. Example:

  // controller
import { task } from 'ember-concurrency';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  submit: task(function * (model) {
    // ... more code to show success messages etc.

Input fields

{{validated-form}} yields an object, that contains the contextual component input. All input fields share some common properties:

Name Type Description
label String The label of the form field.
name String This is is the name of the model property this input is bound to.
type Action Type of the form field (see supported field types below). Default: text.
disabled Boolean Specifies if the input field is disabled.

The supported field types are essentially given by ember-one-way-controls. This addon does not much more than translating {{f.input type="select"}} to {{one-way-select}}.

However, some field types require extra parameters. The supported field types are listed below.

Text input

If no field type is specified, a simple <input type="text"> is rendered. Other HTML5 text-like inputs like email, number, search require specifying their type. For more details see the docs of {{one-way-input}}.

{{f.input label="First name" name="firstName"}}
{{f.input type="email" label="Email" name="email"}}


{{f.input type="textarea" label="Description" name="description"}}


The select element requires more options (see {{one-way-select}}):

  • value
  • options
  • optionLabelPath
  • optionValuePath
  • optionTargetPath
  • includeBlank
  type         = "select"
  label        = "Country"
  name         = "country"
  options      = countries
  includeBlank = "Please choose..."


This component renders a {{one-way-checkbox}}.

{{f.input type="checkbox" label="I agree with the terms and conditions" name="terms"}}

Radio button group

This component renders a list of {{one-way-radio}} components.

{{f.input type="radioGroup" label="Gender" name="gender" options=genders}}
// in your controller
genders: [{
  key: 'm',
  label: 'Male'
}, {
  key: 'f',
  label: 'Female'

Custom input elements

If the input element you need is not explicitly supported, you can easily integrate it with this addon by using f.input in block form:

{{#f.input label="Favorite Color" name="color" as |fi|}}
  {{favorite-colors-component colors=colors onupdate=fi.update onhover=fi.setDirty}}

All you need to update the model's value or mark your component as dirty is to call fi.update or fi.setDirty.


{{validated-form}} also yields a submit button component that can be accessed with {{f.submit}}. It takes the following properties:

Name Type Description
label String The label of the form button.
type String Type of the button. Default: button.
disabled Boolean Specifies if the button is disabled. Default: Automatic integration of ember-concurrency.


Currently, the configuration supports

  • label.submit: default label for the submit button. If you're using ember-i18n, you can also specify a translation key.
  • css: CSS Classes to add to the form elements (group, control, label, checkbox, help, button, submit). See an example integration of bootstrap CSS below.
// environment.js

var ENV = {
  // ...
  'ember-validated-form': {
    label: {
      submit: 'Go for it!',
    css: {
      // bootstrap classes
      group: 'form-group',
      control: 'form-control',
      label: 'form-label',
      checkbox: 'checkbox',
      help: 'help-block',
      button: 'btn btn-default',
      submit: 'btn btn-primary'
  // ...


Bug reports, suggestions and pull requests are always welcome!


  • git clone
  • cd ember-validated-form
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:each to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit