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190 lines (162 loc) · 7.4 KB


File metadata and controls

190 lines (162 loc) · 7.4 KB
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Theme Core Configuration Settings
# 主题核心配置设置
# See:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

# If false, merge configs from `_data/next.yml` into default configuration (rewrite).
# If true, will fully override default configuration by options from `_data/next.yml` (override). Only for NexT settings.
# And if true, all config from default NexT `_config.yml` have to be copied into `next.yml`. Use if you know what you are doing.
# Useful if you want to comment some options from NexT `_config.yml` by `next.yml` without editing default config.
# 若'主题配置文件'与'站点配置文件'重复,是否按主题配置文件。
override: true

# Console reminder if new version released.
# 如果发布新版本,控制台提醒。
reminder: false

# Allow to cache content generation. Introduced in NexT v6.0.0.
# 允许缓存内容生成。在下一个v6.0.0中介绍。
  enable: true

# Remove unnecessary files after hexo generate.
# 在hexo生成后删除不必要的文件。
minify: true

# Define custom file paths.
# Create your custom files in site directory `source/_data` and uncomment needed files below.
# 定义自定义文件路径。
# 在站点目录“source/_data”中创建自定义文件,并取消注释下面所需的文件。
  #head: source/_data/head.swig
  #header: source/_data/header.swig
  #sidebar: source/_data/sidebar.swig
  #postMeta: source/_data/post-meta.swig
  #postBodyEnd: source/_data/post-body-end.swig
  #footer: source/_data/footer.swig
  #bodyEnd: source/_data/body-end.swig
  #variable: source/_data/variables.styl
  #mixin: source/_data/mixins.styl
  #style: source/_data/styles.styl

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Site Information Settings
# 站点信息设置
# See:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

# 网站图标
  small: /images/favicon-16x16-next.png
  medium: /images/favicon-32x32-next.png
  apple_touch_icon: /images/apple-touch-icon-next.png
  safari_pinned_tab: /images/logo.svg
  #android_manifest: /images/manifest.json
  #ms_browserconfig: /images/browserconfig.xml

# Show multilingual switcher in footer.
# 在页脚中显示多语言切换器。
language_switcher: false

  # Specify the date when the site was setup. If not defined, current year will be used.
  # 指定站点设置的日期。如果未定义,将使用本年度。
  since: 2022

  # Icon between year and copyright info.
  # 年份和版权信息之间的图标。
    # Icon name in Font Awesome. See:
    # 图标名称在:Font Awesome。
    name: fa fa-heart
    # If you want to animate the icon, set it to true.
    # 如果要设置图标的动画,请将其设置为true。
    animated: false
    # Change the color of icon, using Hex Code.
    # 使用十六进制代码更改图标的颜色。
    color: "#ff0000"

  # If not defined, `author` from Hexo `_config.yml` will be used.
  # 如果未定义,将使用来自hexo'_config.yml'中的'作者'.

  # Powered by Hexo & NexT
  # 博客底部是否显示:由Hexo和NexT提供动力
  powered: false

  # Beian ICP and gongan information for Chinese users. See:,
  # 北安ICP和公安信息面向中国用户。
    enable: false
    # The digit in the num of gongan beian.
    # The full num of gongan beian.
    # The icon for gongan beian. See:

# Creative Commons 4.0 International License.
# See:
# Available values of license: by | by-nc | by-nc-nd | by-nc-sa | by-nd | by-sa | zero
# You can set a language value if you prefer a translated version of CC license, e.g. deed.zh
# CC licenses are available in 39 languages, you can find the specific and correct abbreviation you need on
# 知识共享4.0国际许可证。
# 许可证的可用值:by | by-nc | by-nc-nd | by-nc-sa | by-nd | by-sa | zero
# 如果您喜欢的是翻译版本,则可以设置语言值:CC license, e.g. deed.zh
# CC许可证有39种语言,您可以在上面找到所需的具体正确缩写
  license: by-nc-sa
  sidebar: true # 侧边栏中的版权标识
  post: false   # 每篇文章底部都显示版权信息

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Scheme Settings
# 主题风格设置
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

# Schemes
# 主题风格
# scheme: Muse
scheme: Mist
# scheme: Pisces
# scheme: Gemini

# Dark Mode
# 暗色模式
darkmode: false

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Menu Settings
# 菜单设置
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

# Usage: `Key: /link/ || icon`
# Key is the name of menu item. If the translation for this item is available, the translated text will be loaded, otherwise the Key name will be used. Key is case-senstive.
# Value before `||` delimiter is the target link, value after `||` delimiter is the name of Font Awesome icon.
# When running the site in a subdirectory (e.g., remove the leading slash from link value (/archives -> archives).
# External url should start with http:// or https://
# 用法: `Key: /link/ || icon`
# 键是菜单项的名称。如果此项的翻译可用,则将加载翻译后的文本,否则将使用Key名称。键区分大小写。
# 在“||”分隔符之前的值是目标链接,在“||”分隔符之后的值是字体Awesome图标的名称。
# 当在子目录(例如中运行站点时,删除链接值(/archives -> archives)的前导斜杠。
# 外部url应该以`http://`或`https://`开始
  home: / || fa fa-home                   # 首页
  about: /about/ || fa fa-user            # 关于页
  #tags: /tags/ || fa fa-tags             # 标签页,和分类页重复
  categories: /categories/ || fa fa-th    # 分类页
  archives: /archives/ || fa fa-archive   # 归档页(自带,无需hexo new page archives)
  #schedule: /schedule/ || fa fa-calendar # 日程表
  #sitemap: /sitemap.xml || fa fa-sitemap # 站点地图
  #commonweal: /404/ || fa fa-heartbeat   # 公益404
  resources: /resources/ || fa fa-book   # 资源页

# Enable / Disable menu icons / item badges.
# 启用/禁用菜单图标/项目徽章。
  icons: true
  badges: true  # 是否显示分类、归档的个数

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Sidebar Settings
# 侧栏设置
# See:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

  # Sidebar Position.
  position: left
  #position: right

  # Manual define the sidebar width. If commented, will be default for:
  # Muse | Mist: 320
  # Pisces | Gemini: 240
  #width: 300

  # Sidebar Display (only for Muse | Mist), available values:
  #  - post    expand on posts automatically. Default.
  #  - always  expand for all pages automatically.
  #  - hide    expand only when click on the sidebar toggle icon.
  #  - remove  totally remove sidebar including sidebar toggle.
  display: post