A 外交總長孫致駐京各使照會 二年十月十四日 A Note from Mr. Sun-Pao-Ch'i, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the Foreign Ministers at Peking from the 14th day, 10th month, 2nd year of the Republic (October 14, 1913).
爲照會事。案查現行洋貨進口稅則。已屆十年期滿。業經本部將修改之意。於去年八月十四日照會。曾經簽字。於該稅則之各國駐京大臣在案。 As the present Import Tariff had already exceeded its ten year limit, on August 14th last year this Ministry addressed a note to the Ministers of the signatory Powers to the said Tariff at Peking, signifying China's desire to revise it.
現民國政府。既與各友邦保持正式完全之關係。中外商務。必將日臻發達。 As the Government of the Chinese Republic is now maintaining its formal and perfect relations with the friendly Powers, foreign trade with China is bound to flourish.
前項進口稅則。自應切實修改。以期於稅課商情。兩有裨益。 Therefore the aforesaid Tariff naturally should be thoroughly revised to the advantage of both (our) revenue collection and (foreign) commercial interests.
相應照會貴公便查照見復。以便早日商辦此事。是所感盼。須至照會者。 I have the honor (lit. it is my duty) therefore to communicate (it) to Your Excellency for your information and to request you to favor me with a reply, so that negotiations over the question may be conducted at the earliest possible moment.
B 美芮便致外交總長孫照會 二年十二月二十日 A Note from Mr. Paul Reinsch, U. S. Minister at Peking, to Mr. Sun Pao-ch'i, Minister of Foreign Affairs, from December 20th, 1913.
爲照復事。修改進口稅則之家。日前會晤時。貴總長面稱。現在各國政府對於上年八月十四日及本年十月十四日本部照會。雖無辯駁之處。然尙有多數國家未曾答復等語。 In our recent conversation Your Excellency stated, with reference to the revision of the Import Tariff, that although no nations had manifested any disinclination in connection ith the communications of August 14, 1912 and October 14. 1913 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, several nations had as yet made no reply.
查貴政府擬定修改現行稅則。俾將值百抽五辦法切實征收。本國政府深願表示同情。 I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the proposal of the Government of the Republic of China to revise the existing Tariff in order that an effective five per cent duty may be collected meets with the approval of the American Government.