聊齋誌異 種梨(續) Strange Stories from the Liao Studio - Planting a Pear-tree (continued)
道士接浸坎處。萬目攢視。 The priest took it and soaked the place which he had dug. Every eye (lit. ten thousand eyes) watched attentively.
見有句萌出。漸大。俄成樹。枝葉扶疎。 A hooked sprout appeared; quickly became a tree, branches and leaves spread out.
修倐而花。倐而實。 Suddenly it flowered, suddenly fruited.
碩大芳馥。纍纍滿樹。 The fruit grew large and had a fragrant smell. It hung in profusion on the entire tree.
道人乃卽樹頭。摘賜觀者。 The priest then picked the fruit from the tree and handed it round to the onlookers.
頃刻而盡。 In a moment all the pears were gone.
已乃以鐵伐樹。丁丁良久。 Then he took his pick and hacked for a longtime at the tree.
乃斷。帶葉荷肩頭。從容徐步而去。 When it was cut down, he shouldered it together with its leaves and quietly walked away.
初道士作法時。鄉人亦難衆中。引領注目。竟忘其業。 From the beginning, while the priest was performing this trick. the peasant was in the crowd straining his neck and staring in wonder. His business was entirely forgotten.
道士既去。始顧車中。則梨已空矣。 As soon as the priest had gone, he then looked at his cart--all his pears were gone.
方悟適所俵散。皆已物也。 He the knew that the things that had just been distributed were all his things.
又細視車上一靶亡。是新鑿斷者。 Further, looking more closely at the cart, (he discovered) that one of the handles was missing having been newly broken off.
心大憤恨。急迹之。 He was greatly enraged. Quickly he set out in pursuit of the priest.
轉過牆隅。則斷靶棄垣下。 Just as he turned a corner of the wall, (he came upon) the handle which had been cast away under the wall.
始知所伐梨本。卽是物也。 Then he knew that the cut pear-tree was this thing.
道士不知所在。一市粲然。 The priest was no where to be seen. All in the market-place laughed.