① 島之將死其鳴也哀人之將死其言也善 When a bird is about to die, its notes are mournful. When a man is about to die, his words are good.
② 國家將興必有禎祥國家將亡必有妖孽 When a country is about to flourish, there are sure to be happy omens; and when it is about to perish, there are sure to be unlucky omens.
③ 天將以夫子爲木鐸 Heaven is going to use (your) Master as a bell with a wooden tongue. Note. The 木鐸 was a metal bell with a wooden tongue, shaken in making announcements, or to call the people together. Like that bell, Heaven would employ Confucius to proclaim the truth and right.
④ 夫子何以知其將見殺 How do you know, Master, that he is going to be killed?
⑤ 將開船時刻 At the time of sailing.
⑥ 今吾尙病病愈我且往見 At present I am still not well. When I am better, I will go and sec (him).
⑦ 吾今則可以見完不直則道不見我且直之 To-day I am able to see (him). (But) if I do not correct (his errors), the true principles will not be fully evident. I am going to correct him.
⑧ 船即開 The boat is going to sail.
⑨ 雨即下 It is going to rain.
⑩ 月幾望 The moon is nearly full.
⑪ 時幾至 The time has nearly come.
⑫ 夜殆牛 The night is nearly half gone.