A 公便致外交總長函 A Letter from a Foreign Minister to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
逕啟者。前准來函。並新訂稅務章程八條。當經本公使將該新章抄送本國外交部核辦。 I received your letter several days ago with the eight clauses of the newly fixed customs regulations. I then sent a copy of these regulations to my Foreign Office for their approval.
現接准吝覆。以所訂新章內有三條。于商情少有未便。請再斟酌盡善。以歸妥當。等因前來。 I have now received a reply (to the effect that) as there are in the newly fixed regulations three clauses that are slightly inconvenient for commerce, I am asked to reconsider them carefully (with you) so that (they may be made) quite satisfactory.
准此。本公便擬於本月二十日。前往貴署。面議酌辦。俾垂久遠。是爲至要。此達。順頌日祉。 I propose (therefore) to go to your ministry on the 20th of this month to personally consult with you and decide (this matter) in order that (these regulations) may remain for ever (which is a very important thing). I avail myself, etc.
B 公使致外交總長函 A Letter from a Foreign Minister to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
逕啟者。日前函訂今日午後。前往貴署。面議各事。詎知今早身體偶覺不爽。不克前往會晤。而亦未便派員商辦。容俟本公使病勢稍痊。當再另訂日期。會商一切可也。用特專函奉布。貴總長查照。並望原諒是幸。此達順頌日祉。 It was formerly arranged by letter that I should go to your ministry this afternoon to discuss several matters with you in person. Unexpectedly this morning I find myself indisposed and will not be able to hold the interview. Moreover it is not convenient to send anyone else for this discussion. As soon as I have somewhat recovered from my illness. I will fix another date (so that) we may discuss everything. (For this reason) I beg to send you this special letter for your information, hoping that Your Excellency will excuse me. I avail myself, etc.