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Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 13, Text 1

Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt

萬里長城 The Great Wall

我國古時。北有匈奴之患。燕趙諸國。 In ancient times our country was much troubled in the north by the Tartar hordes. The States of Yen and Chao had built walls in order to protect themselves against them.

築城防之。各保疆土。不相連。 But each State (only) protected its own frontiers, and (their walls) had not been united.

屬秦始皇既滅六國。一統中夏。乃遣將軍蒙恬。發兵三十萬伐匈奴。 When emperor Ch'in-shih-huang conquered the six kingdoms and united China, he despatched his general Meng-t'ien at the head of an army of 300,000 men against the Hsiung-nu.

大敗之。修築舊城。合而爲一。 He completely routed them, rebuilt the old walls and united them into one.

東起山海關。西至嘉峪關。長凡五千餘里。 The Wall begins on the east at Shan-hai-kuan and ends (lit. reaches) on the west at Chia-yi-kuan, being more than 5000 "li" in length.

爲全球有名之鉅工。世人稱曰。萬里長城。 This wall is one of the famous constructions of the world, and is called the Great Wall (lit. the wall ten thousand "li" long).

長城之外。爲盛京蒙古。其內。則直隸。山西。陕西。甘肅。 Outside of the wall are Sheng-ching and Mongolia. Inside the wall are the provinces of Chihli, Shansi, Shensi and Kan-su.

等省。城垣以甄石爲之。高四十尺。厚二十餘尺。形勢雄峻。 The wall is built of bricks and stone. It is 40 feet high and more than 20 feet thick, and has a very imposing aspect.

凡峰巒銳處。有高樓可以遠眺。即古人守望處也。 At all sharp pointed peaks there are high towers, from which one can get a distant view. These were just watch-towers used by the ancients.