① 北辰居其所。而眾星共之。 The Pole Star keeps its place, and all the stars bow to it.
② 子日。三人行。必有我師焉。擇其善者而從之。其不善者而改之。 The Master said, "When I walk along with two others (lit three men walking. But it is implied that the speaker is one of them), they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them (lit. change them; correct them in myself, avoid them).
③ 子曰。務民之義。敬鬼神而遠之。可謂知矣。 The Master said, "To give one's self earnestly (*) to duties due to men (民之茶). to respect spiritual beings and to keep aloof from them may be called wisdom.
④ 手弓而腰矢 With a bow in hand and some arrows fastened at the waist.
⑤ 富與貴,是人之所欲也。 Riches and honor are what men desire.
⑥ 貧與賤。是人之所惡也。 Poverty and meanness are what men dislike.
⑦ 非言與筆所能盡 More than tongue and pen can express.
⑧ 道二。仁與不仁 There are two paths, that of benevolence, and that of its opposite.
⑨ 三字經與千字文。爲幼子所念。 The Three-Character Classic and the Thousand-Character Essay are what children study.
⑩ 惟我與爾有是夫 It was only you and I who attained this.
⑪ 上年冬間及本年春間 During the winter of last year and the spring of this.
⑫ 南風發於春間及秋間 The south wind blows in spring and in autumn.
⑬ 溫且惠 Gentle and docile.
⑭ 子曰。如有周公之才之美。使驕且吝。其餘不足觀也已。 The Master said, "Though a man have abilities as admirable as those of the duke of Chou, yet if he be proud and niggardly, those other things are not worth being looked at (the final particles give an emphasis to the preceding sentence).
⑮ 邦有道。貧且賤焉。恥也。邦無道。富且貴焉。恥也。 When a country is well-governed, poverty and a mean condition are things to be ashamed of. When a country is ill-governed, riches and honor are things to be ashamed of.