The assimilative particles indicate the resemblance of one object to another, and are similar to the expressions: like, as, as if, as though, just as, etc. These particles are:
`若` `如` `如...然` `猶` `由` `似` `而` `儼如` `儼然` `儼若` `若` `然`① 事若此 It being thus.
② 視難若易 To regard a difficult (matter) as an easy (one).
③ 以爲美。莫己若也 Thinking that no one is as pretty as herself.
④ 若無罪而就死地 Like an innocent person going to the place of death.
⑤ 以若所爲。求若所欲。猶緣木而求魚也 To do what you do and to seek for what you desire is like climbing (lit. following) a tree to seek for fish.
⑥ 民之望之。若大旱之望雨也 The people's longing for him was like (their) longing for rain (in a time of) great drought.
⑦ 見善如不及 To look upon virtue as (something to which one) cannot attain.
⑧ 視死如歸 To look upon death as going home.
⑨ 一日不見。如三月矣。 One day without seeing (her) is like three months.
⑩ 如魚得水。如鳥得林。 Like a fish that finds the water, like a bird that finds a grove.
⑪ 君子之過也。如日月之食焉。過也。人皆見之。 The faults of the superior man are like the eclipse of the sun and moon. He has his faults, and all men see them.
⑫ 夫妻之情。深如海。 The affection of husband and wife is deep as the sea.
⑬ 子之燕居。申申如也。夭夭如也。 When the Master was not occupied with business (lit. the Master's dwelling at ease) he looked comfortable and happy.
⑭ 如見其肺肝然 As if he saw his very lungs and liver.
⑮ 聖賢愛人之心。如愛己然。 Holy men and sages love other men as themselves.
⑯ 視予猶父也 He regarded me as a father.
⑰ 視人事猶己事。 To regard others' interests as one's own.
⑱ 仁之勝不仁也猶水勝火 Humanity conquers inhumanity like water conquers fire.
⑲ 氣猶風也。血猶水也。 Breath is like wind, blood is like water.
⑳ 子曰過猶不及 The Master said "To go beyond is as wrong (lit. is like) as not to come up."
㉑ 夫子之不可及也。猶天之不可階而升也。 Our Master cannot be attained in the same way as the heaven cannot be reached by the steps of a stair.
㉒ 民之歸仁也。猶水之就下。 The people turn to benevolence as water flows downwards.
㉓ 今之樂。由古之樂也。 The music of the present day is like the music ot antiquity.
㉔ 似木石之無知也 Like the insensibility of wood or stone.
㉕ 古人形似獸。心有大聖德。 The ancients in their form were like beasts, but in their hearts they had the virtue of the great sages.
㉖ 文王視民如傷。望道而未之見。 King Wang looked on the people as on a wounded (man), and he looked towards the right path as if he could not see it.
㉗ 其道德。儼如聖賢。 His virtue is like that of holy men and sages.
㉘ 其功業。儼然豪傑。 His merits are like those of heroes.
㉙ 儼若宿知 As though he had already known it long before.
㉚ 夫道若大路然。豈難知哉。 The way of virtue is like a great road. Is it difficult to know it?