A 公使致外交總長函 A Letter from a Foreign Minister to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
逕啟者。茲有本國文士某姓。擬赴明陵一帶地方游歷。隨帶中國跟役于明一名。 I beg to inform (Your Excellency) that at present there is one of my countrymen by the name of ..., a literary man, who wishes to travel to the Ming Tombs, accompanied by (his) Chinese servant, Yü-ming, by name.
往返僅止四日之久。 His going and return will occupy only four days.
特請貴總長飭繕護照一紙。迅即擲來爲荷。 I especially request Your Excellency to give instructions that a passport be made out for him. I shall be grateful to have it sent as soon as possible.
B 公使致外交總長函 A Letter from a Foreign Minister to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
逕啟者。前因本舘某官。請領護照。前赴山西地方游歷。 I beg to inform (Your Excellency) that a member of our Legation formerly asked for a passport to be issued to him for the purpose of travel in Shansi.
現於本月某日回京。呈繳護照。 On the ... day of the current month he returned to Peking and handed back his passport.
並據面稱。所有經過各處。均蒙各地方官。妥爲照料。實深銘感。等情前來。據此。 According to his own verbal report, he received (most) satisfactory attention from the local authorities in every place he passed through for which he is deeply grateful.
茲將原領護照一紙送上。即希貴總長查照核銷可也。 I beg to return the passport originally received and hope that Your Excellency will take note thereof and cancel the same.
專此布達。順頌日祉。 I avail myself, etc.