The particles of definite judgment imply to the expressed judgments or conclusions a definite character. and are very similar to the expressions: of course, naturally, certainly, surely, doubtless etc. for positive sentences, and to: on no account, by no means, not in the least, not a bit etc. for negative sentences.
These particles are:
`斷` `定` `决` `必` `實` `自` `絕` `並` `毫` `總` `終` `萬` `固`① 斷不忍爲此也 I certainly cannot bear to do this.
② 斷難相允 It is really impossible to accede to your request.
③ 斷不承認 To deny emphatically.
④ 定爲此事 It was certainly on account of this.
⑤ 定當懲辦 Certainly must be punished.
⑥ 決意不往 I am determined not to go.
⑦ 决不寬貸 On no account will leniency be shown.
⑧ 必有此事 The thing must have happened.
⑨ 大難不死。必有後福。 He who escapes (lit. does not die) from a great calamity, must have in the future a good fortune.
⑩ 君子必慎其獨也 The superior man must be watchful over himself when he is alone.
⑪ 實爲公便 Truly both just and expedient.
⑫ 事雖議定。實屬難行。 Though the affair has been discussed and settled, it really is difficult to carry out.
⑬ 實屬胆大妄爲 It really shows great audacity and disorderly behaviour.
⑭ 官清民自安 If the officials be pure, the people naturally will be tranquil.
⑮ 爲惡無不報。遲速自有時。 The doing of evil is never without its reward. Sooner or later the time will surely come.
⑯ 絕無更改 I shall certainly not change (it).
⑰ 絕無好處 No advantage whatever.
⑱ 並無不合 There is really no disagreement.
⑲ 並非如此 It is really not so.
⑳ 洋錢並不必禁 Foreign coin must on no account be prohibited.
㉑ 毫無疑義 There is not the slightest doubt.
㉒ 毫無過犯 I have not transgressed in the least.
㉓ 總無功效 Never showing any improvement.
㉔ 借債終須償還 If you make a loan, you certainly must repay.
㉕ 此種辦法。終非善策。 This way of action is by no means a good scheme.
㉖ 萬勿推辭 Refuse on no account.
㉗ 萬無此理 There is absolutely no such principle.
㉘ 固所願也 Indeed, it is what I desire.
㉙ 固宜 It most decidedly ought to be.