The structures formed with the aid of the prohibitive particles are similar to the imperative mood from negative verbs.
These particles are:
`不` `勿` `毋` `無` `莫` `休`① 不寶遠物。卽遠人格。 Prize not far-fetched commodities (lit. far-off things) and people from remote parts will come (and submit).
② 無名草木年年發。不信男兒一世窮。 Unnamed grass comes forth every year. Do not believe that a man will be poor for ever.
③ 勿言人之短 Do not speak of other people's shortcomings.
④ 己所不欲。勿施於人。 Do not do to others that which you would not wish for yourself.
⑤ 過則勿憚改 When you have faults do not fear to correct them.
⑥ 勿恃富而欺窮 Do not trust in your wealth and ill-treat the poor.
⑦ 毋友不如己者 Have no friends not equal to yourself.
⑧ 毋令一名漏網 Do not let a single man escape.
⑨ 毋違此示 Do not disobey this proclamation.
⑩ 毋胎後悔 Do not leave cause for regret.
⑪ 子曰。無欲速。無見小利。 The Master said, "Do not be desirous to have things done quickly, do not look at small advantages.
⑫ 王請無好小勇 I beg your Majesty not to have small valour.
⑬ 施恩莫望報 When you do a kindness, do not look for repayment.
⑭ 閑談莫論人非 When talking at your leisure, do not discuss other men's wrong-doings.
⑮ 莫笑他人老。誰能永少年。 Laugh not at others' old age; who can remain a youth for ever?
⑯ 對於師友休傲慢 Do not treat scornfully (your) teacher and (your) friends.
⑰ 無錢休入衆 Without money do not enter a crowd.
⑱ 休題起 Do not bring the matter up.
⑲ 君如不肯。休想活命。 If you won't agree, do not expect to save your life.