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Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 9, Text 1

Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt

煤 Coal

物類之生也。植物先於動物。 Plants appeared upon the earth earlier than movable beings.

故上古之時。森林獨多。 Hence in remotest antiquity there were only thick forests everywhere.

後經陵谷變遷。湮沒其中。 In the course of time after transformations of the surface of the earth, (those forests) were submerged and buried within the earth

積壓既人。遂成爲煤。 and there, under the continuous pressure (lit. as they had been accumulated and pressed for a long time) they changed into coal,

與沙泥土相間。 lying between layers of sand, mud and earth.

今人掘而用之。利莫大焉。 At the present time men dig out the coal and use it reaping enormous profits from it.

煤色黑有光。 The colour of coal is black with a lustre.

質脆易碎。性耐久燃。非柴薪所可比。 It is brittle, easily splits and possesses the quality durable combustion out of comparison with fire-wood.

故凡用汽機者。無不賴於煤。 On account of that all use of machinery (lit. all who use machinery) is dependent on coal.

我國多產煤之地。 In our country there are many coal fields.

然礦學未興。故開採者尚少。 But our mining is not yet developed, and therefore coal is still worked but little.

夫天然之美利。我不自開。而待人爲我開之。 Magnificent natural resources we do not exploit ourselves, but wait till others do it for us,

遂使絕大利源爲外國所壟斷。 and thus we allow the source of immense profit to be monopolized by foreigners.

誠可痛也! It is deplorable indeed!