An autumn day was very sultry, and the heat did not abate.
[^an] autumn day [was] burning-burning (burning_hot), [and the] hot-swelter (sweltering_heat) [did] not_yet[:not] abate.
Suddenly (the sky) darkened on all sides, and a strong wind blew.
^suddenly [a] dark mist 2four (every_direction[:in_all_directions]) 1spread[_out], [and] [a] great wind quickly[:rushed] arrive[:in].
Small pieces of ice, jostling each other in the air, poured down upon the earth with noise.
4[the] air 3in 2[of] ice 1^piece[s] 2each_other [and] 1beat (jostle[d]) fall_down[:fell] [to the] earth with sound (noise).
The rattle (of hail) against the roof tiles and eaves bells was deafening.
[^the] 2[of the] roof 3tile[s] 4[and the] eaves-iron (wind\-chimes) 1onomatopoeia-onomatopoeia (clanging) clamor[:blared] [in one's] ear[s].
A boy was startled (by it) and asked (his father). "The day was just (so) hot, how (then) (can we) have snow?"
^a boy be_startled[:was_startled] [and] ask[ed] speak[:~], "[^the] weather [was] just [so] hot, what-by (how) [can] be[:there_be] snow?"
His father said, "(It is) not snow; it is called hail".
[^his] father speak[:said], "[^it] is_not snow final_particle[:~]; [it] be_named[:is_called] hail."
"Where does hail come from?" asked the boy.
[^the] boy speak[:asked], "2hail 1what[:^where] [does] 2from 1come?"
The father said, "When water vapors, about to be transformed into rain drops, are suddenly exposed to a cold wind in the high zones (of the atmosphere), they instantly congeal into pieces of ice (which) fall down in disorder.
[^the] father speak[:said], "[^when] 3[the] air 2in water 1vapor[s], about_to become rain drop[s], suddenly be[:are] 5[in the] high-place (heights) 3[by] cold 4wind[s] 2passive_particle[:~n] 1blow, [they] instantly set [into] 2[of] ice [and] 1clump[s] 3rub-mix (in_disorder) 2down 1fall.
The smaller ones are as big as peas, the large ones are of the size of a hen's egg.
[^the] small one[s] [are] like bean[s], [the] large one[s] [are] like [a] hen['s] egg.
(Hail) injures crops, hurts men and cattle, destroys huts and hovels, and very often causes enormous (lit. unusual) calamities."
[^it] injure[s] field-grain (crops), hurt[s] man[:men] [and] cattle, destroy[s] hut[s] and shed[s], [and] go-go (often) cause[s] not-usual (extraordinary) camality[-ies] final_particle[:~]."