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Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 4, Text 3

Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt Vocabulary section transcribed with help from with help from 武克富強/Võ Khắc Phú Cường

Grammatical section.

B. 平等 -- Equalizing particles

The equalizing particles indicate that a quality, state, or action relate to two or several objects in the same degree.

These particles are:

`皆` `均` `俱` `等` `並` `概` `咸` `悉`

Examples of using the equalizing particles:

① 四海之内皆兄弟也 All within the four seas are brothers. 3[the] four 4sea[s] ~'s[:~] 2within 1^all 2elder_brother-younger_brother (brothers) 1final_particle[:are].

② 土皆是王地 Every inch of ground is the emperor's. 2[of] ^land (ground) 1all[:^every_inch] be[:is] [the] ruler[:emperor's] territory.

③ 老少皆在 Old and young, all are there. ^old [and] young, all be[:are_there].

④ 自古皆有死 From of old, death has been the lot of all men. ^from [of_]old, all have[:have_possessed] death[:mortality].

⑤ 商均有益 All the merchants will profit. [^the] merchant[s] [will] all have [their] profit.

⑥ 田禾均遭淹沒 Fields and grain, all were drowned. ^field[s] [and] grain 2all 1passive_auxiliary[:were] soak-sunk (drown[ed]).

⑦ 生意之人均不敢來城買賣 All the men of commerce (merchants) do not dare to come to the city to trade. 4life-idea (business[:commerce]) [do] 3of 2[the] man[:men] 1^all not dare [to] come[_to] [the] city [to] buy-sell (trade).

⑧ 西各國俱無此例 No western nations have this law. [^as for each] 2[in the] west each 1country, all-without (none_have) this law.

⑨ 民教俱各相安 The common people and the converts were all on friendly terms. [^the] common_people [and the] Chinese_converts_to_Christianity [were] all mutual-at_ease (be_mutually_on_friendly_terms[:on_friendly_terms]).

⑩ 禾苗俱在水中 The sprouts of grain are covered by the flood (lit. all are in water). [^the] 2[of] grain 1sprout[s] 2all 1be[:are] 2water [from the flood] 1in.

⑪ 晝夜等長 Day and night are of equal length. ^day [and] night [are of] equal long (length).

⑫ 不等 Not of the same kind. ^not equal (of_the_same_kind).

⑬ 並重 Equally heavy. ^equally heavy.

⑭ 並頭與足 Both head and feet. all (^both) head and foot[:feet].

⑮ 各省教案同時並起 Missionary cases occurred in all the provinces at the same time. 3[in] all 4[the] province[s] doctrine-case_at_law (^missionary_case[s]) 2same-time (at_the_same_time) all 1occur[red].

⑯ 一切兵器概屬違禁。不准販運 Weapons of war of every kind are contraband, and trade in them is not allowed. 2[of] whole-cut (altogether[:every_kind]) [are] 1military-implement (^weapon[s_of_war]) all belong_to[:classed_as] disobey-prohibit (contraband_goods), [and they do] not permit trade-transport (trade) [in them].

⑰ 萬邦咸寧 All nations are at peace. [^the] myriad nation[s] [are] all [at_]peace.

⑱ 幼長咸集 Old and young, all assembled together. ^young [and] old, all assemble[d_together].

⑲ 天下之人悉聽朕言 Listen all to our words! [^let] 2sky-under (the_world) 3~'s 4person[:people] 1all listen we (our) words!