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DragonOS is the straight line between you and Software Defined Radio!

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DragonOS is the straight line between you and Software Defined Radio! *Good to know

  • Will not install from DVD, burn ISO to USB w/ Etcher etc..
  • Before installing most GPU and WiFi drivers
    • sudo apt install dkms
  • Some USRP FPGAs have been removed to save space, but can be downloaded w/ internet using sudo uhd_images_downloader
    • sudo uhd_images_downloader
  • New ground up build on Lubuntu 22.04
  • Crocodile Hunter and GsmEvil2 require python virtual environments.
    • included in /usr/src/crododilehunter/src
    • included in /usr/src/gsmevil2
    • open DragonOS_README in each directory for instructions on how to activate
  • SoapySDRServer is not enabled by default, either use SoapySDRServer cli or enable.
  • Run volk_profile from a terminal after install to increase GNU Radio performance
  • Disable Soapy w/ SDR++ module manager before using native hackRF plugin
  • On some systems xlinrad64 seg faults (make sure you're running it with sudo). You can try to rebuild it in the directory w/ sudo ./configure && sudo make xlinrad64

DragonOS_FocalX_R32 (January 8 2024) *Collection of PPA updates into a new ISO +

Updates SatDump HackTV HackTV GUI SigDigger Spike 3.9.0 srsRAN_4G 23.04

Added QCSuper (added back actually)

Please note that I've disabled codecserver.service by default. If you want to use openwebrx, run the following in a terminal beforehand, sudo systemctl enable codecserver.service sudo systemctl start code server.service

DragonOS_FocalX_R31 (August 24 2023) *Collection of updates into a new ISO

Updates 22.40.3 w/ 6.2 Kernel LimeSuite GR-Lora_SDR GR-LimeSDR Iridium Toolkit w/ Airframes IO tweak RTLSDR drivers (supporting v4 dongle) WhisperCPP Scat SDRTrunk v0.6.0 beta1 Spike 3.8.11 SDR++ SatDump SDRAngel 7.15.3 Kismet 2023-07-R1 QradioLink SDR4space + Examples SigDigger

Added PortaPack Mayhem firmware v 1.7.4 located in /usr/src/firmware/mayhem GR-SigMF

DragonOS_FocalX_R30.2 (May 2 2023) *Additional installer fixes and collection of updates into a new ISO

Updates Manual update of WhisperCPP 5.19.0-41 Kernel

Added LTESniffer

DragonOS_FocalX_R30.1 (April 20 2023) *Fixed the installer for legacy installs

DragonOS_FocalX_R30 (April 16 2023) *Collection of updates into a new ISO

Updates Apt package updates to include 5.19 kernel FocalX PPA updates ( Manual update of SigDigger using /usr/src/blsd Manual update of SDRTrunk v0.6.0 Alpha 5 /usr/src/ LibUHD modification for additional ANTSDR hardware

Fixed Logrotate error

DragonOS_FocalX_R29.1 (February 25 2023) *Mainly meant to fix the installer, other packages can be manually updated/added

Fixed Installer

Updated SDRangel w/ heat map v7.10 SDR++ 1.1.0-942 SatDump SDRTrunk v0.6.0-alpha3 w/ SDRPlay

Added RF-Tools Kismet MetaGPSD (replaces KisStatic2Mobile)

DragonOS_FocalX_R29 (February 19 2023)

Fixed Mariadb will now run on live boot OsmocomBB, CalypsoBTS, and AutoCalypsoBTS SoapyRTLSDR

Added Modmobmap (run installer in /usr/src/Modmobmap if android tools are needed) BladeRF 122Msps Support (/usr) Osmo-GMR (utils still need updated for GR 3.10) E200 SDR support to UHD (/usr) GR-Smart_Meters GR-Fhss-utils GR-Sandia-utils GR-Timing-Utils GR-PDU OpenBTS TempestSDR Ice9-bluetooth-sniffer (call from terminal w/ ice9-bluetooth)

Updated GR-GSM to Multi ARFCN branch Spike Signal Hound 3.8.9 GR-BladeRF w/ 122Msps Support SDR4Space 20230126 Hackrf-2023.01.1 (firmware is in /usr/src/firmware) Kernel Dsd-fme Kismet Hak5-wifi-coconut SDRTrunk v0.5.0 Final SatDump w/ Immarsat + BladeRF 122Msps SDRAngel 7.9.0 SDR++ 1.1.0-903 M17-Tools Mirage SigDigger BoatBod OP25 (3.10 branch) HackTV-GUI 2023-01-15 GR-Mixalot Fldigi-4.1.23 WhisperCPP (remember to sudo make clean && sudo make for optimization after install) SigDigger

Removed dkms (reinstall as needed, however, be aware it'll install gcc12 to)

DragonOS_FocalX_R28 (December 23 2022)

Added Dragon Spectrum Awareness Manager LimeGPS (usr/src/LimeGPS) DSD-FME qFlipper 1.2.2+ qFlipper-cli 1.2.2+ SDR4Space Whispercpp script Whispercpp w/ tiny model Pyrtlsdr WXtoIMg 2.11.2 w/ updated weather.txt CSDR CalibrateSDR MiniModem 0.24 Redsea 0.21 Astro-virgo Multi-sdr-gps-sim Gps-sdr-sim PlutoGNSS 2.2 RTLSDR-Airband 4.0.2 TRXCON (/usr/src/Osmocom-BB/Bin) ProbeQuest JSquelch GeoServer Osmo-fl2k fl2k_signal_generator fl2k_spif Noise-generator Fl2k-tool Ampliphase-fl2k Spectrum_painter M17-tools (replaced m17-cxx-demod) GR-AISTX w/ AIS toolkit GR-AIS_Simulator w/ AIS-Simulator RTL-SDR-Scanner-CPP (auto-sdr binary)

Updated Kernel 5.15.0-56 Spike 3.8.8 (Signal Hound) SDR++ SDRTrunk 0.5.0-beta6 SDRAngel 7.8.5 NOAA-APT 1.4.0 SatDump 1.4.0 SigDigger QradioLink DF-Aggregator JAERO Tetra-Kit

Fixed Grgsm_tx Osmo-NITB-Scripts w/ UHD (start Osmo-trx-uhd separately) Gr-LimeSDR SDRPP LimeSDR plugin built against newer LimeSuite, look in /usr/src/firmware for backup

DragonOS_FocalX_R27.1 (November 14 2022)

*If you do not want to reinstall, install the files here and unzip in the /etc/ directory (only if you're missing it and copy grgsm_decode to /usr/local/bin/

Added Sometimes missing /etc/apt directory after install grgsm_decode

Updated Dumphfdl 1.4.0

DragonOS_FocalX_R27 (November 12 2022)


ACARS Decoder Aircrack-NG Airspy ADSB Apache2 Asterisk AutoCalypsoBTS Blue-hydra BlueWho BoatBod OP25 BTLE (hackRF + bladeRF) Bully 1.4 CalypsoBTS CBandHunter (/usr/src/gr-JAERO) Cesium 1.95 Chirp CleverJam DF Aggregator dumpHFDL dumpVDL2 ESPTool FALCON LTE Tool Flrig 1.4.7 Gnome-Firmware 41.0.1 GNU Radio 3.10.4 Gpredict GQRX 2.15.9 GQRX Scanner GR-AOA GR-BB60 (Signal Hound) GR-bladeRF GR-Dect2 GR-DJI_DroneID GR-DSD GR-Foo GR-Fosphor (benchmark tool gr-fosphor/lib/fosphor) GR-Funcube GR-GSM GR-IEEE802-11 GR-IEEE802-15-4 GR-Inspector GR-Iridium GR-JAERO GR-Lora_SDR GR-Mixalot GR-NRSC5 GR-NTSC-RC GR-Osmosdr/IQBal GR-Paint GR-RDS GR-RFTap GR-Satellites GR-SDRPlay3 GR-SM (Signal Hound) GR-VSG60 (Signal Hound) GridTracker v1.22.1016 GSMEvil2 hackRF 2022.09.1 libraries w/ shortcut to 2022.09.1 firmware hackRF-Spectrum-Analyzer HackTV w/ GUI Ham2Mon (usr/src) Hashcat Hcxdumptool Hcxtools IMSI Catcher Script Inotify-Tools 3.22.6 Inspectrum Iridium-ToolKit Iridium-ToolKit-Airframesio JAERO 1.1-de-11 (feeder ability) Js8call JTDX Kalibrate-hackRF v0.4.1 (kal-hackrf) Kalibrate-RTL v0.4.1 (kal) Kismet Kismet Rest API Kismon kisStatic2Mobile Larry Tetra Kit Libbtbb libhackRF 2022 Libre Office Writer/Calc LimeSuite/Firmware 2022 w/ Lime v2 support Linrad 05.01 w/ SDRPlay support (xlinrad in /usr/src/linrad) LinSSID LTE Cell Scanner (hackRF + rtlsdr) LuaRadio 0.10.0 M17-cxx-demo (/usr/src) M17-Gnuradio Macchanger 1.7 Meshtastic 1.3.40 Modem-Manager-GUI 0.20.3 Multimon-NG 1.1.9 Netcat Nmap NOAA APT 1.3.1 NRSC5 NRSC5-GUI Octave Octave-Signal OpenWebRX 1.2.1 (M17/DMR) Osmo-NITB Osmo-NITB-Scripts Osmo-NITB-Scripts (CalypsoBTS) PAT 0.12.1 Photon Map Pixiewps 1.4.2 PulseView Pyadi_iio Qalculate QCSuper QRadioLink Qspectrumanalyzer QSSTV 9.5.8 Qstdcdec (QT GUI Inmarsat-C Parser) Radio_tool 0.2.1 Reaver 1.6.5 ReconToCrack Retrogram-PlutoSDR Retrogram-RTLSDR Retrogram-SoapySDR RFCat RFHack RSPTCP Server (SDRPlay) RT_433 v21.12-159 RX_Tools SatDump w/ SDR++ source SCAT SDR++ 1.1.0-821 w/ Inmarsat-C and USRP plug-in SDR4Space SDRAngel 7.8.2-1 SDRReceiver 1.0 SDRTrunk v0.5.0 beta 5 SigDigger (October 11) Signal Server 3.21 Signal Server GUI Sigrok 0.2-5 SoapyAirspy (AST developed Fork) SoapyAirspyHF SoapyBladeRF SoapyHackRF SoapyLime SoapyMiri SoapyOsmosdr SoapyPlutoSDR SoapyRedpitaya SoapyRemote SoapyRfspace SoapyRtlsdr SoapySDRPlayV3 SoapyUHD SoapyVOLKConverters Sox 14.4.2 Sparrow-WiFi Spike (Signal Hound) 3.8.3 SpyServer srsGUI srsRAN 22.4.1 Stdcdec (Command line Inmarsat-C Parser) StillSuit STRF Tetra-Kit-Player in /usr/src (needs configured/npm installed) Tshark Ubertooth WFView 1.52 Wifi Coconut Wifite 2.6.0 WireGuard Tools 1.0.2 WireShark 3.6.2 Wpapcap2john Yate rc3


DragonOS is the straight line between you and Software Defined Radio!






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