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398 lines (317 loc) · 15 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Usually just additions, fixes as well as if the API had been added to.

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.4.0] - 2021-04-08


  • Respawn panic and collision tile offsets.
  • Deprecated ncollide replaced with ncollide2 (technically this work was postponed but worth mentioning).
  • Fix deprecated uses of add_layer_with_kind.
  • Fixed missing texture_dimensions in physics_dungeon.


  • Added 3D capabilities to the tilemap. No more being locked to a 2nd dimension!
  • Added TilemapBundle visibility, Visible, support which allows the visibility to be added to the tilemap and changed for all chunks if needed.
  • Added z_order and sprite_order fields to Tile.
  • Added MissingTextureDimensions error to TilemapError.
  • Added event module which allows use of the TilemapChunkEvent.
  • Added auto_spawn to the Tilemap.
  • Added clear_layer to the Tilemap which enables clearing of whole layers.


  • Updated to Bevy 0.5
  • Renamed Tilemap2DPlugin to TilemapPlugin as now the tilemap supports both 2D and 3D. Lets not get carried away here and go beyond the 3rd dimension!
  • Chunk was made private as it never was meant to be public. Oops.
  • Changed RawTile to be public. Now you can see raw details of the tiles.
  • Made the TilemapError inner public.
  • TilemapBuilder::chunk_dimensions now requires an extra argument depth. You probably do not want to set this to 0.
  • Tilemapbuilder::tile_dimensions was renamed to TilemapBuilder::texture_dimensions. Makes it more exact, especially since tile dimensions are coming in the next update which are totally different (sorry, not sorry. It was you that decided to use an experimental game engine with an experimental plugin :D.)
  • TilemapBuilder::add_layer now takes in the new TilemapLayer. It does only have 1 field right now but this is expected to change at some point. Yay being ... prepared?
  • As with the above, Tilemap::add_layer also takes in the new TilemapLayer.
  • Tilemap::new now requires a width and height of the texture.
  • Anywhere that was required to take in a Point2 for a tile is now a Point3 and while this technically is breaking, this shouldn't affect the API.


  • Tile::new, all fields were made public instead. That goes with all the many terribly thought out constructor patterns that should've never existed.
  • Removed render module from public API.
  • TilemapBuilder::auto_configure was purged. It no longer is needed.

[0.3.1] - 2021-01-12


  • Added bevy_log logging #88


  • Fixed fail #89
  • Added Types feature back in #87

[0.3.0] - 2021-01-11


  • Auto configuration of optimal chunk sizes to texture size as well as checks to ensure that the tiles are divisible into each other had been added. This can be enabled in the TilemapBuilder with auto_configure.
  • Auto chunk which will create new chunks automatically if you push a tile into it. This can be enabled in the TilemapBuilder with auto_chunk
  • Optional dimension 2D and 3D API.
  • TilemapDefaultPlugins was added.
  • point and dimension modules were moved to bevy_tilemap_types crate but still accessible as normal and optional.
  • Example stress_dwarves has been added to benchmark and stress test.
  • Various hex orientations were added (thanks @jamadazi!).
  • A hex example random_world was added to showcase one of the hex orientations.
  • Tilemap::get_tile method was added to get a reference to a tile.
  • Tilemap::get_tile_mut method was added to get a mutable reference to a tile. This should make it easier to do animations.
  • Tilemap::tile_to_chunk_point method is now point_to_chunk_point.
  • tile:RawTile is now public API but not included in the prelude as it is not meant to be constructed.
  • Examples for all tile orientations.
  • Library is able to work with WASM.
  • Default plugin for Tilemap was introduced.


  • The whole project was mostly refactored.
  • ChunkTilesPlugin is now Tilemap2DPlugin.
  • TilemapBuilder::build() is now TilemapBuilder::finish() to be consistent.
  • Point module was now made optional.
  • Changed the random_dungeon example to be more like an actual implementation.
  • Tile had all generics removed from it.
  • Tilemap::new_chunk is now Tilemap::insert_chunk to reflect the storage internally.
  • It is now required to specify if chunks are to be auto created in the TilemapBuilder with auto_chunk method.
  • Tilemap::remove_tile was renamed to clear_tile. This makes more sense as it may be deleted if it is a sparse tile, else it is simply cleared if it is dense.
  • Tilemap::contains_chunk method was added to check if the tilemap contains a chunk or not already.
  • TilemapComponents renamed to TilemapBundle to stay inline with Bevy API.
  • ChunkComponents renamed to ChunkBundle to stay inline with Bevy API.
  • All examples were updated for latest bevy.


  • Point2 and Point3 deprecations were removed.

Known Bugs

  • Examples moved to its own library temporarily. This is a Bevy 0.4 issue where you can not place bevy into the dev-dependencies of the Cargo.toml.
  • Hex Y-axis is not perfectly centred.

[0.2.2] - 2020-11-23


  • Tilemap::clear_tile was added to easily clear a single tile.
  • Tilemap::clear_tiles likewise will clear an array of tiles.
  • Point2 now implements From<&Point2>.
  • Point3 now implements From<&Point3>.
  • tilemap::Tilemap::set_tiles now implements IntoIterator<Item = ((i32, i32, i32), Tile)> which had broken the previous compatibility.
  • tile::Tile had the non_exhaustive derive added it now that the fields are all public.
  • tile::Tile added methods with_tint and with_tint_and_sprite_order.
  • chunk_update_system was added internally to manage chunks and to get them to update if needed.


  • random_dungeon example was updated to be interactive.
  • Tilemap::set_tiles was changed to take in a IntoIterator<Item = Tile<P, C>, where C is Into<Color> and P is Into<Point2>, from IntoIterator<Item = (i32, i32, i32), Tile>.
  • tile::Tile was changed to include sprite_order, sprite_index, and point. Field color is now tint. All fields were made public.
  • tile::Tile methods default, new updated.
  • ChunkDimensions was made private, it should never of been exposed but I also very much doubt anyone would have used it.
  • map_system was made private, it should never of been exposed.
  • add_tile was renamed to insert_tile.
  • add_tiles was renamed to insert_tiles.
  • clear_tile was renamed to remove_tile.
  • clear_tiles was renamed to remove_tiles.


let sprite_order = 0;
let point = (1, 1, sprite_order)
let tile = Tile::new(0);
let tiles = vec![(point, tile)];
// defined elsewhere


let point = (1, 1);
let sprite_order = 0;
let tiles = vec![Tile::new(point, sprite_order)];

// defined elsewhere
  • Tilemap::set_tile was changed to take in Tile<P, C>, where P is Into<Point2> and C is Into<Color>. This replaces the previous argument P and T where T was Into<Tile>.


let point = (9, 3, 0);
let sprite_index = 3;
let tile = Tile::new(sprite_index);

// defined elsewhere
tilemap.set(point, tile).unwrap();


let point = (9, 3);
let sprite_index = 3;
let tile = Tile::new(point, sprite_index);



  • tile::Tiles was removed as it is no longer needed as all data as been set into Tile to make everything easier.
  • tile::Tiles was removed from prelude.
  • tile::Tile methods index and color were removed as the fields are now public.
  • tile::Tile all <Into<Tile>> implements were removed.

[0.2.1] - 2020-11-21


  • Minimum supported rust version (MSRV) were noted to be 1.43.0 in documents.


  • Coordinates were fixed so that 0,0 is now by default the center of the area, not the bottom left per chunk.
  • Coordinates outside of a single chunk were fixed so that they do not cause a panic.
  • Missing doc links were fixed.


  • Tilemap::set_tiles now implements IntoIterator<Item = ((i32, i32, i32), Tile)> which had broken the previous compatibility.


let mut tiles = Tiles::default();
for y in 0..31 {
    for x in 0..31 {
        tiles.insert((x, y, 0), 0.into());

// Constructed Tilemap
tilemap.set_tiles(&mut tiles);


let mut tiles = Tiles::default();
for y in 0..31 {
    for x in 0..31 {
        tiles.insert((x, y, 0), 0.into());

// Constructed tilemap


  • Point2 impl AsRef<(i32, i32)> and AsMut<(i32, i32)> as it is not possible to deprecate it.


  • Point2 methods .x() and .y() were deprecated to be inline with glam crate.
  • Point3 methods .x(), .x(), and .z() were deprecated to be inline with glam crate.

Upgrade notes

Unfortunately some fairly big issues were released as more examples were being made. These were fairly critical as they absolutely hindered the goals of the library. These have now since been fixed. Thanks to all that pointed out the issues.

[0.2.0] - 2020-11-20


  • ChunkDimensions component to help the renderer know the dimensions of a chunk.
  • Layer trait was added internally to implement the same methods on layers.
  • DenseLayer and SparseLayer structs were added internally to provide different methods of storing tiles.
  • LayerKind enum was added to help specify what kind of layer needs to be created.
  • LayerKindInner enum was added internally to help wrap DenseLayer and SparseLayer.
  • Chunk struct was added internally to store its location and sprite layers.
  • ChunkComponents entity was added internally to help spawn chunks.
  • TilemapComponents entity was added to help spawn tilemaps.
  • prelude module was added versioned.
  • ChunkMesh was added to add meshes to rendered layers.
  • point module was added publicly with Point2 and Point3 structs which help with various operations to do with coordinates. They are not required to be used at all.
  • Render pipelines were added with GLSL shader files.
  • Tile struct was added publicly which stores the index value of a texture in a texture atlas.
  • Tiles a type for Hashmap<(i32, i32, i32), Tile> was added publicly. Helps to set tiles in bulk.
  • TilePoints was added privately which is similar to Tiles but stores the new Point3s instead.
  • dense_tiles_to_attributes and sparse_tiles_to_attributes were added to help turn layers into attributes for the renderer.
  • Tilemap was added with a variety of new public API to help construct new tilemaps.
  • TilemapBuilder factory was added to help construct new Tilemaps.
  • Chunks with odd dimensions can now be spawned. (Thanks @blamelessgames!)


  • Updated random_dungeon example to use latest features.
  • Changed serde to be and optional feature.
  • Changed Dimension2 and Dimension3 into a struct and changed them extensively. They were also made into private API.
  • Changed map_system had been updated to accommodate for the new Tilemap.

Broken API

  • Chunk trait was made into a struct and vastly changed as well as made internal.
  • WorldChunk struct was removed entirely.
  • WorldMap struct was removed entirely.
  • Tile trait was removed and replaced with a Tile struct.
  • coord module was removed entirely.
  • dimension module was made internal.
  • Dimension2 and Dimension3 traits were made into structs and made internal.
  • ChunkTilesPlugin had all the generic traits removed, replaced with structs. This makes it easier for people to use the library and encourages others to help contribute instead of keeping all the sweet updates to themselves. In the future, generic traits will likely be brought back.
  • DimesionError and DimensionResult were made private.
  • MapError was renamed to TilemapError and made private.
  • MapResult was renamed to TilemapResult and made private.
  • MapEvent was renamed to TilemapEvent and made private.

Upgrade Notes

The breakpocalypse is here... But with good reasons why!

This was the actual update that made tilemap into mostly what was intended to be on release however, due to the clear early need a naive version was pushed for v0.1.0. Before, everything was rendered from textures that were made by the CPU for use with the GPU. Through proper research, help from the Bevy community, and education on GLSL shaders, shaders were created to offload all the work onto the GPU.

The huge downside though is that pretty much 98% of the API had been broken entirely. So, extra time and effort was put in this time to ensure that the API will be stable from now on and going forward. Proper deprecation warnings and everything will be done from here on.

It was really considered to bring back all the API but, that would have been too much work from here and onwards. Plus, it was warned that the API will be broken between v0.1 and v0.2.

Key points

  • No more CPU work, all on the GPU with GLSL shaders.
  • Huge breaking API changes everywhere, oh my! (I warned it would happen :)...)
  • All traits removed, replaced with structs for early day simplicity.
  • Dense and sparse layers were added to cut down on data use and increase performance where necessary.


Thank you so much @alec-deason, @alexschrod and @superdump for all your feedback, suggestions and help understanding everything needed for this release.

[0.1.0] - 2020-11-04


  • Rebranded from bevy_chunk_tiles to bevy_tilemap.
  • TileSetter had a push_stack method added to it which allows for a whole Vec<Tile>. This is then rendered from index 0. For example, if you want to render a character sprite with a tile background you would push the tile in first then add in the character after. It is recommended to track if the floor tile in that previous example had something on top of it before or not to cut down on pushing the floor tile twice, which is wasteful.



[0.1.0-pre] - 2020-11-03


  • Initial release