Releases: joel16/3DSident
3DSident v0.7.4
- Displays local friend code seed (in little-endian format)
- Storage sizes are no longer displayed in MB by default. It now calculates your current storage and displays it in an appropriate unit (Example 2000 MB will be displayed as 2GB instead).
Please consider using the GUI since it no longer requires you to load external data + it does have some exclusive features. Overall it is cleaner and better supported. Also as always, 3DSX builds are no longer supported but they are here to assist in the downgrading process.
3DSident v0.7.3
- Now displays current brightness.
- Fixed home button crash.
- Same as above.
- Now displays if debug mode is enabled under misc menu.
- Now uses new homebrew logo with updated buildtools.
- Minor adjustments to GUI's text placement.
Please consider using the GUI since it no longer requires you to load external data + it does have some exclusive features. Overall it is cleaner and better supported. Also as always, 3DSX builds are no longer supported but they are here to assist in the downgrading process.
3DSident v0.7.2
- Now only refresh battery and sliders info (thanks SegFault42)
- Display MCU firmware (arigato Hikari Chan)
- Same as the above (except for the refresh stuff)
- Switched to ROMFS, you'll no longer need to use the /3ds/3DSident folder.
- Re-organized screenshots. Screenshots will be posted in sdmc:/screenshots. It will be posted in the following way format from now on: screenshot-day-month-year-num.png. Use L + R to take a screenshot.
- New 'hardware' menu includes the following: (These are GUI exclusive, make the switch :p)
- Headphone port status.
- Card slot status.
- SDMC status (if you're running this, then the answer is obvious)
- You can now use the touch screen to scroll through sections. (thanks SegFault42)
Saying this once again, 3DSX builds are no longer tested or supported. Use them if you wish, but don't complain about incorrect results. I've already addressed this issue.
3DSident v0.7.1
- Fixed banner.wav (finally) thanks to zoogie for letting me know about this.
- The NNID is displayed properly. This time it shows both your username and ID.
- Fixed a problem that caused crashes when de-initializing actu.
- Add an additional check to prevent crashes while exiting.
GUI: (For those using the GUI version, please extract the contents from to your sd. So it should be /3ds/3DSident/res/)
- New Ubuntu-like UI similar to VITAident. (Now both original and GUI are finally identical :p)
- Values are properly refreshed.
- Added a slight delay to prevent text from appearing glitch-y.
Also take note, from now on I'm officially discontinuing the 3dsx builds. They will receive updates like usual, but most of the information displayed will not be accurate. This is because certain services cannot be accessed via the homebrew launcher.
3DSident v0.7
- Reorganized storage info.
- Displays device ID, and soap ID.
- Display 3D slider and WiFi signal strength (actual values and percentages)
- Minor code refactoring thanks to SegFault42.
- Values are now refreshed thanks to SegFault42.
- Values are now represented in their respectful colors thanks to SegFault42. (Blue category = blue values, red category = red values).
3DSident v0.6.1
- Removed estimated battery voltage until we get the accurate stats.
- Now grabs serial using SecureInfoGetSerialNo from Reisyukaku's modified Ctrulib.
- Reorganized information into the following structure;
- Firm
- System
- Battery
- Misc
3DSident v0.6
- Displays battery voltage (Estimated and actual value)
- Displays volume slider state (actual value and percentage)
3DSident v0.5
- Displays actual battery percentage (Thank you Spaqin and MarcusD)
3DSident v0.4
- Fixed NNID num detection
- Added title count
- Display screen type - Thanks SciresM!
3DSident v0.3.1
- Fixed crash caused by a file check under a missing directory.