JBoss Fuse consists of many components which support SSL. You might want for instance use different SSL certificate for your WebConsole than for traffic between MQ brokers. To allow this fine grained control, Fuse provides several places to configure SSL.
Introduction to X.509 certificate management can be found in documentation chapter Managing Certificates. It describes steps to create root CA with OpenSSL, generation and signature of certificates and their import back to Java keystore.
For testing purposes Java keystore with self-signed certificate can be generated with following command:
If you omit
you will be asked to fill informations interactively.
If you omit-dkeypass
you will be asked to confirm key password same as store password.
# create new keystore (or add keypair with unique alias)
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkeypair \
-dname "CN=name of your container, O=name of your organization, L=city name, ST=your state or province, C=US" \
-validity 365 \
-alias cert-alias \
-keypass awesomeKeyPass \
-storepass awesomeStorePass \
-keystore broker.ks \
-keyalg RSA
Show contents of keystore
# and optionally display content of keystore
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -list -v \
-keystore broker.ks \
-storepass awesomeStorePass
Export public certificate (client needs to import it to it's trust store)
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -export \
-alias cert-alias \
-file server-pub-cert \
-keystore broker.ks \
-storepass awesomeStorePass
Create trust store which will trust server's certificate:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import \
-alias cert-alias \
-file server-pub-cert \
-keystore broker.ts \
-storepass awesomeStorePass
This is a brief list of SSL configurable endpoints exposed by Fuse:
- Jetty / Hawtio WebConsole (official documentation)
- default http://localhost:8181/
- make it https://localhost:${pick_port}
- Transports of JBoss A-MQ running in Fuse (official documentation)
- default transport
- make it
- default transport
Configured in $FUSE_HOME/etc/jetty.xml
TODO - there changes between fuse 6.2 and 6.3
Configured in $FUSE_HOME/etc/activemq.xml
Create keystore and truststore in $FUSE_HOME/conf
(update sslContext paths if you decide to store keystore in different location).
Add keystore configuration to activemq.xml
<!-- add sslContext element to broker section -->
<sslContext keyStore="file:${karaf.home}/conf/broker.ks"
- Default value for
is equal tokeyStorePassword
. - Put only one key to keystore.
- You can put multiple keys to truststore.
Switch openwire transport to ssl.
<!-- find existing transportConnectors section -->
<!-- default -- delete/comment out openwire to disable unencrypted traffic -->
<transportConnector name="openwire" uri="tcp://${bindAddress}:${bindPort}"/>
<!-- add encrypted transport, you may use ${bindPort} placeholder -->
<transportConnector name="ssl" uri="ssl://${bindAddress}:61617?needClientAuth=true"/>
Properties bindAddress and bindPort come from
Restart Fuse to pickup changes in activemq.xml
You verify SSL certificate of transport connector by running:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect localhost:61617 </dev/null
# it will print lot of things, among others your certificate and it's issuer
# (this one is self-signed so they're equal):
Certificate chain
0 s:/C=US/ST=your state or province/L=city name/O=name of organization/CN=name of container
i:/C=US/ST=your state or province/L=city name/O=name of organization/CN=name of container