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496 lines (418 loc) · 29.6 KB


Please see for modern supported implementations of these codecs, amongst other things. These include more aggressively SIMD optimised variants.


These are my derivations of Fabien 'Ryg's rANS coder plus a static arithmetic coder derived from Eugene Shelwein's work. Therefore none of the really complex stuff is my own and the real credit belongs elsewhere.

The originals can be found at:

I thought about forking this, but I didn't do that way back when I first created my variants and so it'd be a fork in name only, with no actual history.

The arithmetic coder was designed to be a fast unrolled variant that coded using multiple arithmetic coders simultaneously. I also implemented a static order-1 model in addition to the usual order-0.

About the same time I'd finished that code the ANS implementations started arriving so I took Ryg's original rANS (two way interleaved variant) and produced a 4-way interleaved version. Successive optimisations lead version "4c". Most recently I explored some newer tweaks and ideas.

  • arith_static.c The unrolled order-0/1 arithmetic coder.

  • rANS_static4x8.c A 4-way unrolled order-0/1 rANS coder with 8-bit renormalisation. This is compatible with the rANS_static4c (and 4j) variants used in CRAM, but more heavily optimised with additional assembly.

  • rANS_static4x16.c A variant of the rANS_static4 code that uses 16-bit renormalisation. It is incompatible with the 4x8 output. This is the same idea used in Ryg's SIMD variant; by keeping the rANS state as 15+16 instead of 23+8 we only ever have one normalisation step instead of two. This also uses assembly.

    Note that to further test the maximum performance of order-1 encoding, the table sizes were reduced to 9 bits for 4x16 instead of 12 bits used in order-0 (and 12 in both order-0 and order-1 in 4x8). Thus the two are not directly comparable with the order-1 method.

  • rANS_static64c.c, rans64.h A 4 way unrolled version of Ryg's rans64.h. (This needs a mulhi cpu instruction to do 64-bit by 64-bit multiplication and take the top 64-bits of the result. Available on most(all?) x86_64 architectures, but I needed to consider 32-bit hosts too.)

There are also some more experimental codecs for investigating use of SIMD (in a rather poor state code-wise at present with lots of warnings and commented out bits of code). On some of these the order-1 coder is non functioning or not yet updated.

  • rNx16.c A generic N-way interleaving with N states and N decode/encode buffers. This is an attempt to permit automatic vectorisation within compilers by removing dependency between the loop over N states, but it suffers from a large amount of memory gathers. Compile with eg -DNX=32 to change N. NB: at present only icc seems able to vectorise the decoder.

  • rNx16b.c A generic N-way interleaving with N states and one shared decode/encode buffer. This has better memory utilisation than rNx16.c, but the shared buffer makes automatic vectorisation challenging. With -DNX=4 this is binary compatible with rANS_static4x16.c output. but around 10-20% slower to due no manual reordering of the statements.

  • r8x16_sse.c

  • r8x16_avx2.c

  • r16x16_avx2.c

  • r16x16_avx512.c

  • r32x16_avx2.c

  • r32x16_avx512.c Various custom versions of rNx16.c using SSE, AVX2 or AVX512 instructions for N 8, 16 and 32.

  • r8x16b_avx2.c

  • r16x16b_avx2.c

  • r16x16b_avx512.c

  • r32x16b_avx2.c

  • r32x16b_avx512.c Various custom versions of rNx16b.c using SSE, AVX2 or AVX512 instructions for N 8, 16 and 32. These are typically faster than the rNx16.c variants.

PS. See for the thread that started this particular ball rolling.


The rANS_test.c file builds the rANS_static test application. This has -8 and -16 parameters to control 8 and 16 bit renormalisation values, using the code above. It is also possible to build rANS_static4c, rANS_static4j and rANS_static64c test executables with "make old", but these are included only for testing older code variants.

Order 0 encoding and decoding

rANS_static -o0 in in.rans0
rANS_static -d in.rans0 in.decoded

Order 1 encoding and decoding

rANS_static -o0 in in.rans1
rANS_static -d in.rans1 in.decoded

Testing/benchmarking order 1

rANS_static -o1 -t in


Q40 and Q8 are DNA sequencing quality values with approx 40 and 8 distinct values each, representing high and low complexity data.

$ head -5 /tmp/Q40


Tested on an "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz" (from /proc/cpuinfo on Ubuntu Trusty) using Gcc, Clang and Intel compilers.

Also if cache memory is tight on your CPU, consider switching to the rans_uncompress_O1c_4x16() function instead of rans_uncompress_O1_sfb_4x16() or changing ssym[] array to be uint8_t instead of uint16_t in sfb. (This will work just fine as 8-bit instead, but seems to be slower on my system.)

gcc 6.2.0, q8 test file, order 0

arith_static        240.2 MB/s enc, 146.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16852961 bytes
rANS_static4c       294.2 MB/s enc, 335.2 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16850374 bytes
rANS_static4j       294.3 MB/s enc, 328.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16847058 bytes
rANS_static4x16     369.3 MB/s enc, 664.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16847245 bytes
rANS_static4x8      300.0 MB/s enc, 681.2 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16847000 bytes
rANS_static64c      385.5 MB/s enc, 538.4 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16851067 bytes
r4x16               354.2 MB/s enc, 389.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16848349 bytes
r4x16b              386.5 MB/s enc, 588.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16847245 bytes
r8x16               351.7 MB/s enc, 393.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16850295 bytes
r8x16_avx2          351.6 MB/s enc, 393.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16850295 bytes
r8x16_sse           352.1 MB/s enc, 576.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16850295 bytes
r8x16b              383.9 MB/s enc, 583.2 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16848087 bytes
r8x16b_avx2         360.0 MB/s enc, 404.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16848087 bytes
r16x16              283.2 MB/s enc, 394.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16854189 bytes
r16x16_avx2         283.2 MB/s enc, 895.9 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16854189 bytes
r16x16b             369.3 MB/s enc, 527.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16849773 bytes
r16x16b_avx2        289.0 MB/s enc, 982.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16849773 bytes
r32x16              291.2 MB/s enc, 380.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16861939 bytes
r32x16_avx2         291.2 MB/s enc, 904.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16861939 bytes
r32x16b             377.1 MB/s enc, 537.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16853107 bytes
r32x16b_avx2        534.7 MB/s enc, 1430.6 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16853107 bytes

gcc 6.2.0, q40 test file, order 0

arith_static        246.0 MB/s enc, 144.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53713263 bytes
rANS_static4c       305.0 MB/s enc, 360.4 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53694731 bytes
rANS_static4j       305.0 MB/s enc, 333.7 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53690573 bytes
rANS_static4x16     302.4 MB/s enc, 659.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53689007 bytes
rANS_static4x8      326.9 MB/s enc, 673.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53688173 bytes
rANS_static64c      299.7 MB/s enc, 423.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53695650 bytes
r4x16               286.8 MB/s enc, 388.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53690447 bytes
r4x16b              382.9 MB/s enc, 582.6 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53689007 bytes
r8x16               238.4 MB/s enc, 392.8 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692915 bytes
r8x16_avx2          238.1 MB/s enc, 393.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692915 bytes
r8x16_sse           238.3 MB/s enc, 571.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692915 bytes
r8x16b              379.8 MB/s enc, 581.7 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53690035 bytes
r8x16b_avx2         241.6 MB/s enc, 403.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53690035 bytes
r16x16              198.3 MB/s enc, 391.4 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53697949 bytes
r16x16_avx2         198.2 MB/s enc, 879.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53697949 bytes
r16x16b             365.0 MB/s enc, 527.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692189 bytes
r16x16b_avx2        204.6 MB/s enc, 970.6 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692189 bytes
r32x16              202.5 MB/s enc, 329.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53708047 bytes
r32x16_avx2         202.4 MB/s enc, 705.4 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53708047 bytes
r32x16b             372.4 MB/s enc, 533.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53696527 bytes
r32x16b_avx2        525.1 MB/s enc, 1415.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53696527 bytes

gcc 6.2.0, q8 test file, order 1

arith_static        175.9 MB/s enc, 131.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15858338 bytes
rANS_static4c       190.9 MB/s enc, 280.7 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15849499 bytes
rANS_static4j       191.6 MB/s enc, 281.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15849499 bytes
rANS_static4x16     231.8 MB/s enc, 478.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
rANS_static4x8      197.5 MB/s enc, 430.0 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15849499 bytes
rANS_static64c      241.7 MB/s enc, 391.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15850232 bytes
r4x16               231.7 MB/s enc, 467.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r4x16b              251.0 MB/s enc, 461.0 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r8x16               231.2 MB/s enc, 468.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r8x16_avx2          231.2 MB/s enc, 469.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r8x16_sse           231.7 MB/s enc, 468.9 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r8x16b              234.1 MB/s enc, 433.0 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15867650 bytes
r8x16b_avx2         231.8 MB/s enc, 469.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r16x16              231.2 MB/s enc, 468.7 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r16x16_avx2         231.6 MB/s enc, 468.7 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r16x16b             238.3 MB/s enc, 390.2 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15869416 bytes
r16x16b_avx2        230.7 MB/s enc, 469.0 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r32x16              230.9 MB/s enc, 468.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r32x16_avx2         ERR
r32x16b             236.0 MB/s enc, 392.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15872840 bytes
r32x16b_avx2        237.1 MB/s enc, 1039.4 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15872840 bytes

gcc 6.2.0, q40 test file, order 1

arith_static        127.5 MB/s enc,  97.7 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43399150 bytes
rANS_static4c       153.2 MB/s enc, 204.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43165948 bytes
rANS_static4j       153.4 MB/s enc, 224.6 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43165948 bytes
rANS_static4x16     180.5 MB/s enc, 425.6 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
rANS_static4x8      159.6 MB/s enc, 366.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43165948 bytes
rANS_static64c      204.0 MB/s enc, 279.9 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43166873 bytes
r4x16               181.4 MB/s enc, 421.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r4x16b              243.5 MB/s enc, 436.7 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r8x16               181.2 MB/s enc, 421.6 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r8x16_avx2          181.6 MB/s enc, 324.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r8x16_sse           181.1 MB/s enc, 324.9 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r8x16b              224.7 MB/s enc, 407.4 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43383127 bytes
r8x16b_avx2         177.9 MB/s enc, 315.8 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r16x16              181.4 MB/s enc, 416.7 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r16x16_avx2         181.5 MB/s enc, 325.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r16x16b             227.9 MB/s enc, 379.6 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43385998 bytes
r16x16b_avx2        181.2 MB/s enc, 323.9 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r32x16              181.5 MB/s enc, 422.6 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r32x16_avx2         ERR
r32x16b             223.5 MB/s enc, 381.4 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43391024 bytes
r32x16b_avx2        234.5 MB/s enc, 985.9 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43391024 bytes

clang 3.7.0, q8 test file, order 0

arith_static        220.6 MB/s enc, 123.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16852961 bytes
rANS_static4c       276.1 MB/s enc, 330.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16850374 bytes
rANS_static4j       275.6 MB/s enc, 325.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16847058 bytes
rANS_static4x16     336.2 MB/s enc, 612.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16847245 bytes
rANS_static4x8      280.3 MB/s enc, 636.7 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16847000 bytes
rANS_static64c      374.0 MB/s enc, 545.4 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16851067 bytes
r4x16               319.3 MB/s enc, 411.9 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16848349 bytes
r4x16b              336.7 MB/s enc, 598.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16847245 bytes
r8x16               282.6 MB/s enc, 338.2 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16850295 bytes
r8x16_avx2          282.5 MB/s enc, 322.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16850295 bytes
r8x16_sse           277.9 MB/s enc, 713.4 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16850295 bytes
r8x16b              319.7 MB/s enc, 579.2 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16848087 bytes
r8x16b_avx2         297.2 MB/s enc, 328.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16848087 bytes
r16x16              272.7 MB/s enc, 325.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16854189 bytes
r16x16_avx2         272.9 MB/s enc, 850.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16854189 bytes
r16x16b             341.7 MB/s enc, 560.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16849773 bytes
r16x16b_avx2        297.7 MB/s enc, 961.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16849773 bytes
r32x16              277.7 MB/s enc, 332.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16861939 bytes
r32x16_avx2         285.0 MB/s enc, 840.2 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16861939 bytes
r32x16b             338.4 MB/s enc, 554.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16853107 bytes
r32x16b_avx2        566.4 MB/s enc, 1220.7 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16853107 bytes

clang 3.7.0, q40 test file, order 0

arith_static        226.6 MB/s enc, 125.8 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53713263 bytes
rANS_static4c       287.8 MB/s enc, 349.1 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53694731 bytes
rANS_static4j       286.2 MB/s enc, 346.6 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53690573 bytes
rANS_static4x16     276.6 MB/s enc, 610.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53689007 bytes
rANS_static4x8      307.4 MB/s enc, 650.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53688173 bytes
rANS_static64c      291.3 MB/s enc, 444.4 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53695650 bytes
r4x16               263.6 MB/s enc, 328.9 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53690447 bytes
r4x16b              335.4 MB/s enc, 594.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53689007 bytes
r8x16               187.2 MB/s enc, 208.8 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692915 bytes
r8x16_avx2          187.6 MB/s enc, 209.1 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692915 bytes
r8x16_sse           187.6 MB/s enc, 727.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692915 bytes
r8x16b              316.9 MB/s enc, 590.6 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53690035 bytes
r8x16b_avx2         200.4 MB/s enc, 205.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53690035 bytes
r16x16              193.3 MB/s enc, 218.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53697949 bytes
r16x16_avx2         190.9 MB/s enc, 800.4 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53697949 bytes
r16x16b             337.8 MB/s enc, 544.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692189 bytes
r16x16b_avx2        207.0 MB/s enc, 955.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692189 bytes
r32x16              199.7 MB/s enc, 218.7 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53708047 bytes
r32x16_avx2         199.8 MB/s enc, 700.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53708047 bytes
r32x16b             341.5 MB/s enc, 556.8 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53696527 bytes
r32x16b_avx2        553.4 MB/s enc, 1216.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53696527 bytes

clang 3.7.0, q8 test file, order 1

arith_static        171.1 MB/s enc, 107.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15858338 bytes
rANS_static4c       186.7 MB/s enc, 279.4 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15849499 bytes
rANS_static4j       185.8 MB/s enc, 264.0 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15849499 bytes
rANS_static4x16     218.9 MB/s enc, 434.7 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
rANS_static4x8      186.7 MB/s enc, 405.2 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15849499 bytes
rANS_static64c      242.7 MB/s enc, 430.9 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15850232 bytes
r4x16               212.5 MB/s enc, 422.7 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r4x16b              219.9 MB/s enc, 288.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r8x16               218.3 MB/s enc, 436.9 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r8x16_avx2          218.7 MB/s enc, 454.0 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r8x16_sse           218.1 MB/s enc, 461.4 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r8x16b              222.7 MB/s enc, 329.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15867650 bytes
r8x16b_avx2         219.1 MB/s enc, 467.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r16x16              213.2 MB/s enc, 425.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r16x16_avx2         213.8 MB/s enc, 457.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r16x16b             212.7 MB/s enc, 343.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15869416 bytes
r16x16b_avx2        219.0 MB/s enc, 467.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r32x16              218.3 MB/s enc, 433.4 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r32x16_avx2         ERR
r32x16b             202.2 MB/s enc, 341.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15872840 bytes
r32x16b_avx2        269.8 MB/s enc, 842.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15872840 bytes

clang 3.7.0, q40 test file, order 1

arith_static        121.6 MB/s enc,  79.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43399150 bytes
rANS_static4c       153.3 MB/s enc, 215.7 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43165948 bytes
rANS_static4j       154.7 MB/s enc, 215.8 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43165948 bytes
rANS_static4x16     175.2 MB/s enc, 392.4 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
rANS_static4x8      155.3 MB/s enc, 356.7 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43165948 bytes
rANS_static64c      203.9 MB/s enc, 309.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43166873 bytes
r4x16               175.4 MB/s enc, 399.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r4x16b              212.5 MB/s enc, 284.7 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r8x16               173.3 MB/s enc, 399.8 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r8x16_avx2          175.5 MB/s enc, 314.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r8x16_sse           173.9 MB/s enc, 311.9 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r8x16b              216.4 MB/s enc, 312.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43383127 bytes
r8x16b_avx2         174.9 MB/s enc, 314.6 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r16x16              175.2 MB/s enc, 399.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r16x16_avx2         172.3 MB/s enc, 311.8 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r16x16b             203.1 MB/s enc, 311.4 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43385998 bytes
r16x16b_avx2        174.9 MB/s enc, 313.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r32x16              172.1 MB/s enc, 393.7 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r32x16_avx2         ERR
r32x16b             195.3 MB/s enc, 307.9 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43391024 bytes
r32x16b_avx2        260.4 MB/s enc, 821.9 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43391024 bytes

icc 15.0.0, q8 test file, order 0

arith_static        237.0 MB/s enc, 158.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16852961 bytes
rANS_static4c       306.2 MB/s enc, 316.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16850374 bytes
rANS_static4j       308.4 MB/s enc, 348.7 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16847058 bytes
rANS_static4x16     380.5 MB/s enc, 637.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16847245 bytes
rANS_static4x8      306.2 MB/s enc, 654.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16847000 bytes
rANS_static64c      448.2 MB/s enc, 516.0 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16851067 bytes
r4x16               336.5 MB/s enc, 302.2 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16848349 bytes
r4x16b              380.6 MB/s enc, 241.9 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16847245 bytes
r8x16               340.9 MB/s enc, 582.0 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16850295 bytes
r8x16_avx2          340.6 MB/s enc, 579.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16850295 bytes
r8x16_sse           339.4 MB/s enc, 565.9 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16850295 bytes
r8x16b              374.3 MB/s enc, 520.2 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16848087 bytes
r8x16b_avx2         348.7 MB/s enc, 580.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16848087 bytes
r16x16              339.4 MB/s enc, 880.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16854189 bytes
r16x16_avx2         339.8 MB/s enc, 962.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16854189 bytes
r16x16b             355.8 MB/s enc, 514.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16849773 bytes
r16x16b_avx2        348.0 MB/s enc, 973.0 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16849773 bytes
r32x16              293.9 MB/s enc, 856.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16861939 bytes
r32x16_avx2         293.8 MB/s enc, 917.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16861939 bytes
r32x16b             356.4 MB/s enc, 516.2 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16853107 bytes
r32x16b_avx2        432.8 MB/s enc, 1359.0 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 16853107 bytes

icc 15.0.0, q40 test file, order 0

arith_static        262.8 MB/s enc, 158.4 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53713263 bytes
rANS_static4c       305.2 MB/s enc, 332.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53694731 bytes
rANS_static4j       312.5 MB/s enc, 358.4 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53690573 bytes
rANS_static4x16     309.6 MB/s enc, 627.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53689007 bytes
rANS_static4x8      321.7 MB/s enc, 650.9 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53688173 bytes
rANS_static64c      341.1 MB/s enc, 409.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53695650 bytes
r4x16               275.6 MB/s enc, 300.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53690447 bytes
r4x16b              375.5 MB/s enc, 239.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53689007 bytes
r8x16               229.9 MB/s enc, 578.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692915 bytes
r8x16_avx2          230.3 MB/s enc, 579.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692915 bytes
r8x16_sse           233.1 MB/s enc, 564.7 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692915 bytes
r8x16b              370.0 MB/s enc, 509.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53690035 bytes
r8x16b_avx2         237.1 MB/s enc, 581.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53690035 bytes
r16x16              224.2 MB/s enc, 862.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53697949 bytes
r16x16_avx2         224.3 MB/s enc, 963.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53697949 bytes
r16x16b             351.4 MB/s enc, 512.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692189 bytes
r16x16b_avx2        229.4 MB/s enc, 947.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53692189 bytes
r32x16              204.9 MB/s enc, 671.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53708047 bytes
r32x16_avx2         205.5 MB/s enc, 733.1 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53708047 bytes
r32x16b             352.6 MB/s enc, 514.7 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53696527 bytes
r32x16b_avx2        432.8 MB/s enc, 1347.4 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 53696527 bytes

icc 15.0.0, q8 test file, order 0

arith_static        180.8 MB/s enc, 133.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15858338 bytes
rANS_static4c       185.9 MB/s enc, 266.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15849499 bytes
rANS_static4j       194.9 MB/s enc, 297.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15849499 bytes
rANS_static4x16     174.6 MB/s enc, 414.7 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
rANS_static4x8      197.2 MB/s enc, 379.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15849499 bytes
rANS_static64c      172.8 MB/s enc, 368.9 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15850232 bytes
r4x16               175.3 MB/s enc, 394.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r4x16b              243.2 MB/s enc, 215.9 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r8x16               176.5 MB/s enc, 394.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r8x16_avx2          176.2 MB/s enc, 410.4 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r8x16_sse           229.0 MB/s enc, 415.6 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r8x16b              238.3 MB/s enc, 284.1 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15867650 bytes
r8x16b_avx2         175.0 MB/s enc, 400.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r16x16              175.5 MB/s enc, 393.6 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r16x16_avx2         176.4 MB/s enc, 408.4 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r16x16b             233.2 MB/s enc, 311.6 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15869416 bytes
r16x16b_avx2        176.9 MB/s enc, 412.5 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r32x16              174.7 MB/s enc, 393.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15866708 bytes
r32x16_avx2         ERR
r32x16b             231.4 MB/s enc, 308.3 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15872840 bytes
r32x16b_avx2        258.6 MB/s enc, 1060.8 MB/s dec	 73124567 bytes -> 15872840 bytes

icc 15.0.0, q40 test file, order 1

arith_static        124.3 MB/s enc, 101.6 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43399150 bytes
rANS_static4c       145.5 MB/s enc, 213.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43165948 bytes
rANS_static4j       155.2 MB/s enc, 238.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43165948 bytes
rANS_static4x16     149.0 MB/s enc, 383.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
rANS_static4x8      156.7 MB/s enc, 328.9 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43165948 bytes
rANS_static64c      154.6 MB/s enc, 290.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43166873 bytes
r4x16               148.7 MB/s enc, 383.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r4x16b              236.2 MB/s enc, 185.3 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r8x16               149.7 MB/s enc, 381.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r8x16_avx2          149.5 MB/s enc, 309.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r8x16_sse           178.0 MB/s enc, 311.8 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r8x16b              232.8 MB/s enc, 263.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43383127 bytes
r8x16b_avx2         148.4 MB/s enc, 302.2 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r16x16              150.3 MB/s enc, 383.7 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r16x16_avx2         150.2 MB/s enc, 308.5 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r16x16b             223.5 MB/s enc, 294.4 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43385998 bytes
r16x16b_avx2        149.8 MB/s enc, 307.9 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r32x16              147.7 MB/s enc, 382.8 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43381697 bytes
r32x16_avx2         ERR
r32x16b             221.2 MB/s enc, 292.0 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43391024 bytes
r32x16b_avx2        250.6 MB/s enc, 986.6 MB/s dec	 94602182 bytes -> 43391024 bytes

To do

More work can be done as this is largely just experimental at present.

  • Tidy up the API. A lot of functions have inappropriate names, eg r16x16_avx2 has a function rans_compress_O1_4x16(), due to starting from the 4x16 interface.

  • Work out which TF_SHIFT_O1 is appropriate. On low entropy data we can get away with 9 or 10 as it's much faster, but on high entropy data or with a large alphabet this is very suboptimal and we'd want 11 or so in order to compress well.

  • Move the frequency table code (counting, encoding, decoding) into a file shared by all codecs.

  • Compress the frequency table. O1 table can be large, but is trivially encoded itself using order-0 rans. We should also permit this table to be an argument to the functions so we can build a table from a large data set and apply the same table to many smaller data sets (permitting higher degree of random access without incurring high costs of storing complex tables).

  • Order-1 table is also just an array of order-0 tables, but there is often strong correlation between each of these tables which we haven't exploited. Eg. maybe store the order-0 frequencies and then a set of deltas against it? Or rotate our table so we have the same symbol with all order-1 frequencies against it (encode with delta and order-1)? Lots to explore.