This project was created to help ICON's PRep-node.
prep_docker (master) ✗ make build_python
----- Build Environment -----
docker build --no-cache --rm=true -f python_37/Dockerfile \
--build-arg DOCKERIZE_VERSION=v0.6.1 --build-arg DOWNLOAD_PACKAGE= --build-arg GO_VERSION=1.12.7 --build-arg ICON_RC_VERSION=1.0.0 --build-arg IS_LOCAL=true --build-arg NAME=prep-node --build-arg RABBITMQ_VERSION=3.7.17 --build-arg REPO_HUB=iconloop --build-arg TAGNAME=1909261038x4fa4a5 --build-arg VERSION=1909261038x4fa4a5 \
-t iconloop/prep-node:1910211829xc2286d .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 21.42MB
Step 1/44 : FROM python:3.7.3-slim-stretch
---> 338ae06dfca5
Step 2/44 : LABEL maintainer="JINWOO <[email protected]>"
---> Running in 4804b6987e20
Removing intermediate container 4804b6987e20
---> aa348d5ab934
Step 3/44 : ENV TZ "Asia/Seoul"
---> Running in a42cf9cf045e
Removing intermediate container a42cf9cf045e
---> 4b94bc713990
Step 4/44 : ENV TERM "xterm-256color"
---> Running in 6a7f30c9acdb
Removing intermediate container 6a7f30c9acdb
---> 1dea771bb6be
Step 5/44 : ENV USERID 24988
---> Running in cd88bf497d89
Removing intermediate container cd88bf497d89
A certificate is required to operate a node.
There are three ways to create certificate file or keystore file.
a. When you start a docker, you can create a certificate using IS_AUTOGEN_CERT
environment variables.
PRIVATE_PASSWORD: "password123!@#"
file is created with passwordpassword123!@#
b. You can create a certificate through the openssl command.
# openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp256k1 | openssl ec -aes-256-cbc -out my_private.pem -passout pass:'password123!@#'
read EC key
writing EC key
- It is created as
under the namemy_private.pem
. my_private.pem
file is created with passwordpassword123!@#
- If you want to use special characters, you can use
c. You can create a certificate using tbears command.
If you have tbears
# tbears keystore keystore_tbears.json -p 'password123!@#'
file is created with passwordpassword123!@#
If you using docker image
# docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/cert:/cert/ iconloop/prep-node tbears keystore /cert/keystore_tbears.json -p 'password123!@#'
Made keystore file successfully
running interactive mode--rm
Running containers with --rm flag is good for those containers that you use for very short while just to accomplish something-v
${PWD}/cert:/cert/tbears keystore /cert/keystore_tbears.json -p 'password123^^&'
It executes with the tbears command in docker
d. Create an account and download keystore file using ICONex(wallet)
If you don't already have docker installed, you can install it here:
Open docker-compose.yml in a text editor and add the following content:
For MainNet