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FunSub: A toy language with structural subtyping

The purpose of this toy language is to provide a concrete realisation of subtyping concepts.

It is the accompaniment code of my technical report on Subtyping: Subtyping: Overview and Implementation

The typechecker checks well-typedness of subtyping in records (depth, width, permutation) and functions (contravariant in arg, covariant in retval).


Assuming Haskell is installed and the user is in the project directory, running the following command will invoke the typechecker:

$ runhaskell Main.hs examples/

This produces an output similar to the following:

[Expression]: (fn x :: (Int -> Int) => 2)
[Typecheck][OK]: (Int -> Int)

[Expression]: (fn x :: (Int -> Int) => true)
[Typecheck][FAIL]: Type mismatch: expected Int, got Bool

This project can also be built with Bazel and the Haskell rules

Ensure that bazel and nix are installed.

$ bazel build //:subtyping
$ ./bazel-bin/subtyping  examples/


The components of the language comprises of a REPL/reader, lexer, parser and typechecker. Some examples of FunSub expressions are stored in the examples/ folder.

Main.hs is the entry point that takes in the filename for a file containing FunSub expressions. The lexer (Lexer.hs) defines reserved tokens and lexemes, and the parser (Parser.hs) uses Parsec on the tokens to generate an abstract syntax tree (AST) defined in Syntax.hs. Lastly, the AST is checked for well-typedness with rules defined in the typechecker (Typecheck.hs).


The following is a valid expression in the FunSub syntax:

(fn x :: ({ a: Int, b: Int } -> { a: Int }) => x)
  { a = 2, b = 2, c = true } :: { a: Int, b: Int, c: Bool }

In type systems without subtyping, this function application will not typecheck because the record argument type does not match the parameter type, and the parameter type does not match the function body type even though it is an identity function. However in our subtyping implementation, we are able to use concepts such as variance , width and depth record subtyping to make this expression well-typed.

Implementation: Typechecker

The two main functions of the typechecker are typecheck and isSubtype. Their type signatures are defined as follows:

-- Typecheck.hs
newtype TypeEnv = TypeEnv (Map String Ty)

isSubtype :: Ty -> Ty -> Bool
typecheck :: TypeEnv -> Expr -> Either String Ty

isSubtype takes in two types and recursively determines if the first type is a subtype of the second.

typecheck takes in a type environment (a mapping of variables to types) and an AST, and recursively determines if the expression is well-typed. If it is ill-typed, an error message describing the issue is bubbled up and handled in Main.hs. If it is well-typed, the exact type is returned to the caller.