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85 lines (63 loc) · 2.04 KB

File metadata and controls

85 lines (63 loc) · 2.04 KB


A simple terraform module to provision a empty k8s cluster, default setup create a cluster with 3 master and 4 worker.

You can then use D2iQ konvoy or kubeadm to install kubernete in this cluster.

0. Prereq

You need to prep a ssh x509 certs pair under this project folder. Example like:

ssh-keygen -P "" -f key_name

1. module init

terraform init

2. generate dry-run plan

terraform plan -out=plan.out -var-file=./variables.konvoy.tfvars

3. execute plan

terraform apply plan.out

4. destroy plan

terraform destroy -var-file=./variables.konvoy.tfvars.json

5. configuration

    "inventory_version": "v1.2.5",
    "provider"         : "aws",
    "cluster_name"     : "dangdang-konvoy-v1.2.5",
    "konvoy_version"   : "v1.2.5",

    "inventory_path": "/Users/michaelbi/mesosphere/konvoy/konvoy_terraform/v1.2.5/aws/inventory.yaml",

    "ssh_user": "centos",
    "ssh_public_key_file": "./", 
    "ssh_private_key_file": "konvoy_v1.2.5-ssh.pem",

    "aws_region": "us-west-2",
    "aws_availability_zones": [
    "aws_tags": {
        "owner": "michaelbi"

    "create_vpc_internet_gateway": true,
    "create_iam_instance_profile": true,

    "control_plane_count" : 3,
    "control_plane_instance_type": "t3.xlarge",
    "control_plane_root_volume_type": "gp2",
    "control_plane_root_volume_size": 80,
    "control_plane_imagefs_volume_enabled": true,
    "control_plane_imagefs_volume_type": "gp2",
    "control_plane_imagefs_volume_size": 160,

    "worker_pool0_count": 4,
    "worker_pool0_name": "worker",
    "worker_pool0_instance_type": "t3.2xlarge",
    "worker_pool0_root_volume_type": "gp2",
    "worker_pool0_root_volume_size": 80,
    "worker_pool0_imagefs_volume_enabled": true,
    "worker_pool0_imagefs_volume_type": "gp2",
    "worker_pool0_imagefs_volume_size": 160,
    "worker_pool0_associate_public_ip_address": true

6. inventory.yaml to bootstrap konvoy will be auto created for you