How to declair local variables in a function?
Local variables are declaired in the function arguments.
function f( i){
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
print "bar's i=" i
function g( i) { print i }
END { f(); g() }
How do you get the current file name?
:in-file ./text-files/access.log
END { print FILENAME }
How to get the current file row number?
:in-file ./text-files/access.log
{ print FNR }
How to get the number of fields in the current record?
:in-file ./text-files/access.log
NF is the variable.
Example; print number of fields on each record.
{ print NF }
What is the internal variable used to tell how many records have been read?
:in-file ./text-files/access.log
{ print NR }
How to skip empty lines?
:in-file ./text-files/ledger.ledger
How do you print line 7 to 10 with a range pattern?
:in-file ./text-files/ledger.ledger
How do you skip a line that starts with a number?
:in-file ./text-files/ledger.ledger
$0 ~ /^[^0-9]/
Count the number of requests that each unique IP address have done.
:in-file ./text-files/access.log
The answer also contains some sorting.
{ counts[$1]++ }
END { for (c in counts) { print c, counts[c] | "sort -r -k 2,2" }}
Write a for loop that print value 1 to 10
END { for (i=1; i <= 10; i++) { print i }}
Name the two most basic parts of an awk program.
pattern { action }
How to filter rows where first field is “”?
:in-file ./text-files/access.log
How do you replace all : with | in passwd file
:in-file ./text-files/passwd
BEGIN {FS=":"; OFS="|"}
{ print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7}
What is the regex symbol for zero or more?
What is the regex symbol for one or more?
What is the regex symbol for zero or one?
What is the regex symbol for beginning of line?
What is the regex symbol for end of line?
How do you declair comments?
# This line is a comments
{ print } # From here to end of line is a comment
Write a trim function that removes prefix and tailing whitespaces from $0.
should be a function that takes one argument and return a new string.
The substtuted string should then be printed.
function trim(s){ gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/, "", s); return s }
{ print trim($0) }
What is the first position number in vectors and strings?
AWK is differente from anthor languages in the sensa that collections and string start with position 1 and not 0 as in many other languages.
Here is a showcase.
BEGIN { print index("abcdef", "a")}
How to print “abc” in string “abcdef” using substr
BEGIN { print substr("abcdef", 1, 3) }
Sum the population in Europe. Population is in field $3.
:in-file ./text-files/countries.txt
$4 ~ /Europe/ { sum+= $3 }
END { print "Population in Europe is", sum}
How do you get the SECOND certificate?
:in-file ./text-files/certificates
How do you get the SECOND and THIRD certificate?
:in-file ./text-files/certificates
Print only the parameters to the Java commands and nothing more.
:in-file ./text-files/text.yml
$0 ~ /.*-\sjava/,$0 ~ /.*config/
$0 ~ /command:/,$1 ~ /^[a-z]/ && ++c==2
How do you change the field separator when invoking awk
awk -F',' '{ print $1 }'
wlp0s20f3 / monthly month rx | tx | total | avg. rate ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- 2023-04 10,50 GiB | 2,02 GiB | 12,53 GiB | 41,51 kbit/s 2023-05 8,15 GiB | 1,76 GiB | 9,91 GiB | 86,03 kbit/s ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- estimated 22,05 GiB | 4,77 GiB | 26,82 GiB |
$1 ~ /^20/ {last=$0} END { print last }