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310 lines (211 loc) · 9.52 KB


Parses xqDoc comments from your xquery and generates a set of API level documentation implemented in pure XQuery v1.0.

xquerydoc commandline uses XMLCalabash (which ships with Saxon) though as xquerydoc is implemented in pure XQuery v1.0 you may also invoke from most XQuery processors (Saxon, MarkLogic, XQilla, eXist ...).


To use from the commandline you must;

Edit XQUERYDOC_HOME in bin/xquerydoc to reflect where you installed xquerydoc

You must also have JVM and XML Calabash XProc processor installed.

To install XML Calabash use the included installer at deps/calabash-0.9.34.jar.

java -jar calabash-0.9.34.jar

Alternately you may download latest XML Calabash from

If you intend to use xquerydoc from the commandline I would recommend generating a symlink to the xquerydoc bash script to /usr/local/bin/xquerydoc.

ln -s /wherever/you/put/xquerydoc/bin/xquerydoc /usr/local/bin/xquerydoc

xquerydoc can also be invoked directly from your own XQuery scripts but for now you will have to take care of applying XSLT stylesheets to the xqdoc markup.

The following directories are needed for use when directly invoking from XQuery.

  • src/xquery: contains XQuery implementation
  • src/lib: contains css/xslt/js used to transform to final html

The entrypoint is contained in src/xquery/xquerydoc.xq module.


There are several ways to use xquerydoc.

###Invoking xquerydoc from the commandline

The bin/xquerydoc script can be invoked from the commandline and generate documentation from xquery containing xqdoc comments.

This script uses XML Calabash XProc pipeline (which comes with SAXON XQuery processor) to invoke XQuery v1.0 xquerydoc and generate documentation by applying XSLT transformation.

To use provide xquerydoc with a directory containing xquery or single xquery file and the directory you wish to place generated documentation.

xquerydoc {xquerydoc} {output html} {format}

Currently only the HTML format is supported but hoping soon we will be able to generate other formats (like markdown, text, docbook, etc...).

The following example will process a directory containing xquery and output documentation to another directory.

xquerydoc som/xquery/ output/api html

You should also be able to provide absolute paths.

xquerydoc /some/directory/containing/xquery/ /output/html/to/some/directory/ html

In addition we provide a MarkLogic variant of this script which will connect to MarkLogic server (via XDBC) and invoke the MarkLogic v1.0 xquerydoc and generate documentation. These can be found in the extras/marklogic directory.

ml-xquerydoc /some/directory/containing/xquery/ /output/html/to/some/directory/

To use this variant you will need to setup MarkLogic XDBC server and provide details in extras/marklogic/config.xml file.

Note that you do not need to use ml-xquerydoc to genreate documentation from a set of 1.0-ml version scripts, xquerydoc will do that for you.

###Invoking xquerydoc from xquery

As xquerydoc is itself written in pure XQuery v1.0 you can invoke directly from your own xquery applications employing the xqdoc:xqdoc() function to extract xqDoc comments.

Whilst xquerydoc itself is written in XQuery v1.0, as a convenience we have provided XQuery processor specific implementations to apply stying.

####XQuery v1.0 Example (Saxon)

xquery version "1.0" encoding "UTF-8";

import module namespace xqdoc="" at "/xquery/xquerydoc.xq";


Note that we are using SAXON convention with collection to bring in unparsed xquery file.

As with the commandline version we provide for your convenience a MarkLogic version (though the XQuery v1.0 should also run within MarkLogic just as well).

####MarkLogic Example

xquery version "1.0-ml" encoding "UTF-8";

import module namespace xqdoc="" at "/xquery/ml-xquerydoc.xq";


These examples show how to extract xqDoc comments with the xqdoc:xqdoc() function outputing xml as follows.

<doc:xqdoc xmlns:doc="">
    <!--Generated by xquerydoc:>
  <doc:module type="main">
      <doc:description>   This main module controls the
      presentation of the home page for  xqDoc.  The home page
      will list all of the library and main modules  contained in
      the 'xqDoc' collection.  The mainline function invokes only
      the  method to generate the HTML for the xqDoc home page.
      A parameter of type   xs:boolean is passed to indicate
      whether links on the page should be constructed   to static
      HTML pages (for off-line viewing) or to XQuery scripts for
dynamic  real-time viewing. 
      <doc:author> Darin McBeath
      <doc:since> June 9, 2006
      <doc:version> 1.3

Its relatively easy to then take this XML and style it using provided XSLT stylesheets provided for under src/lib. The Marklogic variant XQuery library provides this in a utility function contained in src/xquery/ml-utils.xqy.

API Docs

Yup we eat our own dog chow, view API docs here.



  • bin: contains bash run scripts
  • docs: contains api generated documentation
  • ebnf: contains Extended Backus–Naur Form definitions of XQuery language


  • tests: contains tests
  • lib: contains xslt and associated javascript, css, etc
  • src: contains xquerydoc XQuery modules

##Running Tests

To run all tests


All this script does is run the following xquery processor specific scripts.


Test scripts work by invoking an XProc pipeline in src/tests (either saxon-test.xpl or marklogic-test.xpl).

To run MarkLogic tests you will need to setup XDBC server and edit src/tests/config.xml with relevant details.

If you want to invoke these scripts manually please review the test run scripts to understand what needs to be passed into Calabash.


For convenience we have included all the dependencies xquerydoc requires.

Please review the licenses of all included software.

##Credit, Acknowledgements

Created by John Snelson, James Fuller

XQuery parsers were generated from EBNF using Gunther Rademacher excellent

Norman Walsh's XML Calabash is available under either the GPLv2 or Sun's CDDL license

Saxon XQuery and XSLT 2.0 Processor by Michael Kay is released under Mozilla Public License

Prettify (used by api doc and testsuite) is released under Apache License, Version 2.0

XQuery prettify 'brush' was provided by Patrick Wied (as part of a MarkLogic bounty contest ;) ) and can be obtained here

Though there is no reuse of any code from the original xqDoc project, we have opted to use a subset of the xqDoc XML format, the codebase is released under Apache License, Version 2.0


xquerydoc is released under Apache License v2.0

Copyright 2011 John Snelson, James Fuller

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and


Why a pure XQuery v1.0 implementation ?

This means you can generate api level documentation using just XQuery ! Need we say more ?

Why use XML Calabash XProc ?

As we are applying an XQuery process and an XSLT process on a set of xquery documents it seemed like a good match for the commandline invokation. You can of course use the XQuery v1.0 libraries without XProc but you will need to apply XSLT stylesheets using your processors capabilities.

How can I build xquerydoc ?

The build process is not included in the distro currently.

xquerydoc does not seem to parse correctly !

We are very interested in parsing as correctly as possible so please submit issue to

*Doesn't work on windows!"

The commandline scripts have been written with unix/linux/osx in mind but xquerydoc can be invoked by any XQuery v1.0 compliant processor.

As the commandline scripts are just a wrapper around an XProc pipeline you should be able to easily work out invoking XML Calabash.

Otherwise very happy to review pull requests and patch any windows support but I am not setup to test for this platform.

##More Info


  • add specific parsing options (XQueryv3.0, etc)
  • add recursive directory processing
  • create markdown output format
  • create docbook output format
  • create text output format
  • enhance output

xquerydoc v.1 18/9/2011