Releases: jettro/c3-angular-directive
Fixed memory bug
A memory bug was reported in dynamic charts. Made a fix by improving the api usage of c3. Should be a lot better now.
Added formatting the pie chart
0.5.1 Added formatting to the pie chart and bumped the release to 0.5.1
Release 0.5.0 with new formatting options
Added the pull request by EmmN to add a lot of formatting options.
More features and improved examples
A lot more features now available, configuration options for gauge, pie, donut, point. Probably the biggest one being support for events. It is now possible to submit a callback function for graph events but also for clicking on a data point.
release to be able to better test new events
I am working on release 0.4, but I wanted to have additional testing available on the added events which is easier with a release.
Upgraded version of c3js and some pull requests
Added a number of pull requests by:
mark-lai: formatting and x/y tick enhancements
yourivdlans: Some very nice enhancements in the axis, also the sample with the bubble.
Resseguie: Added a feature to pass a color function to the chart
release 0.2.1
As mentioned in issue #9 by RonB, the dependency for angular was not by the one found in the bower repository. Therefore I have changed it. For now we keep the dependency on angular 1.3.*.
Changes for elasticsearch-gui project to work
0.2.0 Changes to make it work with the elasticsearch-gui project.
Initial release using grunt and bower
This is a first release to test working with bower and grunt.