I write my resume in Markdown so it's easy to edit, serve on GitHub (which automatically renders it as HTML), and convert to PDF. The files in this repo are:
- README.md: The simplest version of my resume
- Served at https://github.com/jeffs/resume/
- Also available on GitHub pages at https://jeffs.github.io/resume/
- about-this-repo.md: This file
- jeff-schwab.pdf: My resume, rendered as a PDF
- pdf.css: Styles for generating jeff-schwab.pdf
- pdf.md: Stylized Markdown for generating the PDF
Updates to the resume are performed thus:
- Edit README.md by hand
- Copy updated content from README.md to pdf.md
- Convert pdf.md to HTML
- Serve the HTML version locally, and tweak the styles as needed
miniserve . open http://localhost:8080/pdf.md.html
- Save as jeff-schwab.pdf