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| -# HassMic (The Integration) |
| 1 | +# This is not the repository you're looking for! |
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| -This is the HassMic integration, a Home assistant integration designed to |
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| -enable Android devices acting as Home Assistant voice assistant satellites. |
| 3 | +Once upon a time, the hassmic HA integration and hassmic app were separate. They |
| 4 | +were combined when HassMic was still in beta, and the code moved there. |
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| -It is meant to pair with the [HassMic App](http://github.com/jeffc/hassmic-app). |
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| -## Usage |
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| -Install this integration in Home Assistant, either by using HACS (preferred) or |
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| -by cloning the repository into your `custom_components/` directory as `hassmic`. |
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| -[](https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/hacs_repository/?owner=jeffc&repository=hassmic-integration&category=integration) |
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| -Once installed, you have two options. If your Home Assistant has Zeroconf |
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| -discovery enabled (it does unless you've turned it off explicitly or your |
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| -network configuration is whacky), devices running the HassMic app will |
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| -automatically be discovered. |
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| - |
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| -If you don't have Zeroconf enabled or it isn't working, you can add devices by |
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| -IP address (or hostname). The port should remain set to the default, `11700`. |
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| -## Known Bugs (the good ones) |
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| -It is currently in active development and probably has lots of bugs. Some |
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| -highlights: |
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| - |
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| -- There is currently **NO configurability**. HassMic uses your default assist |
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| - pipeline, default wakework, and default text-to-speech engine, and outputs the |
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| - result through the HassMic app. All of this will be improving soon! |
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| -Please report all other bugs using the issue tracker! |
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| -## License |
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| -[![CC BY-SA 4.0][cc-by-sa-shield]][cc-by-sa] |
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| -This work is licensed under a |
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| -[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License][cc-by-sa]. |
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| -[![CC BY-SA 4.0][cc-by-sa-image]][cc-by-sa] |
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| -[cc-by-sa]: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ |
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| -[cc-by-sa-image]: https://licensebuttons.net/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png |
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| -[cc-by-sa-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-CC%20BY--SA%204.0-lightgrey.svg |
| 6 | +[>> CLICK HERE <<](https://github.com/jeffc/hassmic) to go to the current |
| 7 | +repository! |
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