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jeffWelling edited this page Feb 8, 2011 · 1 revision

Whats up with the licensing of TicGit-ng?

The original author who wrote TicGit started it as an MIT licensed project. While I applaud that it was created under a free license, I dislike that proprietary interests can take it and improve upon it and withhold those changes from the community. To stop that, I have decided to release my modifications to TicGit as GPLv3 licensed software.

But I want an MIT licensed TicGit-ng

Fair enough, to each his own. As of this writing the original author has not yet deleted his original TicGit page on Github, so you are free to download and continue development on his project if you wish. If at some point that page becomes unavailable, the original MIT Licensed TicGit program can be retrieved from the depths of the TicGit-ng repository by checking out commit bf57b032e030bd16a7b2 .

What gives you the right to re-license TicGit?

Oh, no no. I'm not re-licensing the original authors work, I don't have the authority or permission to do that. All that I'm doing is specifying that the contributions to TicGit that I have made and released under Ticgit-ng are licensed under GPLv3.

I don't think your allowed to re-license TicGit

If you don't think the MIT license permits this, then I encourage you to open an Issue if one isn't already open, and we can debate the matter there. In my Googling I've determined that it is, but if you think otherwise I welcome your constructive criticism.

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