This example demonstrates using the camel-cxf component with Red Hat Fuse on EAP to produce and consume JAX-WS web services.
In this example, a Camel route takes a message payload from a direct endpoint and passes it on to a CXF producer endpoint. The producer uses the payload to pass arguments to a CXF JAX-WS web service.
- Apache Maven 3.5+
- Red Hat JBoss EAP 7.1 server with Red Hat Fuse 7.2 installed
To run the example.
Start the application server in standalone mode:
For Linux:
${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/ -c standalone-full.xml
For Windows:
%JBOSS_HOME%\bin\standalone.bat -c standalone-full.xml
Build and deploy the project
mvn install -Pdeploy
Browse to http://<jboss_eap_host>:8080/example-camel-cxf-jaxws-crypto/
You should see a page titled 'Send A Greeting'. This UI enables us to interact with the test 'greeting' web service which will have also been started.
Browse to http://<jboss_eap_host>:8080/example-camel-cxf-jaxws-crypto/.
From the 'Send A Greeting' web form, enter a 'message' and 'name' into the text fields and press the 'send' button. You'll then see the information you entered combined to display a greeting on the UI.
handles the POST request from the web UI. It retrieves the message and name form parameter values and constructs an object array. This object array will be the message payload that is sent to the direct:start
endpoint. A ProducerTemplate
sends the message payload to Camel. The direct:start
endpoint passes the object array to a cxf:bean
web service producer. The web service response is used by CamelCxfWsServlet
to display the greeting on the web UI.
The full Camel route can be seen in cxfws-crypto-camel-context.xml.
The service WSDL is available at http://<jboss_eap_host>:8080/webservices/greeting-security-basic?wsdl.
There is a single service operation named greet
which takes 2 String parameters named message
and name
. Invoking the web service will return a response where these values have been concatenated together.
To undeploy the example run mvn clean -Pdeploy