To find out when you’re on call follow the below checklist:
- Add the SET calendar to your Google Calendar
- Log in to OpsGenie via OneLogin
- Open each of the following schedules that are relevant to you:
- For each click the litte "Open Calendar" calendar button that appears when you hover over the calendar. This will open a
link, copy this link - In Google calendar (or your prefered calendaring app) Go to “Add Calendar”, select “From URL” and paste the
URL. After it's added, rename it to something appropriate.
- Find yourself on the calendar
- At the top right of Google Calendar click the search icon
- Type in the below based on your rotation for SET: “\ Engineering_schedule”
- The results should show you the dates you’re on call
There’s a few things you should set up before your first day on call. Work through the following checklist a couple days before you start on-call:
- Log in to OpsGenie
- Go to and log in
- Search for and click the OpsGenie icon
- Install the OpsGenie app on your phone
- Search “OpsGenie” in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store
- Open the app and type in your email, making sure to select US as the data center region
- For organization, enter “mattermost”
- This should redirect you to OneLogin to complete the log in
- Configure your OpsGenie notification rules in your desktop browser
- Go to
- Under “Contact methods” add your phone number for SMS and/or Voice
- Under “Notification rules” you should configure the rules for:
- New Alert
- Schedule Start
- Schedule End
- How you want to configure your notifications is up to you but make sure it’s configured in a way that will get your attention
- An example configuration is:
- Notify mobile immediately
- Notify via SMS after 5 minutes
- Notify via phone call after 10 minutes
- An example configuration is:
- Test your notification rules by creating a test alert
- Go to
- Click “Create alert” in the top right
- Name the alert “Test Alert”
- Add yourself under “Responders”
- Click “Create”
- Confirm that your notification rules are followed
- Acknowledge the alert
- Close the alert
- Join ~Incidents Status channels on
- Read Incident Response to familiarize yourself with the response process
- Create a test incident to familiarize yourself with the Incident Response plugin
- On, click the “!” icon in the channel header
- Click the “+” to start a new incident
- Choose playbook
- For SET, use “Sustained Engineering”
- For Cloud, use “Cloud Incident Response Playbook”
- End the incident
On your first day on call, do the following:
- Check if you’re on-call as primary or back up
- Log in to OpsGenie
- Go to and click on the schedule for the rotation you’re on
- You’re on-call as primary if you’re listed under one of the rotations that has “Primary” in the name
- Start your shift
- OpsGenie will notify you when your shift starts or check the schedule
- Watch for alerts from OpsGenie and follow Incident Response to respond to any alerts
- End your shift
- OpsGenie will notify you when your shift ends or check the schedule