This section serves to provide guides and examples for the common usage of abstractions and functionality of the Hopsworks platform through the Hopsworks UI and APIs.
- Client Installation: How to get started with the Hopsworks Client libraries.
- Feature Store: Learn about the common usage of the core Hopsworks Feature Store abstractions, such as Feature Groups, Feature Views, Data Validation and Storage Connectors. Also, learn from the Client Integrations guides how to connect to the Feature Store from external environments such as a local Python environment, Databricks, or AWS Sagemaker
- MLOps: Learn about the common usage of Hopsworks MLOps abstractions, such as the Model Registry or Model Serving.
- Projects: The core abstraction on Hopsworks are Projects. Learn in this section how to manage your projects and the services therein.
- Migration: Learn how to migrate to newer versions of Hopsworks.