diff --git a/buku b/buku
index 97fd6c6e..121b7781 100755
--- a/buku
+++ b/buku
@@ -1959,7 +1959,7 @@ class BukuDb:
         return parse_tags(tags)
-    def replace_tag(self, orig: str, new: List[str] = []) -> bool:
+    def replace_tag(self, orig: str, new: List[str] = []):
         """Replace original tag by new tags in all records.
         Remove original tag if new tag is empty.
@@ -1971,22 +1971,26 @@ class BukuDb:
         new : list
             Replacement tags.
-        Returns
+        Raises
-        bool
-            True on success, False on failure.
+        ValueError: Invalid input(s) provided.
+        RuntimeError: Tag deletion failed.
+        if DELIM in orig:
+            raise ValueError("Original tag cannot contain delimiter ({}).".format(DELIM))
         orig = delim_wrap(orig)
-        newtags = parse_tags(new) if new else DELIM
+        newtags = parse_tags([DELIM.join(new)])
         if orig == newtags:
-            print('Tags are same.')
-            return False
+            raise ValueError("Original and replacement tags are the same.")
         # Remove original tag from DB if new tagset reduces to delimiter
         if newtags == DELIM:
-            return self.delete_tag_at_index(0, orig)
+            if not self.delete_tag_at_index(0, orig):
+                raise RuntimeError("Tag deletion failed.")
         # Update bookmarks with original tag
         query = 'SELECT id, tags FROM bookmarks WHERE tags LIKE ?'
@@ -2002,8 +2006,6 @@ class BukuDb:
-        return True
     def get_tagstr_from_taglist(self, id_list, taglist):
         """Get a string of delimiter-separated (and enclosed) string
         of tags from a dictionary of tags by matching ids.
@@ -5974,7 +5976,11 @@ POSITIONAL ARGUMENTS:
         if len(args.replace) == 1:
             bdb.delete_tag_at_index(0, args.replace[0])
-            bdb.replace_tag(args.replace[0], args.replace[1:])
+            try:
+                bdb.replace_tag(args.replace[0], [' '.join(args.replace[1:])])
+            except Exception as e:
+                LOGERR(str(e))
+                bdb.close_quit(1)
     # Export bookmarks
     if args.export is not None and not search_opted:
diff --git a/bukuserver/api.py b/bukuserver/api.py
index 171ffb8a..8b34412d 100644
--- a/bukuserver/api.py
+++ b/bukuserver/api.py
@@ -6,29 +6,23 @@
 from unittest import mock
 from flask.views import MethodView
-from flask_api import exceptions, status
 import buku
 from buku import BukuDb
 import flask
-from flask import current_app, jsonify, redirect, request, url_for
+from flask import current_app, redirect, request, url_for
-    from . import forms, response
+    from response import Response
+    from forms import ApiBookmarkCreateForm, ApiBookmarkEditForm, ApiBookmarkRangeEditForm, ApiTagForm
 except ImportError:
-    from bukuserver import forms, response
+    from bukuserver.response import Response
+    from bukuserver.forms import ApiBookmarkCreateForm, ApiBookmarkEditForm, ApiBookmarkRangeEditForm, ApiTagForm
-response_ok = lambda: (jsonify(response.response_template['success']),
-                       status.HTTP_200_OK,
-                       {'ContentType': 'application/json'})
-response_bad = lambda: (jsonify(response.response_template['failure']),
-                        status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
-                        {'ContentType': 'application/json'})
-to_response = lambda ok: response_ok() if ok else response_bad()
 def entity(bookmark, id=False):
     data = {
@@ -94,23 +88,35 @@ class ApiTagView(MethodView):
     def get(self, tag: T.Optional[str]):
         bukudb = get_bukudb()
         if tag is None:
-            return {"tags": search_tag(db=bukudb, limit=5)[0]}
+            return Response.SUCCESS(data={"tags": search_tag(db=bukudb, limit=5)[0]})
         tags = search_tag(db=bukudb, stag=tag)
         if tag not in tags[1]:
-            raise exceptions.NotFound()
-        return {"name": tag, "usage_count": tags[1][tag]}
+            return Response.TAG_NOT_FOUND()
+        return Response.SUCCESS(data={"name": tag, "usage_count": tags[1][tag]})
     def put(self, tag: str):
+        form = ApiTagForm({})
+        error_response, data = form.process_data(request.get_json())
+        if error_response is not None:
+            return error_response(data=data)
         bukudb = get_bukudb()
+        tags = search_tag(db=bukudb, stag=tag)
+        if tag not in tags[1]:
+            return Response.TAG_NOT_FOUND()
-            new_tags = request.data.get('tags')  # type: ignore
-            if new_tags:
-                new_tags = new_tags.split(',')
-            else:
-                return response_bad()
-        except AttributeError as e:
-            raise exceptions.ParseError(detail=str(e))
-        return to_response(bukudb.replace_tag(tag, new_tags))
+            bukudb.replace_tag(tag, form.tags.data)
+            return Response.SUCCESS()
+        except (ValueError, RuntimeError):
+            return Response.FAILURE()
+    def delete(self, tag: str):
+        if buku.DELIM in tag:
+            return Response.TAG_NOT_VALID()
+        bukudb = get_bukudb()
+        tags = search_tag(db=bukudb, stag=tag)
+        if tag not in tags[1]:
+            return Response.TAG_NOT_FOUND()
+        return Response.from_flag(bukudb.delete_tag_at_index(0, tag, chatty=False))
 class ApiBookmarkView(MethodView):
@@ -121,34 +127,40 @@ def get(self, rec_id: T.Union[int, None]):
             all_bookmarks = bukudb.get_rec_all()
             result = {'bookmarks': [entity(bookmark, id=not request.path.startswith('/api/'))
                                     for bookmark in all_bookmarks]}
-            res = jsonify(result)
             bukudb = getattr(flask.g, 'bukudb', get_bukudb())
             bookmark = bukudb.get_rec_by_id(rec_id)
-            res = (response_bad() if bookmark is None else jsonify(entity(bookmark)))
-        return res
+            if bookmark is None:
+                return Response.BOOKMARK_NOT_FOUND()
+            result = entity(bookmark)
+        return Response.SUCCESS(data=result)
     def post(self, rec_id: None = None):
+        form = ApiBookmarkCreateForm({})
+        error_response, error_data = form.process_data(request.get_json())
+        if error_response is not None:
+            return error_response(data=error_data)
         bukudb = getattr(flask.g, 'bukudb', get_bukudb())
-        create_bookmarks_form = forms.ApiBookmarkForm()
-        url_data = create_bookmarks_form.url.data
         result_flag = bukudb.add_rec(
-            url_data,
-            create_bookmarks_form.title.data,
-            create_bookmarks_form.tags.data,
-            create_bookmarks_form.description.data
-        )
-        return to_response(result_flag)
+            form.url.data,
+            form.title.data,
+            form.tags_str,
+            form.description.data)
+        return Response.from_flag(result_flag)
     def put(self, rec_id: int):
+        form = ApiBookmarkEditForm({})
+        error_response, error_data = form.process_data(request.get_json())
+        if error_response is not None:
+            return error_response(data=error_data)
         bukudb = getattr(flask.g, 'bukudb', get_bukudb())
         result_flag = bukudb.update_rec(
-            request.form.get('url'),
-            request.form.get('title'),
-            request.form.get('tags'),
-            request.form.get('description'))
-        return to_response(result_flag)
+            form.url.data,
+            form.title.data,
+            form.tags_str,
+            form.description.data)
+        return Response.from_flag(result_flag)
     def delete(self, rec_id: T.Union[int, None]):
         if rec_id is None:
@@ -158,7 +170,7 @@ def delete(self, rec_id: T.Union[int, None]):
             bukudb = getattr(flask.g, 'bukudb', get_bukudb())
             result_flag = bukudb.delete_rec(rec_id)
-        return to_response(result_flag)
+        return Response.from_flag(result_flag)
 class ApiBookmarkRangeView(MethodView):
@@ -166,37 +178,49 @@ class ApiBookmarkRangeView(MethodView):
     def get(self, starting_id: int, ending_id: int):
         bukudb = getattr(flask.g, 'bukudb', get_bukudb())
         max_id = bukudb.get_max_id() or 0
-        if starting_id > max_id or ending_id > max_id:
-            return response_bad()
+        if starting_id > ending_id or ending_id > max_id:
+            return Response.RANGE_NOT_VALID()
         result = {'bookmarks': {i: entity(bukudb.get_rec_by_id(i))
                                 for i in range(starting_id, ending_id + 1)}}
-        return jsonify(result)
+        return Response.SUCCESS(data=result)
     def put(self, starting_id: int, ending_id: int):
         bukudb = getattr(flask.g, 'bukudb', get_bukudb())
         max_id = bukudb.get_max_id() or 0
-        if starting_id > max_id or ending_id > max_id:
-            return response_bad()
-        for i in range(starting_id, ending_id + 1, 1):
-            updated_bookmark = request.data.get(str(i))  # type: ignore
-            result_flag = bukudb.update_rec(
-                i,
-                updated_bookmark.get('url'),
-                updated_bookmark.get('title'),
-                updated_bookmark.get('tags'),
-                updated_bookmark.get('description'))
-            if result_flag is False:
-                return response_bad()
-        return response_ok()
+        if starting_id > ending_id or ending_id > max_id:
+            return Response.RANGE_NOT_VALID()
+        updates = []
+        errors = {}
+        for rec_id in range(starting_id, ending_id + 1):
+            json = request.get_json().get(str(rec_id))
+            if json is None:
+                errors[rec_id] = 'Input required.'
+                continue
+            form = ApiBookmarkRangeEditForm({})
+            error_response, error_data = form.process_data(json)
+            if error_response is not None:
+                errors[rec_id] = error_data.get('errors')
+            updates += [{'index': rec_id,
+                         'url': form.url.data,
+                         'title_in': form.title.data,
+                         'tags_in': form.tags_in,
+                         'desc': form.description.data}]
+        if errors:
+            return Response.INPUT_NOT_VALID(data={'errors': errors})
+        for update in updates:
+            if not bukudb.update_rec(**update):
+                return Response.FAILURE()
+        return Response.SUCCESS()
     def delete(self, starting_id: int, ending_id: int):
         bukudb = getattr(flask.g, 'bukudb', get_bukudb())
         max_id = bukudb.get_max_id() or 0
-        if starting_id > max_id or ending_id > max_id:
-            return response_bad()
+        if starting_id > ending_id or ending_id > max_id:
+            return Response.RANGE_NOT_VALID()
         idx = min([starting_id, ending_id])
         result_flag = bukudb.delete_rec(idx, starting_id, ending_id, is_range=True)
-        return to_response(result_flag)
+        return Response.from_flag(result_flag)
 class ApiBookmarkSearchView(MethodView):
@@ -217,14 +241,11 @@ def get(self):
         deep = deep if isinstance(deep, bool) else deep.lower() == 'true'
         regex = regex if isinstance(regex, bool) else regex.lower() == 'true'
         bukudb = getattr(flask.g, 'bukudb', get_bukudb())
-        res = None
         result = {'bookmarks': [entity(bookmark, id=True)
                                 for bookmark in bukudb.searchdb(keywords, all_keywords, deep, regex)]}
         current_app.logger.debug('total bookmarks:{}'.format(len(result['bookmarks'])))
-        res = jsonify(result)
-        return res
+        return Response.SUCCESS(data=result)
     def delete(self):
         arg_obj = request.form
@@ -246,8 +267,8 @@ def delete(self):
         res = None
         for bookmark in bukudb.searchdb(keywords, all_keywords, deep, regex):
             if not bukudb.delete_rec(bookmark.id):
-                res = response_bad()
-        return res or response_ok()
+                res = Response.FAILURE()
+        return res or Response.SUCCESS()
 class BookmarkletView(MethodView):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
diff --git a/bukuserver/forms.py b/bukuserver/forms.py
index 5f328f22..b489cef4 100644
--- a/bukuserver/forms.py
+++ b/bukuserver/forms.py
@@ -1,26 +1,85 @@
 """Forms module."""
 # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, missing-docstring
-import wtforms
+from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple
 from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
+from wtforms.fields import BooleanField, FieldList, StringField, TextAreaField, HiddenField
+from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, InputRequired, ValidationError
+from buku import DELIM, parse_tags
+from bukuserver.response import Response
+def validate_tag(form, field):
+    if not isinstance(field.data, str):
+        raise ValidationError('Tag must be a string.')
+    if DELIM in field.data:
+        raise ValidationError('Tag must not contain delimiter \"{}\".'.format(DELIM))
 class SearchBookmarksForm(FlaskForm):
-    keywords = wtforms.FieldList(wtforms.StringField('Keywords'), min_entries=1)
-    all_keywords = wtforms.BooleanField('Match all keywords')
-    deep = wtforms.BooleanField('Deep search')
-    regex = wtforms.BooleanField('Regex')
+    keywords = FieldList(StringField('Keywords'), min_entries=1)
+    all_keywords = BooleanField('Match all keywords')
+    deep = BooleanField('Deep search')
+    regex = BooleanField('Regex')
 class HomeForm(SearchBookmarksForm):
-    keyword = wtforms.StringField('Keyword')
+    keyword = StringField('Keyword')
 class BookmarkForm(FlaskForm):
-    url = wtforms.StringField('Url', name='link', validators=[wtforms.validators.InputRequired()])
-    title = wtforms.StringField()
-    tags = wtforms.StringField()
-    description = wtforms.TextAreaField()
-    fetch = wtforms.HiddenField(filters=[bool])
-class ApiBookmarkForm(BookmarkForm):
-    url = wtforms.StringField(validators=[wtforms.validators.DataRequired()])
+    url = StringField('Url', name='link', validators=[InputRequired()])
+    title = StringField()
+    tags = StringField()
+    description = TextAreaField()
+    fetch = HiddenField(filters=[bool])
+class ApiTagForm(FlaskForm):
+    class Meta:
+        csrf = False
+    tags = FieldList(StringField(validators=[DataRequired(), validate_tag]), min_entries=1)
+    tags_str = None
+    def process_data(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[Response, Dict[str, Any]]:
+        """Generate comma-separated string tags_str based on list of tags."""
+        tags = data.get('tags')
+        if tags and not isinstance(tags, list):
+            return Response.INPUT_NOT_VALID, {'errors': {'tags': 'List of tags expected.'}}
+        super().process(data=data)
+        if not self.validate():
+            return Response.INPUT_NOT_VALID, {'errors': self.errors}
+        self.tags_str = None if tags is None else parse_tags([DELIM.join(tags)])
+        return None, None
+class ApiBookmarkCreateForm(ApiTagForm):
+    class Meta:
+        csrf = False
+    url = StringField(validators=[DataRequired()])
+    title = StringField()
+    description = StringField()
+    tags = FieldList(StringField(validators=[validate_tag]), min_entries=0)
+class ApiBookmarkEditForm(ApiBookmarkCreateForm):
+    url = StringField()
+class ApiBookmarkRangeEditForm(ApiBookmarkEditForm):
+    del_tags = BooleanField('Delete tags list from existing tags', default=False)
+    tags_in = None
+    def process_data(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[Response, Dict[str, Any]]:
+        """Generate comma-separated string tags_in based on list of tags."""
+        error_response, data = super().process_data(data)
+        if self.tags_str is not None:
+            self.tags_in = ("-" if self.del_tags.data else "+") + self.tags_str
+        return error_response, data
diff --git a/bukuserver/response.py b/bukuserver/response.py
index 69b83567..35e48f60 100644
--- a/bukuserver/response.py
+++ b/bukuserver/response.py
@@ -1,4 +1,47 @@
-response_template = {
-    "success": {'status': 0, 'message': 'success'},
-    "failure": {'status': 1, 'message': 'failure'}
+from enum import Enum
+from flask import jsonify
+from flask_api.status import HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
+OK, FAIL = 0, 1
+class Response(Enum):
+    SUCCESS = (HTTP_200_OK, "Success.")
+    FAILURE = (HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Failure.")
+    INPUT_NOT_VALID = (HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Input data not valid.")
+    BOOKMARK_NOT_FOUND = (HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, "Bookmark not found.")
+    TAG_NOT_FOUND = (HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, "Tag not found.")
+    RANGE_NOT_VALID = (HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Range not valid.")
+    TAG_NOT_VALID = (HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid tag.")
+    @staticmethod
+    def bad_request(message: str):
+        json = {'status': Response.FAILURE.status, 'message': message}
+        return (jsonify(json), Response.FAILURE.status_code, {'ContentType': 'application/json'})
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_flag(flag: bool):
+        return Response.SUCCESS() if flag else Response.FAILURE()
+    @property
+    def status_code(self) -> int:
+        return self.value[0]
+    @property
+    def message(self) -> str:
+        return self.value[1]
+    @property
+    def status(self) -> int:
+        return OK if self.status_code == HTTP_200_OK else FAIL
+    def json(self, data :dict = None) -> dict:
+        return dict(status=self.status, message=self.message, **data or {})  # pylint: disable=R1735
+    def __call__(self, *, data :dict = None):
+        """Generates a tuple in the form (response, status, headers)
+        If passed, data is added to the response's JSON.
+        """
+        return (jsonify(self.json(data)), self.status_code, {'ContentType': 'application/json'})
diff --git a/bukuserver/server.py b/bukuserver/server.py
index 2ec33a4c..7978a78b 100644
--- a/bukuserver/server.py
+++ b/bukuserver/server.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 from flask.cli import FlaskGroup
 from flask_admin import Admin
-from flask_api import FlaskAPI, status
+from flask_api import FlaskAPI
 from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap
 from buku import BukuDb, __version__, network_handler
@@ -20,45 +20,40 @@
 import click
 import flask
 from flask import __version__ as flask_version  # type: ignore
-from flask import (
-    current_app,
-    jsonify,
-    redirect,
-    request,
-    url_for,
+from flask import current_app, redirect, request, url_for
-    from . import api, response, views
+    from . import api, views
+    from response import Response
 except ImportError:
-    from bukuserver import api, response, views
+    from bukuserver import api, views
+    from bukuserver.response import Response
 def handle_network():
-    failed_resp = response.response_template['failure'], status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
     url = request.data.get('url', None)
     if not url:
-        return failed_resp
+        return Response.FAILURE()
         res = network_handler(url)
         keys = ['title', 'description', 'tags', 'recognized mime', 'bad url']
         res_dict = dict(zip(keys, res))
-        return jsonify(res_dict)
+        return Response.SUCCESS(data=res_dict)
     except Exception as e:
-    return failed_resp
+    return Response.FAILURE()
 def refresh_bookmark(rec_id: Union[int, None]):
     result_flag = getattr(flask.g, 'bukudb', api.get_bukudb()).refreshdb(rec_id or 0, request.form.get('threads', 4))
-    return api.to_response(result_flag)
+    return Response.from_flag(result_flag)
 def get_tiny_url(rec_id):
     url = getattr(flask.g, 'bukudb', api.get_bukudb()).tnyfy_url(rec_id)
-    return jsonify({'url': url}) if url else api.response_bad()
+    return Response.SUCCESS(data={'url': url}) if url else Response.FAILURE()
 _BOOL_VALUES = {'true': True, '1': True, 'false': False, '0': False}
@@ -132,8 +127,8 @@ def shell_context():
     # routing
     #  api
     tag_api_view = api.ApiTagView.as_view('tag_api')
-    app.add_url_rule('/api/tags', defaults={'tag': None}, view_func=tag_api_view, methods=['GET'])
-    app.add_url_rule('/api/tags/<tag>', view_func=tag_api_view, methods=['GET', 'PUT'])
+    app.add_url_rule('/api/tags', defaults={'tag': None}, view_func=tag_api_view, methods=['GET'], strict_slashes=False)
+    app.add_url_rule('/api/tags/<tag>', view_func=tag_api_view, methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE'])
     bookmark_api_view = api.ApiBookmarkView.as_view('bookmark_api')
     app.add_url_rule('/api/bookmarks', defaults={'rec_id': None}, view_func=bookmark_api_view, methods=['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'])
     app.add_url_rule('/api/bookmarks/<int:rec_id>', view_func=bookmark_api_view, methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE'])
diff --git a/bukuserver/views.py b/bukuserver/views.py
index 91c9ecad..8f46da17 100644
--- a/bukuserver/views.py
+++ b/bukuserver/views.py
@@ -566,12 +566,11 @@ def delete_model(self, model):
         return res
     def update_model(self, form, model):
-        res = None
             original_name = model.name
             self._on_model_change(form, model, False)
-            res = self.bukudb.replace_tag(original_name, [model.name])
+            self.bukudb.replace_tag(original_name, [model.name])
             self.all_tags = self.bukudb.get_tag_all()
         except Exception as ex:
             if not self.handle_view_exception(ex):
@@ -583,7 +582,7 @@ def update_model(self, form, model):
             return False
         self.after_model_change(form, model, False)
-        return res
+        return True
     def create_model(self, form):
diff --git a/tests/test_bukuDb.py b/tests/test_bukuDb.py
index 7976990b..7066308d 100644
--- a/tests/test_bukuDb.py
+++ b/tests/test_bukuDb.py
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ def test_delete_rec_index_and_delay_commit(setup, index, delay_commit, input_ret
     elif n_index > db_len:
         assert not res
         assert len(bdb.get_rec_all()) == db_len
-    elif index == 0 and input_retval != "y":
+    elif index == 0 and not input_retval:
         assert not res
         assert len(bdb.get_rec_all()) == db_len
diff --git a/tests/test_server.py b/tests/test_server.py
index 90a157e8..06d8f358 100644
--- a/tests/test_server.py
+++ b/tests/test_server.py
@@ -1,14 +1,28 @@
-import json
 import pytest
 import flask
+from flask_api.status import HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED
 from click.testing import CliRunner
 from bukuserver import server
-from bukuserver.response import response_template
+from bukuserver.response import Response
 from bukuserver.server import get_bool_from_env_var
+def assert_response(response, exp_res :Response, data :dict = None):
+    assert response.status_code == exp_res.status_code
+    assert response.get_json() == exp_res.json(data=data)
+    'data, exp_json', [
+        [None, {'status': 0, 'message': 'Success.'}],
+        [{}, {'status': 0, 'message': 'Success.'}],
+        [{'key': 'value'}, {'status': 0, 'message': 'Success.', 'key': 'value'}],
+    ]
+def test_response_json(data, exp_json):
+    assert Response.SUCCESS.json(data=data) == exp_json
@@ -38,204 +52,240 @@ def test_home(client):
-    'url, exp_res', [
-        ['/api/tags', {'tags': []}],
-        ['/api/bookmarks', {'bookmarks': []}],
-        ['/api/bookmarks/search', {'bookmarks': []}],
-        ['/api/bookmarks/refresh', response_template['failure']]
+    'method, url, exp_res, data', [
+        ['get', '/api/tags', Response.SUCCESS, {'tags': []}],
+        ['get', '/api/bookmarks', Response.SUCCESS, {'bookmarks': []}],
+        ['get', '/api/bookmarks/search', Response.SUCCESS, {'bookmarks': []}],
+        ['post', '/api/bookmarks/refresh', Response.FAILURE, None]
-def test_api_empty_db(client, url, exp_res):
-    if url == '/api/bookmarks/refresh':
-        rd = client.post(url)
-        assert rd.status_code == 400
-    else:
-        rd = client.get(url)
-        assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == exp_res
+def test_api_empty_db(client, method, url, exp_res, data):
+    rd = getattr(client, method)(url)
+    assert_response(rd, exp_res, data)
-    'url, exp_res, status_code, method', [
-        ['/api/tags/1', {'message': 'This resource does not exist.'}, 404, 'get'],
-        ['/api/tags/1', response_template['failure'], 400, 'put'],
-        ['/api/bookmarks/1', response_template['failure'], 400, 'get'],
-        ['/api/bookmarks/1', response_template['failure'], 400, 'put'],
-        ['/api/bookmarks/1', response_template['failure'], 400, 'delete'],
-        ['/api/bookmarks/1/refresh', response_template['failure'], 400, 'post'],
-        ['/api/bookmarks/1/tiny', response_template['failure'], 400, 'get'],
-        ['/api/bookmarks/1/2', response_template['failure'], 400, 'get'],
-        ['/api/bookmarks/1/2', response_template['failure'], 400, 'put'],
-        ['/api/bookmarks/1/2', response_template['failure'], 400, 'delete'],
+    'url, methods', [
+        ['api/tags', ['post', 'put', 'delete']],
+        ['/api/tags/tag1', ['post']],
+        ['api/bookmarks', ['put']],
+        ['/api/bookmarks/1', ['post']],
+        ['/api/bookmarks/refresh', ['get', 'put', 'delete']],
+        ['api/bookmarks/1/refresh', ['get', 'put', 'delete']],
+        ['api/bookmarks/1/tiny', ['post', 'put', 'delete']],
+        ['/api/bookmarks/1/2', ['post']],
-def test_invalid_id(client, url, exp_res, status_code, method):
-    rd = getattr(client, method)(url)
-    assert rd.status_code == status_code
-    assert rd.get_json() == exp_res
+def test_not_allowed(client, url, methods):
+    for method in methods:
+        rd = getattr(client, method)(url)
+        assert rd.status_code == HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED
+    'method, url, json, exp_res', [
+        ['get', '/api/tags/tag1', None, Response.TAG_NOT_FOUND],
+        ['put', '/api/tags/tag1', {'tags': ['tag2']}, Response.TAG_NOT_FOUND],
+        ['delete', '/api/tags/tag1', None, Response.TAG_NOT_FOUND],
+        ['get', '/api/bookmarks/1', None, Response.BOOKMARK_NOT_FOUND],
+        ['put', '/api/bookmarks/1', {'title': 'none'}, Response.FAILURE],
+        ['delete', '/api/bookmarks/1', None, Response.FAILURE],
+        ['post', '/api/bookmarks/1/refresh', None, Response.FAILURE],
+        ['get', '/api/bookmarks/1/tiny', None, Response.FAILURE],
+        ['get', '/api/bookmarks/1/2', None, Response.RANGE_NOT_VALID],
+        ['put', '/api/bookmarks/1/2', {1: {'title': 'one'}, 2: {'title': 'two'}}, Response.RANGE_NOT_VALID],
+        ['delete', '/api/bookmarks/1/2', None, Response.RANGE_NOT_VALID],
+    ]
+def test_invalid_id(client, method, url, json, exp_res):
+    rd = getattr(client, method)(url, json=json)
+    assert_response(rd, exp_res)
 def test_tag_api(client):
     url = 'http://google.com'
-    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', data={'url': url, 'tags': 'tag1,tag2'})
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
+    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', json={'url': url, 'tags': ['tag1', 'TAG2']})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
     rd = client.get('/api/tags')
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == {'tags': ['tag1', 'tag2']}
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'tags': ['tag1', 'tag2']})
     rd = client.get('/api/tags/tag1')
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == {'name': 'tag1', 'usage_count': 1}
-    rd = client.put('/api/tags/tag1', data={'tags': 'tag3,tag4'})
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'name': 'tag1', 'usage_count': 1})
+    rd = client.put('/api/tags/tag1', json={'tags': 'string'})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.INPUT_NOT_VALID, data={'errors': {'tags': 'List of tags expected.'}})
+    for json in [{}, {'tags': None}, {'tags': ''}, {'tags':[]}]:
+        rd = client.put('/api/tags/tag1', json={'tags': []})
+        assert_response(rd, Response.INPUT_NOT_VALID, data={'errors': {'tags': [['This field is required.']]}})
+    rd = client.put('/api/tags/tag1', json={'tags': ['ok', '', None]})
+    errors = {'tags': [[], ['This field is required.'], ['This field is required.']]}
+    assert_response(rd, Response.INPUT_NOT_VALID, data={'errors': errors})
+    rd = client.put('/api/tags/tag1', json={'tags': ['one,two', 3,]})
+    errors = {'tags': [['Tag must not contain delimiter \",\".'], ['Tag must be a string.']]}
+    assert_response(rd, Response.INPUT_NOT_VALID, data={'errors': errors})
+    rd = client.put('/api/tags/tag1', json={'tags': ['tag3', 'TAG 4']})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
     rd = client.get('/api/tags')
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == {'tags': ['tag2', 'tag3 tag4']}
-    rd = client.put('/api/tags/tag2', data={'tags': 'tag5'})
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'tags': ['tag 4', 'tag2', 'tag3']})
+    rd = client.put('/api/tags/tag 4', json={'tags': ['tag5']})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
     rd = client.get('/api/tags')
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == {'tags': ['tag3 tag4', 'tag5']}
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'tags': ['tag2', 'tag3', 'tag5']})
+    rd = client.delete('/api/tags/tag3')
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
+    rd = client.delete('/api/tags/tag3')
+    assert_response(rd, Response.TAG_NOT_FOUND)
+    rd = client.delete('/api/tags/tag,2')
+    assert_response(rd, Response.TAG_NOT_VALID)
     rd = client.get('/api/bookmarks/1')
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == {
-        'description': '', 'tags': ['tag3 tag4', 'tag5'], 'title': 'Google',
-        'url': 'http://google.com'}
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'description': '', 'tags': ['tag2', 'tag5'], 'title': 'Google', 'url': url})
 def test_bookmark_api(client):
     url = 'http://google.com'
-    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', data={'url': url})
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
-    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', data={'url': url})
-    assert rd.status_code == 400
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['failure']
+    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', json={})
+    errors = {'url': ['This field is required.']}
+    assert_response(rd, Response.INPUT_NOT_VALID, data={'errors': errors})
+    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', json={'url': url})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
+    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', json={'url': url})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.FAILURE)
     rd = client.get('/api/bookmarks')
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == {'bookmarks': [{
-        'description': '', 'tags': [], 'title': 'Google', 'url': 'http://google.com'}]}
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'bookmarks': [{'description': '', 'tags': [], 'title': 'Google', 'url': url}]})
     rd = client.get('/api/bookmarks/1')
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == {
-        'description': '', 'tags': [], 'title': 'Google', 'url': 'http://google.com'}
-    rd = client.put('/api/bookmarks/1', data={'tags': [',tag1,tag2,']})
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'description': '', 'tags': [], 'title': 'Google', 'url': url})
+    rd = client.put('/api/bookmarks/1', json={'tags': 'not a list'})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.INPUT_NOT_VALID, data={'errors': {'tags': 'List of tags expected.'}})
+    rd = client.put('/api/bookmarks/1', json={'tags': ['tag1', 'tag2']})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
+    rd = client.put('/api/bookmarks/1', json={})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
     rd = client.get('/api/bookmarks/1')
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == {
-        'description': '', 'tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'title': 'Google', 'url': 'http://google.com'}
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'description': '', 'tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'title': 'Google', 'url': url})
+    rd = client.put('/api/bookmarks/1', json={'tags': [], 'description': 'Description'})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
+    rd = client.get('/api/bookmarks/1')
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'description': 'Description', 'tags': [], 'title': 'Google', 'url': url})
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('d_url', ['/api/bookmarks', '/api/bookmarks/1'])
 def test_bookmark_api_delete(client, d_url):
     url = 'http://google.com'
-    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', data={'url': url})
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
+    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', json={'url': url})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
     rd = client.delete(d_url)
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('api_url', ['/api/bookmarks/refresh', '/api/bookmarks/1/refresh'])
 def test_refresh_bookmark(client, api_url):
     url = 'http://google.com'
-    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', data={'url': url})
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
+    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', json={'url': url})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
     rd = client.post(api_url)
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
     rd = client.get('/api/bookmarks/1')
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    json_data = rd.get_json()
-    json_data.pop('description')
-    assert json_data == {'tags': [], 'title': 'Google', 'url': 'http://google.com'}
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'description': '', 'tags': [], 'title': 'Google', 'url': url})
-    'url, exp_res, status_code', [
-        ['http://google.com', {'url': 'http://tny.im/2'}, 200],
-        ['chrome://bookmarks/', response_template['failure'], 400],
+    'url, exp_res, data', [
+        ['http://google.com', Response.SUCCESS, {'url': 'http://tny.im/2'}],
+        ['chrome://bookmarks/', Response.FAILURE, None],
-def test_get_tiny_url(client, url, exp_res, status_code):
-    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', data={'url': url})
-    assert rd.status_code == 200
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
+def test_get_tiny_url(client, url, exp_res, data):
+    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', json={'url': url})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
     rd = client.get('/api/bookmarks/1/tiny')
-    assert rd.status_code == status_code
-    assert rd.get_json() == exp_res
+    assert_response(rd, exp_res, data)
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('kwargs, status_code, exp_res', [
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('kwargs, exp_res, data', [
         {"data": {'url': 'http://google.com'}},
-        200,
-        {
-            'bad url': 0, 'recognized mime': 0,
-            'tags': None, 'title': 'Google'}
+        Response.SUCCESS,
+        {'bad url': 0, 'recognized mime': 0, 'tags': None, 'title': 'Google'}
-    [{}, 400, response_template['failure']],
+    [{}, Response.FAILURE, None],
         {"data": {'url': 'chrome://bookmarks/'}},
-        200,
-        {
-            'bad url': 1, 'recognized mime': 0,
-            'tags': None, 'title': None}
+        Response.SUCCESS,
+        {'bad url': 1, 'recognized mime': 0, 'tags': None, 'title': None}
-def test_network_handle(client, kwargs, status_code, exp_res):
+def test_network_handle(client, kwargs, exp_res, data):
     rd = client.post('/api/network_handle', **kwargs)
-    assert rd.status_code == status_code
+    assert rd.status_code == exp_res.status_code
     rd_json = rd.get_json()
     rd_json.pop('description', None)
-    assert rd_json == exp_res
+    assert rd_json == exp_res.json(data=data)
 def test_bookmark_range_api(client):
-    status_code = 200
     kwargs_list = [
-        {"data": {'url': 'http://google.com'}},
-        {"data": {'url': 'http://example.com'}}]
+        {"json": {'url': 'http://google.com'}},
+        {"json": {'url': 'http://example.com'}}]
     for kwargs in kwargs_list:
         rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', **kwargs)
-        assert rd.status_code == status_code
+        assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
+    rd = client.put('/api/bookmarks/1/2', json={
+        1: {'tags': ['tag1 A', 'tag1 B', 'tag1 C']},
+        2: {'tags': ['tag2']}
+    })
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
+    rd = client.get('/api/bookmarks/1/2')
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'bookmarks': {
+        '1': {'description': '', 'tags': ['tag1 a', 'tag1 b', 'tag1 c'], 'title': 'Google', 'url': 'http://google.com'},
+        '2': {'description': '', 'tags': ['tag2',], 'title': 'Example Domain', 'url': 'http://example.com'}}})
+    rd = client.put('/api/bookmarks/1/2', json={
+        1: {'title': 'Bookmark 1', 'tags': ['tag1 C', 'tag1 A'], 'del_tags': True},
+        2: {'title': 'Bookmark 2', 'tags': ['-', 'tag2'], 'del_tags': False}
+    })
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
     rd = client.get('/api/bookmarks/1/2')
-    assert rd.status_code == status_code
-    assert rd.get_json() == {
-        'bookmarks': {
-            '1': {'description': '', 'tags': [], 'title': 'Google', 'url': 'http://google.com'},
-            '2': {'description': '', 'tags': [], 'title': 'Example Domain', 'url': 'http://example.com'}}}
-    put_data = json.dumps({1: {'tags': 'tag1'}, 2: {'tags': 'tag2'}})
-    headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
-    rd = client.put('/api/bookmarks/1/2', data=put_data, headers=headers)
-    assert rd.status_code == status_code
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'bookmarks': {
+        '1': {'description': '', 'tags': ['tag1 b'], 'title': 'Bookmark 1', 'url': 'http://google.com'},
+        '2': {'description': '', 'tags': ['-', 'tag2',], 'title': 'Bookmark 2', 'url': 'http://example.com'}}})
+    rd = client.put('/api/bookmarks/2/1', json={})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.RANGE_NOT_VALID)
+    rd = client.put('/api/bookmarks/1/2', json={})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.INPUT_NOT_VALID, data={
+        'errors': {
+            '1': 'Input required.',
+            '2': 'Input required.'
+        }
+    })
+    rd = client.put('/api/bookmarks/1/2', json={1: {'tags': []}})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.INPUT_NOT_VALID, data={'errors': {'2': 'Input required.'}})
+    rd = client.put('/api/bookmarks/1/2', json={
+        1: {'tags': ['ok', 'with,delim']},
+        2: {'tags': 'string'},
+    })
+    assert_response(rd, Response.INPUT_NOT_VALID, data={
+        'errors': {
+            '1': {'tags': [[], ['Tag must not contain delimiter \",\".']]},
+            '2': {'tags': 'List of tags expected.'}
+        }
+    })
+    rd = client.get('/api/bookmarks/2/1')
+    assert_response(rd, Response.RANGE_NOT_VALID)
     rd = client.delete('/api/bookmarks/1/2')
-    assert rd.status_code == status_code
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
     rd = client.get('/api/bookmarks')
-    assert rd.get_json() == {'bookmarks': []}
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'bookmarks': []})
 def test_bookmark_search(client):
-    status_code = 200
-    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', data={'url': 'http://google.com'})
-    assert rd.status_code == status_code
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
+    rd = client.post('/api/bookmarks', json={'url': 'http://google.com'})
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
     rd = client.get('/api/bookmarks/search', query_string={'keywords': ['google']})
-    assert rd.status_code == status_code
-    assert rd.get_json() == {'bookmarks': [
-        {'description': '', 'id': 1, 'tags': [], 'title': 'Google', 'url': 'http://google.com'}]}
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'bookmarks': [
+        {'description': '', 'id': 1, 'tags': [], 'title': 'Google', 'url': 'http://google.com'}]})
     rd = client.delete('/api/bookmarks/search', data={'keywords': ['google']})
-    assert rd.status_code == status_code
-    assert rd.get_json() == response_template['success']
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS)
     rd = client.get('/api/bookmarks')
-    assert rd.get_json() == {'bookmarks': []}
+    assert_response(rd, Response.SUCCESS, {'bookmarks': []})
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('env_val, exp_val', [