This is a Node+JavaScript wrapper around the Steamworks SDK (based on Koffi), originally created for use in an Electron-based game on Steam.
I opted to create my own wrapper instead of using Greenworks for a couple of reasons:
- Greenworks is no longer maintained
- Greenworks doesn't expose "friend leaderboard" functionality
- I wanted a wrapper that could be reused easily from any language (with a foreign function interface-friendly, synchronous C API)
Currently, this library only exposes the functionality I needed for my game. Example code:
const { Steam } = require("ez-steam-api");
const appId = 12345; // Replace with your app id
(async () => {
const shouldExit = Steam.start(appId);
if (!shouldExit) {
try {
// Log the user's "persona" (display) name
console.log(`Name: ${Steam.getUserName()}`);
// Log the chosen language for the current app/game
console.log(`Name: ${Steam.getAppLanguage()}`);
// Set an achievement (this assumes an achievement named "FOOBAR" exists for the app)
const newlyAchieved = Steam.setAchievement("FOOBAR");
if (newlyAchieved) {
await Steam.storeAchievementsAsync();
// Get a friend leaderboard (this assumes a leaderboard named "Score" exists for the app)
const leaderboard = await Steam.getLeaderboardAsync("Score");
const rows = await leaderboard.getFriendScoresAsync();
for (const { name, score } of rows) {
console.log(`${name}: ${score}`);
} finally {
The second (minor) version number corresponds to the Steamworks SDK's second version component. For example, X.57.Y is major version X, targeting Steamworks SDK 1.57, with patch version Y.