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Object Detection Metrics in PyTorch Lightning

The following is an example of computing the average precision in PyTorch Lightning:

import pytorch_lightning as pl
from alm.metrics.object_detection import get_true_positives, precision_recall_from_tp, \

class ObjectDetector(pl.LightningModule):

   def forward(self):
      pass # ...define model here

   def validation_step(self, sample):
      # Data sample
      gt_bbox = sample["bbox"]  # ground truth boxes in shape [batch size, n, 4]
      gt_mask = sample["mask"]  # bbox mask where True indicates bbox is valid [batch size, n]
      # Model prediction
      out = self(sample)
      pred_bbox = out["bbox"]   # prediction with shape [batch size, m, 4]
      pred_conf = out["conf"]   # confidence of prediction [batch size, m]
      # Compute true positives
      with torch.no_grad():
         trues, positives, conf = get_true_positives(gt_bbox, pred_bbox, pred_conf, gt_mask, tensor_format="xyxy")
      return {"trues": trues.cpu(), "positives": positives.cpu(), "conf": conf.cpu()}

   def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs):
      # Join all outputs into single tensor (CPU)
      trues, positives, conf = \
         ([out[key] for out in outputs]) for key in ("trues", "positives", "conf"))
      # Compute precision recall
      precision, recall = precision_recall_from_tp(trues, positives, conf, image_dim=0)
      ap = average_precision_from_pr(precision, recall)
      self.log("val/AP", ap) # log to Tensorboard

Let's take a closer look.

In the line

trues, positives, conf = get_true_positives(gt_bbox, pred_bbox, pred_conf, gt_mask, tensor_format="xyxy")

we are computing which of the bounding boxes are true positives and which are false positives. trues is a boolean tensor with shape [batch size, m] indicating if the given bounding box prediction is a true positive. positives is an integer tensor with shape [batch size] which contains the total number of labels in each image. conf is a float tensor with shape [batch size, m] that contains sorted confidences (important to have correct correspondences). Note that we are passing in tensor_format="xyxy" which tells the method get_true_positives that labels and predictions are bounding boxes in format (x1, y1, x2, y2) at the last dimension (top-left and bottom-right corner of each box). We could also pass in tensor_format="xywha" for rotated bounding boxes in format (center x, center y, width, height, angle).

These tensors are aggregated over all validation steps by PyTorch Lightning. We calculate the final AP in the validation_epoch_end hook. First we concatenate all tensors. Then we compute the precision-recall-curve using the method precision_recall_from_tp(...).

precision, recall = precision_recall_from_tp(trues, positives, conf, image_dim=0)

image_dim=0 means that we want to aggregate the precision and recall over the batch dimension (if we do not specify this, we get the precision and recall for each image seperately). The output is precision and recall which are float tensors in the range (0.0, 1.0] with shape [batch size * m].

Finally we compute the average precision using exact integration of the PR-curve using the method average_precision_from_pr(precision, recall). This gives us a scalar value of the Average Precision. Voilà.