This repo contains boilerplate code interleaved with tutorials to get ML algorithms running using the PyTorch framework
Every file is a jupyter notebook so one needs to install jupyter through conda or pip and use command jupyter notebook
in the repo folder to interact with the tutorials and run the code.
Intro Pytorch.ipynb - Necessary functionality and patterns in PyTorch to get a new PyTorch user who knows ML going fast
Basic NN.ipynb - Skeleton of a PyTorch Neural Net Architecture and boiler-plate code that cbe edited into any required Neural Net
If you are using pip:
cd introdeeplearning;
pip install virtualenv;
virtualenv pytorchy;
source pytorchy/bin/activate;
pip install --upgrade pip;
pip install tensorflow;
pip install matplotlib;
pip install pandas;
pip install jupyter;
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=pytorchy
echo 'done';
jupyter notebook
From within jupyter, in the top-right corner, select the kernel named "pytorchy" to activate your virtual env
Or if you are using Conda:
git clone;
cd introdeeplearning;
conda create -n pytorchy;
source activate pytorchy;
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow;
pip install matplotlib;
pip install pandas;
conda install jupyter;
echo 'done';
jupyter notebook