diff --git a/jme3-templates/src/com/jme3/gde/templates/files/patchnotes/370-stable.html b/jme3-templates/src/com/jme3/gde/templates/files/patchnotes/370-stable.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3046583d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jme3-templates/src/com/jme3/gde/templates/files/patchnotes/370-stable.html
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
A production-quality JMonkeyEngine 3.7.0 stable release with the following noteworthy changes relative to 3.6.1-stable:
+ -
+ fixes issue #2277 (GltfLoader issues) by @JNightRide #2309
+ -
+ test and fix for issue #2282 (VerifyError while creating AXIS_SWEEP_3 space) by @stephengold in #2283
+ -
+ TestBrickTower: delete secondary version of the BSD license by @stephengold in #2286
+ -
+ Add MipMaps to PBRTerrainAdvancedTest.java by @yaRnMcDonuts in #2289
+ -
+ Setting the resolution to match the old prevents calling reshape by @tonihele in #2290
+ - #2275 Improve assertions for invalid transforms. by @richardTingle in #2276
+ -
+ Fix Casting error that occurred on certain GPUs by @yaRnMcDonuts in #2274
+ -
+ implement equals(), hashCode(), and isSimilar() for bounding volumes by @stephengold in #2252
+ -
+ June 2024 update to README.md by @stephengold in #2281
+ -
+ partial revert of PR #2060 (JSON parser abstraction) by @stephengold in #2278
+ -
+ Gradle build (zip) by @JNightRide in #2235
+ -
+ Logic code error (LwjglCanvas - LWJGL3) by @JNightRide in #2238
+ -
+ Fix SkeletonDebugger deserializing by @tonihele in #2228
+ - #2224 Fix bug where the clipRect would be left in the openGL state by @richardTingle in #2225
+ -
+ Logs exception as severe on asset locator instantiation failure by @codex128 in #2232
+ -
+ stop building with JDK 8 at GitHub Actions by @stephengold in #2254
+ -
+ Remove material cache, some materials seem not work when cloned by @tonihele in #2255
+ -
+ solution for issue #2250 (exceptions from Image.setMultiSamples(1)) by @stephengold in #2251
+ -
+ main.yml: upgrade the wrapper validation action to v3 by @stephengold in #2257
+ -
+ update Groovy to v3.0.21 by @stephengold in #2212
+ -
+ don't code the Gradle version in build.gradle by @stephengold in #2213
+ -
+ jme3-examples: add the TestIssue2209 class by @stephengold in #2214
+ -
+ Use precision qualifiers only in GL ES shaders by @riccardobl in #2217
+ -
+ Added Test Class for SingleLayerInfluenceMask by @codex128 in #2218
+ -
+ VarType: format code by @capdevon in #2199
+ -
+ MaterialDebugAppState: format code by @capdevon in #2200
+ -
+ MatParam: format code by @capdevon in #2202
+ -
+ xxxLightShadowFilter: format code + javadoc by @capdevon in #2204
+ -
+ AbstractShadowRenderer.setRenderBackFacesShadows(): Change input type Boolean -> boolean by @capdevon in #2206
+ -
+ Vector2f: added final static variables NAN, UNIT_X, UNIT_Y, … by @capdevon in #2198
+ -
+ Fix render states merging when additionalState is not set by @riccardobl in #2208
+ -
+ build.gradle: update Gradle version to match gradle-wrapper.properties by @stephengold in #2207
+ -
+ Fix divide by 0 in shadow utils for some scenes #2209 by @riccardobl in #2210
+ -
+ UBO/SSBO Improvements, Structs, BufferObject and sub data update by @riccardobl in #1782
+ -
+ Expand support for GL ES / WebGL compatible formats. by @riccardobl in #2101
+ -
+ Lwjgl3 canvas by @tonihele in #1868
+ -
+ LwjglCanvas using lwjgl-jawt by @JNightRide in #2153
+ -
+ Adds SingleLayerInfluenceMask by @codex128 in #2043
+ -
+ Accelerated env baking on the GPU by @riccardobl in #1165
+ -
+ Create CompositeAppState.java by @pspeed42 in #2193
+ -
+ Fix PBR Support for Glow by @codex128 in #2162
+ -
+ update the "gson" library to v2.10.1 by @stephengold in #2183
+ -
+ update copyright years in the license by @stephengold in #2182
+ -
+ solve issue #2178 (PBRTerrainTest typo) by @stephengold in #2181
+ -
+ solve issue #2177 (PBRTerrainAdvancedTest typo) by @stephengold in #2180
+ -
+ document issue #2089 (scale factors assumed positive) by @stephengold in #2156
+ - #2176 Make LWJGLBufferAllocator use nmemCalloc() instead of nmemAlloc() by @JosiahGoeman in #2179
+ -
+ solve issue #2184 (smart quotes in log messages) by @stephengold in #2185
+ - #2174 deprecate key classes in JME3-vr. by @richardTingle in #2175
+ -
+ com.jme3.anim.tween.action.Action: basic javadoc by @Scrappers-glitch in #2019
+ -
+ com.jme3.anim.tween.action.BaseAction: basic javadoc by @Scrappers-glitch in #2020
+ -
+ Move NoiseLib.glslib to more appropriate location by @yaRnMcDonuts in #2189
+ -
+ update GitHub actions: setup-java to v4, wrapper-validation-action to v2 by @stephengold in #2192
+ -
+ IBLGLEnvBaker: don't share a logger with IBLHybridEnvBakerLight by @stephengold in #2187
+ -
+ BoundingSphereDebug: removed the unused variable radius and its getter method getRadius() by @capdevon in #2196
+ -
+ update the Gradle wrapper to v7.6.4 by @stephengold in #2197
+ - #2194 add ClipAction.getAnimClip() method, remove ClipAction.reset() method by @capdevon in #2195
diff --git a/jme3-templates/src/com/jme3/gde/templates/gradledesktop/options/JMEVersion.java b/jme3-templates/src/com/jme3/gde/templates/gradledesktop/options/JMEVersion.java
index de1b9c1d..be9c9fdd 100644
--- a/jme3-templates/src/com/jme3/gde/templates/gradledesktop/options/JMEVersion.java
+++ b/jme3-templates/src/com/jme3/gde/templates/gradledesktop/options/JMEVersion.java
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
public enum JMEVersion implements LibraryVersion {
+ JME_3_7_0("3.7.0-stable",
+ "/com/jme3/gde/templates/files/patchnotes/370-stable.html"),