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Driver Usage Guide

mlegenhausen edited this page Nov 23, 2011 · 5 revisions

Required Maven Dependencies

Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:


As optional dependency you can add the itmutils:


These are needed when using the following classes:

  • ForwardingScheduledExecutorService

Device Initialization

ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(3);
DeviceFactory factory = new DeviceFactoryImpl();
Device device = factory.create(executor, DeviceType.ISENSE);

At first we need a ScheduledExecutorService with a minimum thread size of 3. Then we can initialize the DeviceFactory and create a iSense Device. All available DeviceTypes are:

  • ISENSE39
  • ISENSE48
  • MOCK

Using an existing ExecutorService

When you want to use already an existing ExecutorService you can use the ForwardingScheduledExecutorService as follows:

// Replace this ExecutorService with your existing one
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

ScheduledExecutorService scheduleService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
ScheduledExecutorService executor = new ForwardingScheduledExecutorService(scheduleService, executorService);

The ForwardingScheduledExecutorService will forward all scheduled task to the given ExecutorService.

Connecting to the Device


Note: connect can throw an IOException when a problem occurred during the connecting process.

Disconnect from the Device


This will close the connection to the device. Note that the ScheduledExecutorService is not shut down when the close method is called. This has to be done manually.

Async Operation Execution

All operations executed on the Device are asynchronous. For this purpose you need a OperationCallback. This callback is notified, when the operation finished, an exception occurred or a progress change happend. A simple callback implementation can look like this:

OperationCallback<Void> callback = new OperationCallback<Void>() {
    public void onProgressChange(float fraction) {
        System.out.println("Progress: " + (fraction * 100));

    public void onSuccess(Void result) {
        System.out.println("Operation done!");

    public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
        System.err.println("Operation failed with Exception: " + throwable, throwable);

    public void onExecute() {
        System.out.println("Starting operation...");

    public void onCancel() {
        System.out.println("Operation was canceled!");

The generic type defines the return type of the operation. In this case the operation returns Void.

The asynchronously execution of operations allows to execute multiple operations at once without to worry about threading and concurrency. This is all done by this framework. To prevent an infinite execution of an operation all operations have a timeout which can be given in milliseconds. When an operation reaches the timeout limit a TimeoutException is thrown which is returned by calling the onFailure method of the callback.

Following operations are available:

  • getChipType(long timeout, OperationCallback<ChipType> callback)
  • `program(byte[] image, long timeout, AsyncCallback callback)``
  • eraseFlash(long timeout, OperationCallback<Void> callback)
  • writeFlash(int address, byte[] data, int length, long timeout, OperationCallback<Void> callback)
  • readFlash(int address, int length, long timeout, OperationCallback<byte[]> callback)
  • readMac(long timeout, OperationCallback<MacAddress> callback)
  • writeMac(MacAddress macAddress, long timeout, OperationCallback<Void> callback)
  • reset(long timeout, OperationCallback<Void> callback)
  • send(byte[] message, long timeout, OperationCallback<Void> callback)

The usage of these operations is described below.

Programming the Device

byte[] image = ... // Your image as byte array
device.program(image, 600000, callback);

Async Operation Execution Control

All defined operations return an OperationFuture. This can be used for controlling the async execution. Following functionality is available:

Cancel the Operation

OperationFuture future = device.getChipTypeOperation(30000, callback);

When the operation was canceled successfully the onCancel method of the callback is called.

Synchron Operation Execution

You can wait for the operation to finished in an synchronous way:

OperationFuture future = device.getChipTypeOperation(30000, callback);
ChipType chipType = future.get(); // Wait for the operation to finish
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