Purpose: Provides parent POM and modules for building Composum Platform launchers, including Docker images. Description: This module contains the parent POM and submodules for building various Composum Platform launchers, which include Docker images. The available Docker images are listed in the README file. The module uses Maven profiles for building different versions of the launchers. Dependencies: None specified. Docker: Builds various Docker images for running the Composum Platform, including featurelauncher, composumlauncher, and pages/docker.
Purpose: Parent of various Docker-Images related to Composum. This contains some stuff common to all docker images. Description: Parent module for various docker images related to Composum, which contains some common content for all images. Dependencies: None specified. Docker: None mentioned.
Purpose: Create a docker image with a sling feature launcher that launches a FAR from a Sling Starter 12 snapshot and includes all public Composum modules as features. Based on the featurelauncher docker image (composum/featurelauncher-nodes). Artifact: composum-launcher-docker-composumlauncher Dependencies: composum-launcher-docker-featurelauncher, composum-launcher-feature-composumstarter, composum-launcher-feature-integrationtest Docker: builds the image with the name specified in ${thisdockerimage} (composum/featurelauncher-composum) from composum/featurelauncher-nodes and the maven dependencies included in target/dependencies.
Purpose: Creates a docker image with a sling feature launcher that launches a FAR from a Sling Starter 12, but is prepared to deploy more / different features as well as packages / bundles from the filesystem. Description: The Dockerfile in the directory creates a docker image on top of the release Sling launchpad. The module copies sling starter into the target/lib/ directory and creates two watched directories for file installation. It also provides additional utilities for diagnosing troubles from a shell within the container. Artifact: composum-launcher-docker-featurelauncher Dependencies: composum-launcher-feature-nodesstarter Docker: builds composum/featurelauncher-nodes from openjdk:17 Other Dependencies: composum-launcher-feature-integrationtest
Purpose: Create feature archives with classifiers oak_tar and oak_mongo from Sling starter 12 with Composum Nodes and public Composum modules. Description: The directory contains various projects related to starting Composum with the Sling feature launcher. It includes modules such as nodesstarter and composumstarter. The feature starter modules produce archive files with classifiers oak_tar and oak_mongo. Artifact: composum-launcher-feature Dependencies: None listed in the given files Docker: No information provided about docker images.
Purpose: Create Composum Feature Based Sling Starter With Composum Nodes module, a feature set, and a starter based on Sling Starter 12 snapshot to start Sling and updating Composum Nodes. It also produces a self-contained feature archive that doesn't need network access to start, and the starter contains that feature archive. Dependencies: org.apache.sling.feature.launcher, org.apache.sling.feature.extension.content, org.apache.sling.jcr.packageinit, org.apache.felix.framework, org.apache.sling.starter, com.composum.platform.features:composum-launcher-feature-integrationtest Docker: None specified.
Purpose: The module creates a JAR that contains the Sling Kickstarter and a feature archive containing a Sling Starter 12 and the public composum projects. This allows for the execution of this JAR to fire up a Composum instance including Pages and Assets. It also produces a self-contained feature archive that doesn't need network access to start. The starter contains that feature archive. Description: The module uses the feature launcher to create a Sling Starter with updated Composum Nodes and deploying all public parts of composum. It relies on org.apache.sling.extension.content and org.apache.sling.jcr.packageinit for deploying the packages. It also includes integration tests and generates a .env file with the version to enable version-independent scripting files. Artifact: composum-launcher-feature-composumstarter Dependencies: composum-launcher-feature-nodesstarter, composum-launcher-feature-integrationtest Docker: N/A
Purpose: Creates a zip containing the felix artifact needed to start a feature launcher. Description: The module packages the Felix framework from org.apache.felix.framework into a zip file for use in starting a feature launcher. Artifact: composum-launcher-feature-felixcontainer Dependencies: org.apache.felix.framework Docker: N/A
Purpose: Integration test module for launchers, to be used with test scope. It verifies various properties of the Sling Starter, waiting until the starter is up before running the tests. Artifact: composum-launcher-feature-integrationtest Dependencies: junit, hamcrest-core, httpclient-osgi, org.apache.felix.utils Docker: none (does not produce a docker image)
Purpose: The module is designed to run Composum on Sling 12 with the feature starter. It provides scripts and configurations to set up and run the Sling 12 launcher, and to install various Composum packages. It also includes scripts for testing and experimenting with upgrades. Description: The module contains scripts for running Composum on Sling 12 with the feature starter. It also includes scripts for installing various Composum packages and for testing and experimenting with upgrades. The module also contains a pom.xml file that specifies the dependencies and build configuration for the module. Artifact: composum-startup-featurelauncher Dependencies: composum-launcher-feature-integrationtest Docker: N/A